Content Posted in 2017
Poem, Barbara Howes
Poem, Calvin Claudel
Poem, Ann Stanford
Poem, Helen Scales
Poem, Helen Scales
Poem, Kathleen Toole
Poem, Jackson Mac Low
Poem, Elizabeth Daryush
Poem, Frank Polite
Poem for a Favorite Poem, Don McKenzie
Poem for the Station, Wrey Gardner
Poem for Utopia, Incorporated, Arthur Blair
Poem: He Is A Poet, Richard J. Meyer
Poem in Chicago, Alex Austin
Poems, Philip Legler
Poems, Ricardo Molina
Poems and Epigrams: 1942-3, J. V. Cunningham
Poems from a Conquered Nation, Raymond Kresensky
Poem with an Image from Tu Fu, John Taylor
Poet as Chameleon, Mary Brennan Clapp
Poe the Peacock, Haldeen Braddy
Poetry, Paul Valery
Poetry Contributors, University of New Mexico Press
Poetry Contributors, University of New Mexico Press
Poetry Contributors, University of New Mexico Press
Poetry Contributors, University of New Mexico Press
Poetry Contributors, University of New Mexico Press
Poetry Contributors, University of New Mexico Press
Poetry Contributors, University of New Mexico Press
Poetry Contributors, University of New Mexico Press
Poetry Contributors, University of New Mexico Press
Poetry Contributors, University of New Mexico Press
Poetry Contributors, University of New Mexico Press
Poetry Contributors, University of New Mexico Press
Poetry Contributors, University of New Mexico Press
Poetry Contributors, University of New Mexico Press
Poetry Received, University of New Mexico Press
Poetry Received, University of New Mexico Press
Poetry Received, University of New Mexico Press
Poetry Review, University of New Mexico Press
Poet Signature, Ernest Kroll
Poet Signature, John Dillon Husband
Poet Signature, Miles White
Poet Signature, Philip Murray
Poet Signature, Byron Vazakas
Poet Signature, Lawrence Olson
Poet Signature, Edwin Honig
Poet Signature, David Ignatow
Poet Signature, Radcliffe Squires
Poet Signature, Lorine Niedecker
Poet Signature, Lindley Williams Hubbell
Poet Signature, Gottfried Benn
Poet Signature, Harold Norse
Poet Signature, Artur Lundkvist
Poet Signature, Lysander Kemp
Poet Signature, Bobb Davis
Poet Signature, Robert Hutchinson
Poet Signature, Alfredo Giop De Palchi
Poet Signature, Arnold Weinstein
Poet Signature: French-Colonial Poetry, University of New Mexico Press
Poets in This Issue, University of New Mexico Press
Poets in This Issue, University of New Mexico Press
Poets in This Issue, University of New Mexico Press
Poets in This Issue, University of New Mexico Press
Poets in This Issue, University of New Mexico Press
Poets in This Issue, University of New Mexico Press
Poets in This Issue, University of New Mexico Press
Poets in This Issue Continued, University of New Mexico Press
Point/Nonpoint Source Pollution Reduction Trading: An Interpretive Survey, David Letson
Point-Quarter Distance and Dimension Measurements to Calculate Shrub Density and Estimate Shrub ANPP in a Chihuahuan Desert Creosote Shrubland at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico (2007- present), Douglas I. Moore and Scott Collins
Point-Quarter Harvested Plant Weight Measurements to Estimate Shrub ANPP in a Chihuahuan Desert Creosote Shrubland at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico (2007- present), Esteban Muldavin and Douglas I. Moore
Poleman, Thomas T., The Papaloapan Project: Agricultural Development in the Mexican Tropics, James R. Gray
Police Power and the Design of Buildings, William C. Bowers
Policies for reducing horizontal inequalities in post-conflict Nepal, Bishwa Nath Tiwari and Steven Archambault
Policies for Water Law: Property Rights, Economic Forces, and Public Regulation, Frank J. Trelease
Policy Approach to Political Representation: Lessons From the Four Corners States, Helen M. Ingram, Nancy K. Laney, and John R. McCain, Robert P. Huefner
Policy Considerations for Increasing Compatibilities between Agriculture and Wildlife, Jan Lewandrowski and Kevin Ingram
Policy Considerations in the Enforcement of Nonmarital Cohabitation Property Rights: Marvin v. Marvin, J. McLaughlin McKay
Policy for the Conservation, Protection and Improvement of the Environment and Natural Resources, Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Policy Issues in the Routing of Radioactive Materials Shipments, Roger D. Norton
Policy Making and Environmental Management: Some Thoughts on Processes and Research Issues, Timothy O'Riordan
Policy Planning and Organization for Federal Marine Science Program, Thomas P. Murphy
Policy Series;No. 5, Organization of American States
Política de salud: lo público y lo privado, Catalina Eibenschutz
Política de salud y potencialidades del uso de las tecnologías de información, Ml Cavalcante, IS de Moraes, and MM Vasconcellos
Política de saúde e potencialidades de uso das tecnologias de informação, Ml Cavalcante, IS de Moraes, and MM Vasconcellos
Política de saúde no México. A reestruturação neoliberal, O López and G Blanco
Política de saúde: o público e o privado, Catalina Eibenschutz
Política do setor de saúde mexicana (1980-2004): Ajuste estrutural e pragmatismo das propostas neoliberais, E. Menéndez
Political and Social Accommodation: The Political Process and Environmental Preservation, Norman Wengert
Political Behavior and the Decision-Making Process in the Allocation of Water Resources between Recreational and Municipal Use, Roger E. Kasperson
POLITICAL CONFLICT AND MIGRATION: How has Violence and Political Instability Affected Migration Patterns in Nepal?, Nathalie Williams and Meeta S. Pradhan
Political conflict and migration: How has violence and political instability affected migration patterns in Nepal?, Nathalie Williams and Meeta S. Pradhan
Political Constitution of the Republic of Panama, Gobierno de Panamá
Political-Economic Problems of Energy - A Synthesis, Walter J. Mead
Political Justice: Sub-national Determinants of Judicial Efficiency in Mexico, 1993-2000, Matthew Ingram
Political Mobilization, Venue Change, and the Coal Bed Methane Conflict in Montana and Wyoming, Robert J. Duffy
Political Obstacles to the Implementation of Emissions Markets: Lessons from RECLAIM, Dale B. Thompson
Political participation and civic literacy in Bajung: an empirical study with correlation analysis, Khadga K.C.
Political Participation and Civic Literacy in Bajung: An Empirical Study with Correlation Analysis, Khadga K.C.
Political Parties and Natural Resources Policies - An Historical Evaluation, 1790-1950, Ernest A. Engelbert
Political predictions in Nepal, Aditya Man Shrestha
Political predictions in Nepal, Aditya Shrestha
Political Science Spring 2013 Academic Program Review, UNM Academic Program Review
Political Self-Interest and U.S. Environmental Policy, Michael Lyons
Política sanitaria de la Junta Militar chilena (1973-1980), C Fassler
Política sanitaria de la Junta Militar chilena (1973-1980), C Fassler
Políticas contemporáneas: ¿fin del derecho a la salud?, EA Sobrinho
Políticas contemporâneas: fim do direito à saúde?, EA Sobrinho
Políticas del sector salud mexicano (1980-2004): Ajuste estructural y pragmatismo de las propuestas neoliberales, E. Menéndez
Políticas de salud en México. La reestructuración neoliberal, O López and G Blanco
Políticas de salud y crisis del Estado de Bienestar: repercusiones y posibilidades para el Sistema Único de Salud, M Pires and P Demo
Políticas e reformas aos sistemas de saúde na América Latina, C Tetelboin
Politicas sociais e sujeitos de direito, C Grassi, S Hintze, and M Neufeld
Políticas sociales y sujetos de derecho, C Grassi, S Hintze, and M Neufeld
Políticas y Cultura en la Última Argentina Autoritaria: Estado y Teatro entre 1976 y 1983, Leonardo Mangialavori and Miguel Barrientos
Políticas y reformas a los sistemas de salud en América Latina, C Tetelboin
Politics and Reforms in Health Systems in Latin America, C Tetelboin
Politics in the United States and the Salinity Problem of the Colorado River, Dean E. Mann
Politics of identity in Nepal: Implications for Theories of Regionalism, Kedar P. Badu
Politics of International River Basin Cooperation and Management, David LeMarquand
Politics, Policy and Natural Resources, edited by Dennis L. Thompson, Helen Ingram
Polluters and Protectors: Combined Sewer System Authorities and Urban Waterway Restorations, Paul Bohannon and Patricia E. Lin
Pollution &(and) Liability Problems Connected with Deep-Sea Mining, L. F. Goldie E.
