There is an apex to each day, a climax, where a decision is made, and a falling action is the result of that decision. Recommendations to combat the never-ending struggle of my invisibility are derived from culturally relevant and culturally responsive frameworks, resiliency frameworks, and ethical caring frameworks. Without systemic reform in local educational settings that includes local teachers, administrators, parents, and students providing new conceptual frameworks for learner and teacher efficacy, the African American male learner will persistently encounter crucial conflicts throughout the School to Prison pipeline while entering a space that has been rendered invisible due to the focus on policy that perpetuates the pipeline. This essay shows that every day when African American boys enter the pipeline, we are faced with two distinct conflicts—Man vs. Man and Man vs. Self—as we navigate an invisible space, compliant ambiguity.
Recommended Citation
Griffen, Aaron J. and Isaac C. Carrier. "The Disestablishment of African American Male Compliant Ambiguity: A Prison Pipeline Essay." Intersections: Critical Issues in Education 1, 1 (2017). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/intersections/vol1/iss1/2