Pollution and Policy, by James E. Krier and Edmund Ursin, Paul B. Downing
Pollution Control by Effluent Charges: It Works in the Federal Republic of Germany, Why Not in the U.S., Gardner M. Brown Jr. and Ralph W. Johnson
Pollution Control in the Informal Sector: The Ciudad Juarez Brickmakers' Project, Allen Blackman and Geoffrey J. Bannister
Pollution Control - Uses of Corrective Taxes Reconsidered, John T. Wenders
Pollution, Politics, and International Law: Tankers at Sea, R. Michael M'Gonigle and Mark W. Zacher, Ludwick A. Teclaff
Polyps emerging from film, with ordered rods, D. Northup
Pomegranates, Paul Valery
Ponte Vecchio, Richard A. George
Poorly defined reticulated filament, M. Spilde, L. Melim, and D. Northup
Poorly preserved filament, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Poorly preserved filament, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Poorly preserved filament surrounded by clays, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Poorly preserved film, D. Northup and L. Melim
Poorly preserved reticulated filament, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Poorly preserved reticulated filament, M. Spilde, L. Melim, S. Herpin, and J.M. Queen
Poorly preserved reticulated filament, M. Spilde, D. Northup, L. Melim, and R. Liescheidt
Poorly preserved reticulated filament, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Poorly preserved reticulated filament coming out of hole, M. Spilde, D. Northup, L. Melim, and R. Liescheidt
Poorly preserved reticulated filament going under rock, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Poorly preserved reticulated filaments, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Poorly preserved reticulated filaments, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Poorly preserved smooth filament, M. Spilde, D. Northup, L. Melim, and R. Liescheidt
Poplars on the Plains, Roland Dickey
Popular education, community health, and social aid in the context of globalization, VV Valla
Popular knowledge and self-care in breastfeeding, Martha Villaseñor Farías
Por que as crianças são maltratadas? Explicações para a prática de maus-tratos infantis na literatura, J Santos, R Gomes, SF Deslades, MM Veiga, and C Bhering
Por qué los jóvenes no previenen el SIDA? Una perspectiva psicosocial, Silvia Valencia Abúndiz
Por qué los niños son maltratados? Explicaciones sobre la práctica de malos tratos infantiles en la literatura, J Santos, R Gomes, SF Deslades, MM Veiga, and C Bhering
Porque os jovens não previnem a AIDS? Uma perspectiva psicosocial, Silvia Valencia Abúndiz
Portinari's New World Murals, Edwin Honig
Portown, Mary Montague
Portrait of Joe, Gustav Davidson
Portraying US-Mexico Border Environmental Health Concerns, Erinn Aspinall, Cindy Love, and Mary Higgins
Por uma política pública de comunicação em saúde, AR Pitta
Por una clínica de la expansión de la vida, L Machado and M Lavrador
Por una clínica de resistencia: experimentaciones des-institucionalizantes en tiempos de la biopolítica, R Romagnoli, S Paulon, A Amorim, and M Dimenstein
Por una política pública de comunicación en salud, AR Pitta
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva no Brasil: Histórico e Perspectivas, E Nunes
Positive Parenting and Negative Contributions: Why Payment of Child Support Should Not Be Regarded as Dissipation of Marital Assets, Laura W. Morgan
Possibilities for Expansion of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act for the Protection of Migratory Birds, Conrad A. Fjetland
Possibilities of Geothermal Energy in Chile:The Case of the Octava Region, David Vásquez
Possible biofilm coating rock, showing tear in film that reveals rock underneath, M. Spilde
Possible biofilm pulling away from etched grains, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Possible cast of filament in hole, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Possible clay structure, M. Spilde and D. Northup
Possible etched filament in hole, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Possible Factors Influencing Music Preference, Isabella M. Pinto
Possible film area of moonmilk, D. Northup and Leslie Melim
Possible hollow tube, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Possible microrods coating crystal, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Possible pollen grain, M. Spilde
Possible poorly etched reticulated filament, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Possible poorly preserved filament in etched surface, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Possible Solutions: Policy Tools to Achieve Flexibility to Meet New Conditions, Preliminary Thoughts for Coping with Future Droughts, Maria O'Brien
Possible star, A. Dichosa
Postcard, Thomas McGrath
Post-Conviction Relief after Release from Custody: A Federal Message and a New Mexico Remedy, C. B. Moya
Postcriptum, K. Arnstein Heinemann
Post-Endovascular Aneurysm Repair Patient Outcomes and Follow-up Are Not Adversely Impacted By Long Travel Distance to Tertiary Vascular Surgery Centers, Dusadee Sarangarm, Mark Langsfeld, and John Marek
Posterolateral Corner Injuries of the Knee, Benjamin C. Olson, Robert C. Schenck, and Daniel C. Wascher
Poster: South Central Medical Library Conference, Claire Conrad and Deb LaPointe
Post-Fire Response of Perennial Grass Communities at McKenzie Flats, Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico (1998 and 2001), Debra Peters, Paul Drewa, Kris Havstad, Jeffrey Herrick, and Anne Cross
Post-Fire Responses of Perennial Grass Populations at McKenzie Flats, Sevilleta National WIldlife Refuge, New Mexico (1998 and 2001), Debra Peters, Paul Drewa, Kris Havstad, Jeffrey Herrick, and Anne Cross
Post-Graduation in Collective Health in Brazil: History and Perspectives, E Nunes
Posthumous Baroja, Ramon Sender
Posthumous Degree for Sean Elicker, UNM Faculty Senate
Posthumous Remorse, Charles Baudelaire
Post-Minority Support for College Education - A Legally Enforceable Obligation in Divorce Proceedings, Kathleen Conrey Horan
Postmodernism in development studies: The last bastion of the noble savage, Ravi Bhandari
Postmodern times: adjustment and mental health, Alicia Stolkiner
Postmortem analysis of synovial fluid: An alternative method for determining the presence of ethanol, Katie Forman and David Meredith
Post-operative management for the older dysvascular transtibial amputee, Katherine Coronado
Post-Service Career Planning for Military Personnel Interested in Education, Maxwell J. Ihrig
Posttraumatic Tube Thoracostomy: Risk Factors for Failure, Peggy Rodriguez-Moran, Nicole Scally, Philip Snyder, and Thomas Howdieshell
Potash in New Mexico: Its Possible Significance, John D. Clark
Poteet v. Roswell Daily Record, Inc.: Balancing First Amendment Free Press Rights against a Juvenile Victim's Right to Privacy, Ella J. Fenoglio
Potential for Population Growth in the U.S. Counties the Border Mexico: El Paso and San Diego, Edwin H. Carpenter and Larry G. Blackwood
Potential Hydropower Sites, Guyana Energy Agency
Potential Influences of Biotic and Abiotic Factors on Patterns of Activity in Galapagos Snakes: Locomotory Performance or Prey Abundance?, Marco A. Altamirano
Potential medicare and medicaid revenues for the Indian Health Service., F Steele
Potter, Neal and Christy, Francis T., Jr., Trends in Natural Resource Commodities: Statistics of Prices, Output, Consumption, Foreign Trade, and Employment in the United States, 1870-1957, William L. McDaniel
Poverty and indigenous peoples of Nepal, Gyanesh Lama, Martha Ozawa, and Palsang Lama
Poverty, economic growth, and inequalty in developing countries: a focus on Nepal and South Asia, Mukti Upadhyay and Gyan Pradhan
Poverty, inequality and equity in health: considerations from a cross-gender perspective, K Griffin
Poverty, Inequality, Violent Conflict, and Welfare Loss: Micro-Level Evidence from Nepal, Mani K. Nepal
Poverty, Inequality, Violent Conflict, and Welfare Loss: Micro-Level Evidence from Nepal, Mani Nepal
Poverty Lawyers' Independence--Battle Cry for Justice, John D. Robb Jr.
Poverty reduction in Nepal: a clinical economics approach, Gyan Pradhan and Rabindra Bhandari
Powamu, W. W. G.
Power of Visibility, Arthur Blair
Power Plant Siting: A Literature Review, Michael S. Hamilton
Practiably Irrigable Acreage and Economic Feasibility: The Role of Time, Ethics, and Discounting, H. S. Burness, R. G. Cummings, W. D. Gorman, and R. R. Lansford
Practical Analysis of Blocking Oscillators, Richard D. Griffith
Practical Considerations in Interoperability: The Unified Medical Language System, Stuart Nelson
Prácticas educativas y prevención de VIH/SIDA: lecciones aprendidas y desafíos actuales, JRC Ayres
Practice makes perfect: how to motivate US college students to learn foreign language?, Anna Shkireva
Praecipe--Change of Address, Thomas R. Bartman
Pragmatism Is as Pragmatism Does: Of Posner, Public Policy, and Empirical Reality, Linda E. Fisher
Prague Revisited, George P. Springer
Praires, Boyce Eakin
Praire Wife, Lillian Gibbs Sewell
Prairie Funeral, Vernie Beltz
Práticas educativas e prevenção de HIV/AIDS: lições aprendidas e desafios atuais, JRC Ayres
Precedential Value of Decisions of the Court of Appeals of the State of New Mexico, Taylor Mattis
Precept, Ann Stanford
Precipitation Chemistry Data For the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico (1989-present), Douglas I. Moore
Precipitation Patterns and Fungal Community Succession in a Seasonally Dry Secondary Tropical Savanna, Sara R. Lopez
Preconditions to Cooperation in Canada-United States Boundary Waters, David G. Lemarquand
Predicción Del Empleo Informal En Las Zomas Metropolitanas Del Estado De Hidalgo, Zitlaly Marcela López Sánchez
Prediction for Galaxies detected in the COSMOS HI Large Extragalactic Survey, Monica Sanchez
Prediction of Graduation Delay Based on Student Characterisitics and Performance, Tushar Ojha
Predictive Validity of the United States Armed Forces Institute Tests of General Educational Development, Samuel Howell King
Predictors of Preterm Birth in New Mexico: outcomes from 377,770 pregnancies over fifteen years, Kara Gwin, Ronald Schrader, Kimberley Peters, Armida Moreno, and Kimberly Leslie
Pre-Emption and the Commerce Clause Revisited: The 1975 Washington Tanker Law, Stephen D. Dillon
Preemption - Atomic Energy, Karla Ojanen
Preemption of Private Remedies in Interstate Water Pollution Disputes: International Paper Company v. Oullette, Stacey Goodwin
Preface, New Mexico Law Review
Preface, New Mexico Law Review
Preface, New Mexico Law Review
Preface, George Arms
Preface to Kiva Religion, George Warrington Law
Prelude to a Song, Gail Woltman Demoss
Premisas histórico socio-culturales, historial de abuso y prácticas de crianza: La problemática de una comunidad indígena., Sandra Trejo Miguel
Prenatal alcohol: Effect on Depression and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) levels, Mary Laughlin and Andrea Allan
Preoperative Predictors of Early Failure Following Hip Arthroscopy, John Franco, Rebecca Moul, and Thomas Martin
Prepaid medicine in Argentina: its development since the 1960s, C Bloch and S Belmartino
Pre-paid Phone Cards, "Cosas," and Photos of the Saints: Transnational Santeria Practices in a Southwest City, Nancy J. Burke
Preparing communities for disaster management: Myths and challenges, S. M. Patnaik and Nilika Mehrotra
Preparing for the Presidency, Robert G. Frank
Prerequisite of a Man-Made Diversion in the Appropriation of Water Rights - State ex. rel. Reynolds v. Miranda, Channing R. Kury
Prescience, Bonnie Parker
Prescriptive Easement in New Mexico, Jane G. Printz
Present Tense, Oscar Williams
Preservation of Agricultural Lands through Land Use Planning Tools and Techniques, Elisa Paster
Preservation of Waterfowl Habitat in Western Canada: Is the North American Waterfowl Management Plan a Success, Cornelis G. Van Kooten
Preservation of Wetlands: The Case of San Francisco Bay, Ralph A. Luken
Preservation Values in River Basin Planning, Roger Tippy
President Alvaro Colom seeks Petrocaribe membership for Guatemala; conservatives promise a battle, NotiCen writers
President Carter Announces Water Policy Initiatives, Francesca J. MacDowell
President-elect Enrique Peña Nieto tours six Latin American countries to discuss cooperation, offers insights on domestic plans in key areas, Carlos Navarro
President Evo Morales Insists that Lithium Reserves Benefit Bolivians, Andres Gaudin
President Felipe Calderón Releases Comprehensive Energy Plan for 2012-2026, Carlos Navarro
President Felipe Calderon vetoes ethanol legislation, cites concerns about possible corn, sugarcane shortages, SourceMex writers
Presidential Decree that Creates the National Office on Climate Change, Presidente de la República Dominicana
Presidential Decree that Creates the National Program of Cleaner Production, Presidente de la República Dominicana
Presidential Search Process, UNM Faculty Senate
President Schmidly's Administrative Report, David Schmidly
President Schmidly's Final Goal Priorities for FY 11-12, David Schmidly
President Schmidly's Inaugural Speech, Office of the President
President's Corner, LaDonna Hutton
President's Letter, W. E. Burk
President's Message to the UNM Community, David Schmidly
President's Report, 10/14/2008, David Schmidly
President's Report, 10/9/2007, David Schmidly
President's Report, 1/13/2009, David Schmidly
President's Report, 12/6/2007, David Schmidly
President's Report, 1/8/2008, David Schmidly
President's Report, 2/10/2009, David Schmidly
President's Report, 2/15/2008, David Schmidly
President's Report, 3/12/2008, David Schmidly
President's Report, 4/30/2008, David Schmidly
President's Report, 5/28/2008, David Schmidly
President's Report, 8/12/2008, David Schmidly
President's Report, 8/14/2007, David Schmidly
President's Report, 9/11/2007, David Schmidly
President's Report, 9/9/2008, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 10/1/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 10/15/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 10/22/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 10/29/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 10/8/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 11/12/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 11/19/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 11/26/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 1/14/2013, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 11/5/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 12/10/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 12/17/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 12/3/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 1/28/2013, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 1/7/2013, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_06_04, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_06_11, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_06_18, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_06_25, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_07_02, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_07_09, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_07_16, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_08_27, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_09_03, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_09_10, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_09_17, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_09_24, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_10_01, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_10_08, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_10_15, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_10_22, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_10_29, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_11_05, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_11_12, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_11_19, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_11_26, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_12_03, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_12_10, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2007_12_17, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_01_07, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_01_14, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_01_22, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_01_28, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_02_04, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_02_11, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_02_18, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_02_25, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_03_03, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_03_10, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_03_17, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_03_24, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_03_31, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_04_07, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_04_14, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_04_21, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_04_28, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_05_05, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_05_12, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_05_19, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_05_27, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_06_02, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_06_09, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_06_16, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_06_23, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_06_30, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_07_07, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_07_14, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_07_21, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_07_28, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_08_04, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_08_11, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_08_18, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_08_25, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_09_02, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_09_08, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_09_15, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_09_22, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_09_29, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_10_06, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_10_13, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_10_20, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_10_27, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_11_03, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_11_10, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_11_17, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_11_24, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_12_01, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2008_12_08, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 2/11/2013, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 2/18/2013, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 2/25/2013, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 2/4/2013, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 3/18/2013, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 3/25/2013, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 3/4/2013, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 4/1/2013, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 4/15/2013, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 4/22/2013, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 4/29/2013, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 4/8/2013, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 5/6/2013, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 6/11/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 6/18/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 6/25/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 6/4/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 7/16/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 7/2/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 7/23/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 7/30/2007, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 7/30/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 7/9/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 8/13/2007, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 8/20/2007, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 8/20/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 8/27/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 8/6/2007, David Schmidly
President's Weekly Perspective, 8/6/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 9/10/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 9/17/2012, Robert G. Frank
President's Weekly Perspective, 9/24/2012, Robert G. Frank
Presidio and Valles Caldera: A Preliminary Assessment of Their Meaning for Public Resource Management, Sally K. Fairfax, Lauren Gwin, and Lynn Huntsinger
Pre-Spanish Pueblo Towns, P. G. McHenry, Jr.
Pressure Garment Therapy and Hypertrophic Burn Scars, Hayley Davis
Pressure Garment Therapy and Hypertrophic Burn Scars: A Case Study and Evidence-Based Analysis, Hayley Davis
Pressure Group Activity in the 1960 Primary Election of State Legislators from Bernallio County, June House
Pressures for Community Planning in Post-War California, Harold F. Wise
Presumed vs confirmed full code, K M. Rogers and Lisa Marr
Prevalence of chronic diseases: a summary of data from the survey of American Indians and Alaska Natives., A Johnson and A. Taylor
Prevalence of Farmer Health Conditions, Kristiana Dion and Carla Wilhite
Prevenção às DST/AIDS no ambiente escolar, A Fonseca
Prevención de las enfermedades de transmición sexual/SIDA en el ambiente escolar, A Fonseca
Preventable cancer mortality in American Indian and Alaska Native women., PA Nutting, SD. Helgerson, SK. Beaver, PM. Bates, LE. Berg, D. Copp, and H. Tyson
Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases/AIDS in the school environment, A Fonseca
PRI Candidate Enrique Peña Nieto Proposes to Expand Efforts to Open State-run Oil Company PEMEX to Private Investment, Carlos Navarro
Prima Facie Tort Comes to New Mexico: A Summary of Prima Facie Tort Law, James P. Bieg
Primate Exhibit, New Mexico Architecture
PRIME Net Hepatitis C Survey, Philip J. Kroth, Laurie McPherson, Robert Leverence, Pace Wilson, Elvan Daniels, Robert Rhyne, and Robert Williams
Primordial Curse, John Theobald
Princess Jeanne Revisited, The New Mexico Architect
Principais obstáculos para o pleno uso do direto à saúde, por parte das lesbianas, na América Latina, M Villalba, A Sardá, and L Eiven
Principal angles and approximation for quaternionic projections [dataset], Terry A. Loring
Principal Economic Aspects of the Problem of Salinity of the Colorado River, Salgado Edmundo Vela Henandez
Principales obstáculos para el pleno goce del derecho a la salud por parte de las lesbianas en América Latina, M Villalba, A Sardá, and L Eiven
Principales temas de salud lésbica, V Villalba, L Eiven, and A Sardá
Principales temas de salud lésbica, V Villalba, L Eiven, and A Sardá
Principal obstacles to the full enjoyment of the right to health on the part of lesbians in Latin America, M Villalba, A Sardá, and L Eiven
Principal themes of lesbian health, V Villalba, L Eiven, and A Sardá
Principes for Transboundary Groundwater Pollution Control, Ludwik A. Teclaff
Principles for International Groundwater Law, Dante A. Caponera and Dominique Alheritiere
Principles of Community Property, Rex A. Collins Jr.
Principles of Stable Isotope Geochemistry, 2nd Edition, Zachary Sharp
Principles of Water Resources: History, Development, Management, and Policy, by Thomas V. Cech, Ron Cummings
Prior Appropriation, Impairment, Replacements, Models and Markets, William C. Schaab
Prior, Free and Informed Consent as a Right of Indigenous Peoples and Nationalities, Wilson Fermin Aguinda Salazar
Prioritizing and estimating hydropower project construction risks: a case study of Nyadi hydropower project, Kamalesh Panthi
Prioritizing and Estimating Hydropower Project Construction Risks: A Case Study of Nyadi Hydropower Project, Kamalesh Panthi
Priority for Planning Council Budget Subcommittee, UNM Faculty Senate
Prisoners are People, Bruce P. Moore
Prison Song, James M. Jenkinson
Private and Limited Offerings after a Decade of Experimentation: The Evolution of Regulation D, Theodore Parnall, Bruce R. Kohl, and Curtis W. Huff
Private Chapel at Circle Diamond Ranch, Herbert Bayer
Private Conservation Literature: A Survey, Andrew P. Morris
Private health plans: lights and shadows in the sectoral debate of the 1990s, L Bahia
Private Nuisance in New Mexico, Myron Fink
Private Residence, New Mexico Architecture
Private Residence Addition, Siegel Design, Architects
Privatização dos serviços de saúde: as experiências do Chile e Costa Rica., N Homedes and A Ugalde
Privatização e a emergência do capital financeiro na saúde, AC Laurell
Privatización de los servicios de salud: las experiencias de Chile y Costa Rica, N Homedes and A Ugalde
Privatización y la emergencia del capital financiero en salud, AC Laurell
Privatization and the emergence of finance capital in healthcare, AC Laurell
Privatization of healthcare services: the experiences of Chile and Costa Rica, N Homedes and A Ugalde
Privilege in Federal Diversity Cases, John R. Leathers
Probable Origins of the Modern Pueblos, Nan Ashton Glenn
Probing Dark Matter-Neutrino Connection via Indirect Detection Experiments, Bradley Knockel
Problemas y Perspectivas de la Calidad del Air en la Frontera, Enrique Tolivia
Problem on the United States Continental Shelf - Measuring the Environmental Effectiveness of the Outer Continental Shelf Act (OCSA), Barry Hart Dubner
Problems and Policy for Pesticide Exports to Less Developed Countries, Raymond Hill
Problems and Programs in Water Pollution, Murray Stein
Problems Arising from the Surface Occurrence of Archaeological Material in Southeastern Chihuahua, Mexico, Garland J. Marrs
Problems in Federal Management of Natural Resources for Recreation, Phillip O. Foss
Problems in Formalization (AKA The Limits of Logic), Stuart Nelson
Problems in the Application of Full Faith and Credit for Indian Tribes, Fred L. Ragsdale Jr.
Problems of Contemporary Mexico as Seen in the Works of Mariano Azuela, Jose Antonio Flores
Problems with Court-Annexed Mandatory Arbitration: Illustrations from the New Mexico Experience, William P. Lynch
Procedural Accountability, UNM Faculty Senate
Procedural Fairness, Personal Benefits, Agency Expertise, and Planning Participants' Support for the Forest Service, Mitchel P. McClaran and David A. King
Procedural Problems in Amending New Mexico's Constitution, Helene Simson
Proceedings in regard to the construction of the Mission and Pueblo of our Lady of Sorrow of Sandia, concerning which this attestation, to the letter, is sent to the Superior Government of this New Spain as will be Perceived within etc., Fray Juan Miguel Menchero, Joachin Codallos y Rabal, Bernardo Antonio de Bustamante y Tagle, and Myra Ellen Jenkins
Proceedings of the Joint Liberal Democracy Nepal and Nepal Study Center e-Seminar on The States Role in Private Sector Development in New Nepal', Liberal Democracy Nepal
Proceedings of the Liberal Democracy Nepal (LDN) Workshop on Opportunities and Challenges for Nepali Political Parties; October 20-24, 2005; Washington DC, USA, Liberal Democracy Nepal
Proclamation, Philip Legler
Proclamation, New Mexico Architecture
Prodigal, Rosamund Dargan Thomson
Producer Regulation and the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978, Robert R. Nordhaus
Products Liability, Ted Occhialino
Products Liability, Joan Marie Hart and F. Michael Hart
Products Liability--Strict Liability in Torts - The New Mexico Rejection of the Restatement (Second) of Torts 402A, Melvin E. Yost
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Directory, New Mexico Architecture
Professional Mourner, Juan Jose Morosoli, Willis Knapp Jones
Professional Responsibility - Attorneys Are Not Liable to Their Clients' Adversaries: Garcia v. Rodey, Dickason, Sloan, Akin & (and) Robb, P.A., Matthew T. Byers
Professor Anne Taylor: A Designer of Schools for Children, Neil Singer
Profile of the State of Indian Children and Youth, Support Services International, Inc.; Indian Health Service; and G. Brenneman
Profitability and Appropriative Water Rights: Stange Bedfellows in Equitable Apportionment, Joanne E. Angel
Programa de salud de la familia en Brasil: un enfoque sobre sus presupuestos básicos, operacionales y ventajas, M Carmagnani and LM Santana
Programa nacional de formação em Medicina Integral Comunitária, Venezuela, E Borroto and R Salas
Programa nacional de formación en Medicina Comunitaria Integral, Venezuela, E Borroto and R Salas
Programas, actores y prácticas sociales. Encuentros y desencuentros entre antropología y políticas de salud, M Grimberg
Programas, atores e práticas sociais. Encontros e desencontros entre antropologia e políticas de saúde, M Grimberg
Programa saúde da família no Brasil: um enfoque sobre seus pressupostos básicos, operacionalização e vantagens, M Carmagnani and LM Santana
Program for Presentations by Stuart Nelson, MD, April 2004, Stuart Nelson
Programs, actors, and social practices. Encounters and clashes between anthropology and health policies, M Grimberg
Progress, J. Patrick Byrne
Progress in Natural Resources Economics, Anthony Scott, Editor, F. J. Anderson
Progress Towards Competitive III-V Infrared Detectors: Fundamental Material Characterization and Techniques, Emil A. Kadlec
Prohibition, James Franklin Lewis
Project Benefits and Costs from National and Regional Viewpoints: Methodological Issues and Case Study of the Colorado - Big Thompson Project, Charles W. Howe
Project Benefits and Costs from National and Regional Viewpoints: Methodological Issues and Case Study of the Colorado-Big Thompson Project, Charles W. Howe
Project: Foothills Library Albuquerque, New Mexico Architecture
Project for the Promotion of Marketing Opportunities Clean Energy and Energetic Efficiency in Per, Fondo Nacional del Ambiente
Projects, David Gebhard
Projects: Anderson Hall, New Mexico Architecture
Projects: Far Northeast Heights Senior Center, New Mexico Architecture
Projects: Hot Springs High School, Joe Boehning
Projects: Los Alamos United Church, Richard Milner
Projects: Office Building, Robert G. Biddle
Projects: Portales National Bank, Edwin French
Projects: Proposed Santa Fe Women's Club and Library Association, The New Mexico Architect
Projects: Santa Fe Ski Lodge, John Reed
Prolegomena to Converesation: A Fisheye Review, Channing Kury
Prologue, Leonard B. Dworsky
Promethean Ethics: Living With Death, Competition, and Triage, Garrett Hardin, Paul B. Sears
Promise, Ruth Miller
Promoção da Saúde, "empowerment" e educação: uma reflexäo crítica como um contributo para a reforma de saúde, S Carvalho
Promoção da saúde: um instrumento do podere e uma alternativa emancipatória, M Chapela
Promoción de Energía Renovable en Centro América: Oportunidades para el Planteamiento de Políticas (2003), José María Blanco and Leonel Umaña
Promoción de la salud. Un instrumento del poder y una alternativa emancipatoria, M Chapela
Promoting and recovering health: Meanings created in community groups in the context of the Family Health Program, C. Borges and M. Japur
Promoting Economic Incentives for Environmental Protection in the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977: An Analysis of the Design and Implementation of Reclamation Peformance Bonds, Barbara S. Webber and David J. Webber
Promoting Health: An Instrument of Power and an Emancipatory Alternative, M Chapela
Promotion of the public participation in Renewable Energy projects and Strengthening of the capacity of FONAM, Fondo Nacional del Ambiente
Promover e recuperar saúde: sentidos produzidos em grupos comunitários no contexto do Programa de Saúde da Familia, C. Borges and M. Japur
Promover y recuperar la salud: sentidos producidos en grupos comunitarios en el contexto del Programa de Salud de la Familia, C. Borges and M. Japur
Pronator quadratus rotational muscle flap for coverage of a distal radius volar plate, Neal Wostbrock, Cole Paffett, Joshua Romero, Leslie Neher, Dustin Larson, Deana Mercer, and Christina Salas
Proof-of-Work Without All the Work, Diksha Gupta
Properties of Radar Augmentation for Missile Targets., Warren T. Randall
Property, Raymond A. Baehr
Property, Diane Fisher
Property, Pamela B. Minzner
Property, Jonathan McCormick
Property, Alison O. Mahr
Property, Julie A. Gregory and Alison O. Mahr
Property - Contingent Remainders - Rule of Destructibility Abolished in New Mexico, Matthew E. Cohen
Property Law, Pamela B. Minzner
Property Law, Berta E. Hernandez
Property Law, Bertha E. Hernandez
Property Law - Under Certain Circumstances, New Mexico Law Now Allows Mechanics' Liens on Property Where Construction Never Took Place: Cubit v. Hausler, M. Barrington Brown
Property Rights and Social Microeconomics, Alan Randall
Property Rights and the Economic Logic of Wildlife Institutions, Dean Lueck
Property Rights: From Magna Carta to the Fourteenth Amendment, by Bernard H. Siegan, Ian Bezpalko
Property Rights in Land: New Statutory Approaches, Fred P. Bosselman
Property Rights in the World Ocean, Francis T. Christy Jr.
Proportional Compensation for Part-Time Faculty, UNM Faculty Senate
Proposed Higher Education Funding Formula, Strawman Group to Higher Education Funding Task Force
Proposed Highway Pits Bolivia's Indigenous Against Each Other and President Evo Morales, Andrés Gaudín
Proposed HSC Governance, John Trotter
Proposed HSC Governance Regents Policy Revisions, UNM University Counsel
Proposed Legislation to Enlarge Prediscovery Rights of Mineral Locators, G. H. Ladendorff
Proposed Rules for Administering the Acreage Limitation of Reclamation Law, Nancy Jones
Prospects and challenges in the transformation of Nepal's security sector, Steve Hege
Prospects of a Trilateral Trans-Himalayan Economic Cooperation Agreement (THECA): China, Nepal, and India, Alok K. Bohara
Proteção social em um mundo globalizado, S Fleury
Proteção social na reestruturação da assistência em saúde mental: Ha um cais do porto para quem precisa chegar, M Beaklini and S Escorel
Protección social en la reestructuración de la asistencia en salud mental: Hay um puerto seguro para quien necesita desembarcar..., M Beaklini and S Escorel
Protección social en un mundo globalizado, S Fleury
Protected Areas and Intergovernmental Cooperation in the St. Elias Region, Ryan K. Danby and D. Scott Slocombe
Protected Areas and Regional Sustainability: Surveying Decision Makers in the Lake Superior Basin, James Cantrill, Thomas Potter, and William Stephenson
Protecting Access to Solar Energy, Melvin M. Eisenstadt
Protecting Energy Turf: The Department of Energy Organization Act, Daniel M. Ogden Jr.
Protecting Persons with Mental Disabilities from Making False Confessions: The Americans with Disabilites Act as a Safeguard, Lauren Rogal
Protecting River Flows for Fun and Profit: Colorado's Unique Water Rights for Whitewater Parks, Reed D. Benson
Protecting the Human Environment: Procedures and Principles for Preventing and Resolving International Controversies, by A. Levin, Ludwik Teclaff
Protecting the Public Interest in Oil Shale Development, Morris E. Garnsey
Protecting Waste Assimilation Streamflows by the Law of Water Allocation, Nuisance, and Public Trust, and by Environmental Statutes, Peter N. Davis
Protection against the Forced Return of War Refugees: An Interdisciplinary Consensus on Humanitarian Non-Refoulement, Jennifer Moore
Protection and comparative advantage of rice production in Bangladesh: A policy analysis matrix, Abu Hayat Md. Saiful Islam and Dieter Kirschke
Protection of the Means of Groundwater Diversion, Kevin J. Bliss
Protection of the Public against Litigious Suits ("PPALS"): Using 1993 Federal Rule 11 to Turn SLAPPs Around, J. Reid Mowrer
Protein Metabolism in Rats with Tumors of the Liver, Chester R. Richmond
Protest Scene Black and White, Laurie Obbink
Protrusion from root, with filaments, M. Spilde
Protrusion of film, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Provider Stress and Electronic Health Records, Philip J. Kroth
Prudent Operator Standard: Applications beyond the Oil and Gas Lease, Gary B. Conine
PSD Constraints on Utility Planning: A Review of Recent Visibility Litigation, Alan P. Loeb and Tiffany J. Elliott
Psychiatric Reform and Psychosocial Rehabilitation: A Reading From Dialectical Materialism, A Hirdes
Psychological Adjustment of the Foreign Born Characters in Willa Cather's Fiction, Sister Irene Marie Kerich
Psychological Considerations in Valuing Health Risk Reductions, Milton C. Weinstein and Robert J. Quinn
Psychology Spring 2007 Academic Program Review, UNM Academic Program Review
Psychology Spring 2016 Academic Program Review, UNM Academic Program Review
Psychometric Problems Related to Cerebral Palsy, Dorothy Sievers
Psychosocial Aspects of Urban Violence, Judd Marmor
Psycho-social repercussions of unemployment, M Fernández
Public Accommodations in New Mexico: The Right to Refuse Service for Reasons Other Than Race or Religion, Vern John Williams Jr.
Public Appearance, Bryon Vazakas
Public Benefits for Undocumented Aliens: State Law into the Breach Once More, Peter L. Reich
Public Comments from July 26, 2006, Suellyn Scarnecchia
Public Domain, Private Dominion: A History of Public Mineral Policy in America, by C. J. Mayer and G. A. Rile, Barbara S. Webber
Public Education in New Mexico, Tom Wiley
Public Forum Doctrine and the Perils of Categorical Thinking: Lessons from Lamb's Chapel, Rosemary C. Salomone
Public Funding Programs for Environmental Water Acquisitions: Origins, Purposes, and Revenue Sources, Reed D. Benson
Public Goods Provision: Lessons from the Tellico Dam Controversy, Louis P. Cain and Brooks A. Kaiser
Public Health, Marion Hotopp
Public health and collective health: field or focal point of knowledge and practice, GWS Campos
Public health and ideology: regarding the relationship between pandemics of tuberculosis and AIDS, F Cabello
Public health and primary healthcare: a critical evaluation, Mario Testa
Public health districts: key concepts, Eugenio V. Mendes, Maria Rosa L. Cardoso, Carmem F. Teixeira, and Eliane C. Araujo
Public Health in New Mexico, Michel Pijoan and Thomas Nickerson
Public Health Protection and the Commerce Clause: Controlling Tobacco in the Internet Age, Wendy E. Parmet and Christopher Banthin
Public Health: State sector, applied science, or ideology of the possible. In: The crisis of public health: reflections on the debate, Eduardo Menéndez
Public Health: The History of an Idea and a Concept, E Nunes
Public Labor Disputes - A Suggested Approach for New Mexico, Leonard Gilbert Espinosa
Public Land and Mining Law, 3d ed., Loren L. Mall, Emlen Hall
Public Land and Political Meaning: Ranchers, the Government, and the Property between Them, by Karen R. Merrill, R. McGreggor Cawley
Public on Paper: The Failure of Law to Protect Public Water Uses in the Western United States, Reed D. Benson
Public Opinion and a New World Order, James Fulton Zimmerman
Public or Private: United States Commercial Fisheries Management and the Public Trust Doctrine, Reciprocal Challenges, Seth Macinko
Public Ownership Versus the Contract System in School Bus Transportation, Walter Schumann
Public Participation and Environmetal Quality, Arnold W. Bolle
Public Participation and Natural Resource Decision-Making: The Case of the RARE II Decisions, Paul Mohai
Public Participation and the IBWC: Challenges and Options, Roberto Sanchez
Public Participation in Environmental Management: A Case Study, Paul Wilkinson
Public Participation Is on the Rise: A Review of the Changes in the Notice and Hearing Requirements for the Adoption and Amendment of General Plans and Rezonings Nationwide and in Recent Arizona Land Use Legislation, Douglas A. Jorden and Michele A. Hentrich
Public policies in Brazil concerning workers health: evaluating distinct periods, BM De Oliveira and FL de Vasconcellos
Public Policy Implications for the Supply of Pine Sawlogs, Richard A. Kluender and John C. Pickett
Public Problems and Non-Decision Making - A Study of the Tucson Water System, John Adrian Straayer
Public Programs and Remittances Influence on Private Storm-Protection Actions: Is Crowding Out Effect Most Likely Outcome?, Sakib Mahmud and Gazi Hassan
Public Safety and Criminal Jurisdiction, Conference Transcript: The New Realism: The Next Generation of Scholarship in Federal Indian Law, Kevin Washburn
Public Service Commission: A Legal Analysis of an Administration System, Martin B. Paskind, Peter G. Duran, Betty Read, Bruce E. Higgins, and Melvin E. Yost
Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act of 1978: Electric Utility Rate Reform, Paul L. Joskow
Public Water Supplies of New Mexico, Kenneth F. Priest
Public Welfare and Juvenile Delinquency in New Mexico, Helen Ellis
Pueblo Indian Water Rights: Charting the Unknown, Richard W. Hughes
Pueblo Indian Water Rights: Overview and Update on the Aamodt Litigation, Ed Newville
Pueblo Indian Water Rights: Struggle for a Precious Resource, by Charles T. DuMars, Marilyn O'Leary, and Albert E. Utton, Michael C. Meyer
Pueblo Indian Water Rights: Who Will Get the Water - New Mexico v. Aamodt, A. Patrick Maynez
Pueblo in Moonlight (Zuni), Katherine Kennedy
Pueblo of Zuni : an evaluation of the Zuni Cultural Education Program, Carolyn J. Moore
Pueblo Sketches. Three Poems, Nelda Sewell
Pueblo Sovereignty, Postwar, Eric T. Hagberg and Robert Bunker
Pueblo Style and Regional Architecture, Nicholas C. Markovich, Wolfgang F.E. Preiser, and Fred B. Sturm
Pueblo Style and Regional Architecture: The Mystique of New Mexico, Edna E. Heatherington
Pueblo Water Rights in New Mexico, Anastasia S. Stevens
Puerto Rico's Energy Public Policy, Comité de Cogeneración y Generación de Energía, Gobierno de Puerto Rico
Puig's Wife, Evan S. Connell Jr.
Pull Off Strength of 6 and 10 Pin Halo Fixation in Sawbones Skulls, Eugene Limanovich and Richard Schwend
Pullout strength and stiffness of a non-metallic suture anchoring system for repair of the central slip of the extensor mechanism at the proximal interphalangeal joint, Aaron Hoblet, Christina Salas, Justin Brantley, Jenna Godfrey, and Elizabeth Mikola
Pullout strength and stiffness of a non-metallic suture anchoring system for repair of the central slip of the extensor mechanism at the proximal interphalangeal joint, Aaron Hoblet, Christina Salas, Justin Brantley, James Clark, Deana Mercer, and Elizabeth Mikola
Pulse, Roland English Hartley
Pulse Height Digitizer for Fast Random Pulses, Andrew E. Pope
Pulse Ratings and Thermal Characteristics of Power Transistors, Christopher Jako
Punitive Military Strikes on Syria Risk an Inhumane Intervention, Jennifer Moore
Punk area with film bridges, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Punk zone overview, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Pursuing democracy: explaining political transitions in Nepal, Prakash Adhikari and James Timberlake
Pursuing Democracy: Explaining Political Transitions in Nepal, Prakash Adhikari and James D. Timberlake
Pursuit, Irene Bruce
Push Comes to Shove: Latino Responses to Immigration Policy, David Manuel Hernandez
Pushing State Regulatory Commissions behind the Bright Line: FERC Jurisdiction Pervails in Mississippi Power & (and) Light Co. v. Mississippi Ex Rel. Moore, Elizabeth Newlin Taylor
Putative unicellular club-like shaped organism, D. Northup
Putative unicellular organism, with nearby filament, D. Northup
Putting money where the mouth is: does aid to Nepal finance what the donors say they want to finance?, Sailesh Tiwari
Putting Probability Back into Probable Cause, Max J. Minzner
Puzder is the Wrong Person for the Job, Serge A. Martinez
Qual é a idéia de natureza humana para a epidemiologia moderna?, L Castiel
Qualified Immunity and Excessive Force: A Greater or Lesser Role for Juries?, Nicholas T. Davis and Philip B. Davis
Quality Improvement Conference: Effect of Patient Safety Intelligence Inservice Training on Resident PSI Entry, Amanda Derylo, Josh Rider, and Joanna Fair
Quality Improvement Conference: Radiology Review of Missed Cases, Amanda Derylo, Juliana Starcevich, and Joanna Fair
Quality Improvement: Optimization and Standardization of the Family Medicine Inpatient Sign-Out for Safer Patient Care, Melanie Baca and Linda Smoker
Quality of Care Initiative: Blood glucose timing, food delivery and insulin administration, R Montanti, S Hoeppner, and K M. Rogers
Quantitative and Qualitative Education, Tom L. Popejoy
Quantitative K-theory and spin Chern numbers [dataset], Terry A. Loring
Quantum: Research, Scholarship & Creative Works at the University of New Mexico, 2003, Office of the Vice President for Research
Quantum: Research, Scholarship & Creative Works at the University of New Mexico, 2004, Office of the Vice President for Research
Quantum: Research, Scholarship & Creative Works at the University of New Mexico, 2005, Office of the Vice President for Research
Quantum: Research, Scholarship & Creative Works at the University of New Mexico, 2007, Office of the Vice President for Research
Quantum: Research, Scholarship & Creative Works at the University of New Mexico, 2008, Office of the Vice President for Research
Quantum: Research, Scholarship & Creative Works at the University of New Mexico, 2009, Office of the Vice President for Research
Quantum: Research, Scholarship & Creative Works at the University of New Mexico, Fall 2010, Office of the Vice President for Research
Quantum: Research, Scholarship & Creative Works at the University of New Mexico, Spring 2010, Office of the Vice President for Research
Quartz and calcite rock flour, M. Spilde and D. Northup
Quartz crystal showing dissolution and growth with coating of star shapes, M. Spilde and D. Northup
Quartz crystal with stars and growth hillocks, M. Spilde and D. Northup
Quase adulta, quase velha: por que antecipar as fases do ciclo vital?, PR Scott
Quasi adult, quasi old: why anticipate life cycle phases?, PR Scott
Quaternary Geology of Chaco Canyon, Northwestern New Mexico, David Waxham Love
Queer Femininities, Aubrie Powell
¿Qué es la Medicina Social? La perspectiva desde EE UU y Europa, Johann van Reenen
Quest and Encounter, Cecil Robert Lloyd
Question and Answer, Nellie Clark
Questions in Early Spring, Irene Fisher
R2P= MDGs: Implementing the Responsibility to Protect through the Millennium Development Goals, Jennifer Moore
Rabbit Exploitation in the Middle Paleolithic at Gruta Nova da Columbeira, Portugal, Milena M. Carvalho
Rabbit Population Densities at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico (1992-2004), Robert Parmenter
Rabbit Population Dynamics in Chihuahuan Desert Grasslands and Shrublands at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico (1992-present), Robert Parmenter
Raça e desigualdade entre as mulheres: um exemplo no sul do Brasil, BA Olinto and MA Olinto
Raça e epidemiologia: as estratégias para construção de diferenças biológicas, J Laguardia
Race and Epidemeology: the Strategy for the Construcción of Bological Differences, J Laguardia
Race and inequality among women: an example in southern Brazil, BA Olinto and MA Olinto
Race, Ethnicity, and Natural Resources in the United States: A Review, John Schelhas
Rachel, Geoffrey Johnson
Racial and ethnic disparities in access to health insurance and health care., Unknown
Racial Minorities Suffer Disproportionately From Toxic Landfills, Eileen Gauna and Sheila Foster
Racial Socioeconomic Inequality, Structural Disadvantage, and Neighborhood Crime: Testing the Relative and Absolute Deprivation Perspectives, Samuel A. Torres
Racionalidades médicas e integralidad, C Tesser and M Luz
Racionalidades médicas e integralidade, C Tesser and M Luz
Racket, Virginia Janney
Racz's Hungary 1997 Catalog, Gabor Racz
Racz's Hungary 2000 Catalog, Gabor Racz
Racz's Hungary 2000 Field Notes, Gabor Racz
Racz's New Mexico and Hungary 1999 Catalog, Gabor Racz
Radial dislocations in plane stress., William J. Sieger
Radiating bladed crystals, with hairy spheroids, M. Spilde
Radioactive Waste and the Environment, Harold P. Green
Radioactive Wastes, John Warren Kindt
Radiodifusão comunitária: um recurso a ser valorizado no âmbito da educação em saúde, P Gallo
Radiodifusión comunitaria: un recurso a ser valorizado en el ámbito de la educación en salud, P Gallo
Radiographic prevalence of concomitant scaphotrapezial arthritis with thumb carpometacarpal arthritis, Deana Mercer, Moheb Moneim, Nathan Morrell, and Christina Salas
Rafael Heliodoro Valle, D. M. Pettinella
Railroading the Army Engineers: A Proposal for a National Transportation Engineering Agency, Roger Findley and Bruce M. Hannon
Railroading the Army Enigineers: A Proposal for a National Transportation Engineering Agency, Roger W. Findley and Bruce M. Hannon
Rain, Margaret Page Hood
Rainaday Matins, James Franklin Lewis
Rainforest in the Desert, Robert G. Frank
Rain Is a Lonely Lady, Maude Davis Crosno
Rain Songs, William Pillin
Rainy Day, Bert Meyers
Raised hollow crusts, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Raised rod shapes under film, M. Spilde
Raising and Preserving for Review Claims for Expanded Protections for Criminal Defendants under the New Mexico State Constiution, Bruce Evan Thompson
Rancher Stewardship on Public Ranges: A Recent Court Decision, Ray Huffaker and B. Delworth Gardner
Ranchoapan: The "New Obsidian" City of the Tuxtlas?, Robert S. Santley
Rancho San Miguel, New Mexico Architecture
Randall Davey, John Sloan
Random is Our Love, Jess H. Cloud
Random Thoughts on Architecture, John Reed, A.I.A
Rape Law: The Need for Reform, Bruce Washburn
Rapid Identification of Streptococcal Infections Using Fluorescent Antibody Techniques, James H. Meadows
Rate Regulation—Oil and Gas Pipeline Companies—Rejection of "Normalization" of Taxes, William J. Flitte
Rate Structure and Energy Conservation in the 1977 New Mexico Legislative Session, Maria Geer and Barbara L. Shapiro
Raymond Jonson, Ben Wolf
Raza y desigualdad entre las mujeres: un ejemplo en el sur de Brasil., BA Olinto and MA Olinto
Raza y epidemiología: las estrategias para la construcción de diferencias biológicas, J Laguardia
RCM and PBB Steering Committee Memorandum, 2012, Robert G. Frank
Readability of Science Textbooks, Robert H. Dunk
Reader Response, Natural Resources Journal
Reader Response, Kenneth P. Wilkinson
Reader Response, Stephen L. McDonald
Reader Response, Thomas Palm
Reader Response, Arthur Christian Nelson
Reader's Guide to Peace with God the Creator, Peace with All of Creation, Channing Kury
Reading Interests of Seventh Grade Students, Winifred Line
Reading Miss Moore's La Fontaine, Edwin Honig
Readings Number II, Vincent Barrett Price
Readjustment, Glen Baker
Realidad Latina, Cesar Miranda
Reality and Realism in Cervantes and Lorca, Edwin Honig
Realization, Winifred Reiter
Real Property, John P. Eastham and Mary Kay McCulloch
Real Property - Constructive Trust - Resulting Trust: Thomas v. Reid, Carolyn Levin
Reasonable EPA Protection Techniques for Estimating Technological Advances Upheld, John A. Stanley
Reasonable Groundwater Pumping Levels under the Appropriation Doctrine: The Law and Underlying Economic Goals, Douglas L. Grant
Reasonable Groundwater Pumping Levels under the Appropriation Doctrine: Underlying Social Goals, Douglas L. Grant
Reassessing the Negligence Standard of Care for Minors, Caroline Forell
Reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, Indian Health Service, Rockville, MD.
Rebecca Blum Martinez - International Cooperation for Digital Harvesting of Scientific Research Conference, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Rebuttal to Natural Resources Journal Environmental Ethics Manuscripts by Noah Sachs, Scott Northard
Recall, William Stafford
Recapitulation, Suzanne Ostro Zavrian
Receive Her Gently, There Is Much to Learn, Allen Kanfer
Recent Books of Interest, New Mexico Architecture
Recent Books on Growth, Public Lands, and the Environment, Lora Lucero
Recent Books on John Wesley Powell, Denise D. Fort
Recent Books on the National Wildlife Refuge System and Its Uncertain Future, Richard J. Finkmoore
Recent California Water Transfers: Implications for Water Management, Morris Israel and Jay R. Lund
Recent Developments, S. Gregory Jones
Recent Developments, Natural Resources Journal
Recent Developments, Natural Resources Journal
Recent Developments, Kevin Washburn
Recent Developments—Cases, Legislation, and Articles, Edward L. Hand and Celia Jorgenson
Recent Developments—Cases, Proposed Legislation, Articles, Edward L. Hand and Celia Jorgensen
Recent Developments in the Economics of the Potash Industry, with Particular Reference to Carlsbad, New Mexico, Louis Hayner Kurrelmeyer
Recent Developments in the El Paso/New Mexico Interstate Groundwater Controversy - The Constitutionality of New Mexico's New Municipality Water Planning Statute, Nancy E. Hetrick
Recent Developments in the Literature on Conflict Negotiation and Cooperation over Shared International Fresh Waters, Shlomi Dinar and Ariel Dinar
Recent Developments in the Northwest Regarding Indian Water Rights, Robert D. Dellwo
Recently Published, The New Mexico Architect
Recent Trend for Environmental Compliance Provides New Opportuniites for Land and Water Use and Brownfields and Other Contaminated Sites, Robert G. Knowlton and Jeffrie Minier
Recitative, Robert Wistrand
Reclaiming the Spirit of Reclamation, Ed Marston
Reclamation Act of 1902: After 75 Tears 160 Acre Limitation Held Valid, Christopher Lackmann
Reclining Nude, Clifford Wood
Reclusion, Maude Davis Crosno
Recognizing Na Kanaka Maoli's Right to Self-Determination, Lisa Cami Oshiro
Recollections, William Childress
Recollections of the Origins of the Natural Resources Journal, Clark Robert Emmet
Recommendations For An Environmentally Sound Federal Policy on Western Water, Reed D. Benson
Recommendations for Process Improvement/Cost Containment Strategies for FY13 and Beyond, President's Strategic Advisory Team
Recompense, Eunice Glenn
Reconciliation, Sandra Babb
Reconfigurable filtenna for cognitive radio applications, Maria Elizabeth Zamudio
Reconsidering Roe v. Wade: Equal Protection Analysis as an Alternative Approach, Kathryn Holmes Snedaker
Reconsidering Role Assumption in Clinical Education, Minna J. Kotkin
Reconsidering the Commission’s Treatment of Tribal Courts, Kevin Washburn
Reconsidering the Discriminatory Motive Requirement in ADEA Disparate Treatment Cases, Michael D. Moberly
Re-contextualizing Traditional Dances in the Ghana Educational System, Mel Asiedu Gyamera
Recording of geomagnetic field variations in an orthogonal system, Chistian Schroeder
Records of Wells Drilled for Oil and Gas in New Mexico, George H. Dixon
Recreational Rights and Titles to Bed on Western Lakes and Streams, Ralph W. Johnson and Russell A. Austin Jr.
Recreation Planning as an Economic Problem, Robert K. Davis
Recruiting rebels; indoctrination and political education in Nepal, Kristine Eck
Recruiting Rebels: Indoctrination and Political Education in Nepal, Kristine Eck
Recruitment in Bernalillo County of Major Party Candidates for the State Legislature, Dorothy Jean Powell
Recrystallization area, M. Spilde, L. Melim, and D. Northup
Recuerdos de Mexico, John Gould Fletcher
Recurrences, Ernest Kroll
Recurring dream: US$6.6 billion ALBA oil project inches ahead in Nicaragua, Benjamin Witte-Lebhar
Recurring Issues in Indian Gaming Compact Approval, Kevin Washburn
Recurring Problems in Indian Gaming, Kevin Washburn
Recursos estilísticos para la interpretación del español al nàhuatl en los procesos de procuración de justicia, Irla Èlida Vargas Del Àngel
Recursos Geotermicos en la Frontera Noroccidental, Juan Eibenschutz
Recursos Pesqueros Del Golfo de California, S. Pedro Mercado and G. Salvador Leanos
Redbird in the Snow, Raymond Kresensky
Redeeming the Geography of Hope, Charles E. Little
Redefining Management Participation for CERCLA's Secured Lender Exemption: United States v. Fleet Factors Corps., Peter White
Redes sociais, poder e saúde à luz das classes populares numa conjuntura de crise, VV Valla
Redes sociales, poder y salud a la luz de las clases populares en una coyuntura de crisis, VV Valla
Rediscovering America: John Muir in His Time and Ours, Fred L. Ragsdale Jr.
Rediscovering the Constitutional Lineage of Federal Indian Law, Yuanchung Lee
Redistricting: Easley v. Cromartie, 532 U.S. 234 (2001): Race-Based Redistricting and Unequal Protection, Wade L. Jackson
Reduced-Order Monte Carlo Modeling of Radiation Transport in Random Media, Aaron J. Olson
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transportation: Opportunities in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, Gabriel Pacyniak
Reducing the Cost of Water Pollution Control under the Clean Water Act, Marty Rothfelder
Reduction of Complicated Emergency Department Airways Using a Bundled Intervention Approach, Melissa Fleegler, James Heilman, Randall Lahr, and Joshua Wallbrant
Re-Education of Handedness in the Rat Following Cerebral Injuries, David Roland McGiboney Jr.
Re-examining the Politics of U.S. Intervention in Early 20th Century Nicaragua: José Madriz and the Conservative Restoration, Yann Kerevel
Reference Room, Public Library, Helen Ferguson Caukin
Reflecting on the Past- Envisioning the Future, David Schmidly
Reflection of Hopi Culture in Hopi Folk Tales, Constance B. Sears
Reflections of the Sea, Lincoln Fitzell
Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle Received from a Friend called Felicity, John Tobias
Reflections on subjectivity in management according to the paradigm of the organization that learns, FJ Uribe
Reflections on the Alianza, Peter Nabokov
Reflections on the Estuarine Zone, Robert D. Hayton
Reflections on the New Mexico Conference: What Would You Have Said before You Came to Law School, Daniel Greenberg
Reflections on the Ohio Decision, K. E. McConnell
Reflections on the state of democratic transition process in South Asia, Pramod Kumar Kantha
Reflections on Water: New Approaches to Transboundary Conflicts and Cooperation, edited by Joachim Blatter & Helen Ingram, David W. Yoskowitz
Reflective Verbal Feedback: Substrate for Self Reflection, Nancy Sinclair and Teresita McCarty
Reflexões sobre a subjetividade na gestão, a partir do paradigma da organização que aprende, FJ Uribe
Reforma da reforma. Repensando a saúde., GWS Campos
Reforma de la reforma. Repensando la salud, GWS Campos
Reforma del estado y reforma de sistemas de salud, C Almeida
Reforma del estado y transformación organizacional: un estudio de hospitales públicos, JM Ribeiro, PB Silva, and NR Costa
Reforma: democracia profunda e não retrocesso neoliberal, Jaime Breilh
Reforma: democracia profunda, no retroceso neoliberal, Jaime Breilh
Reforma do Estado e mudança organizacional: um estudo de hospitais públicos, JM Ribeiro, PB Silva, and NR Costa
Reforma do estado e reforma do sistema de saúde, C Almeida
Reforma Psiquiátrica e reabilitação psicossocial: uma leitura a partir do materialismo dialético, A Hirdes
Reforma sanitária brasileira: dilemas entre o instituinte e o instituído, S Fleury
Reformation of the Burden of Proof, Deborah Wollen
Reform: Deep Democracy, not Neoliberal Retrogression, Jaime Breilh
Reforming EPA's Organizational Structure: Establishing an Adaptable Agency through Eco-Regions, Paul S. Weiland and Robert O. Vos
Reforming the Forest Service, Denise D. Fort
Reform of the reform. Rethinking health, GWS Campos
Reform of the state and organizational change: a study of public hospitals, JM Ribeiro, PB Silva, and NR Costa
Reform of the state and reform of health systems, C Almeida
Refrain, Lincoln Fitzell
Refugee Law and Policy: A Comparative and International Approach, Jennifer Moore, Karen Musalo, and Richard A. Boswell
Refuge, Resistance, and Rebellion: Humanism and the Middle Way in the French Wars of Religion, Thomas E. Shumaker
Regent Confirmation Hearing Resolution, UNM Faculty Senate
Regents Photo in 1933, University of New Mexico Board of Regents
Regime neoditatorial e sistema de saúde do Distrito Federal, México, N Cortés
Régimen neodictatorial y sistema de salud del Distrito Federal, México, N Cortés
Regional Conflict and National Policy, Kent A. Price, Ed., Albert E. Utton
Regional Cooperation: The Example of International Waters Systems in the Twentieth Century, Albert E. Utton
Regional differences in Indian health 1990, Unknown
Regional differences in Indian Health - 1992., Indian Health Service
Regional differences in Indian health - 1997, Indian Health Service, Rockville, MD and American Indian Health Care Association
Regional differences in Indian health 1998-1999., Unknown
Regional Economic Development: The River Basin Approach in Mexico, Steve H. Hanke
Regional governments promote renewable energy sources and integration projects for sustainable development, NotiSur Writers
Regionalism and Politics, Aron Krich and Vincent Garoffolo
Regionalism and the Creative Impulse: A Canadian View, Wilson O. Clough
Regionalism and the Mountain West, New Mexico Architecture
Regionalism in the South, John Crowe Ransome
Regional Planning—Subdivision Control—New Mexico's New Municipal Code, Timothy W. Glidden
Region could suffer severely from U.S ethanol policy, NotiCen writers
Region embrances ethanol; a CAFTA complication, NotiCen writers
Region's indigenous leaders demand to be heard, Louisa Reynolds
Region's ministers meet under Plan Puebla-Panama banner to avert energy crisis, NotiCen writers
Regressive Siting of Public Facilities, Julian Wolpert
Regulating Hazardous Waste Incinerators under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Lawrence G. Buc and Curtis Haymore
Regulation and the Economy: Concluding Thoughts, Henry M. Peskin, Paul R. Portney, and Allen V. Kneese
Regulation of Electric Utilities and Affiliated Coal Companies - Determining Reasonable Expenses, Jane Marx
Regulation of Hydrogen Sulfide Production in Blood Vessels., Perenkita Mendiola
Regulation of Interbasin Transfers and Consumptive Uses from the Great Lakes, Stephen Frerichs and K. William Easter
Regulation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Secretaría de Energía
Regulation of Rational Use of Energy, La Asamblea Legislativa de la Republica De Costa Rica
Regulation of the Chubut Wind Energy Law, El Gobernador de la Provincia del Chubut
Regulation of the Law of Public Electricity Service, in terms of Contributions, Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Regulation of the Organic Law on Gaseous Hydrocarbons, Presidente de la República
Regulation of Wildlife in the National Park System: Federal or State, Sandra Jo Craig
Regulatory Jurisdiction over Indian Country Retail Liquor Sales, Thomas E. Lilley
Regulatory Policy-Making: Toward a Framework of Analysis, Paul A. Sabatier
Regulatory Reform of the U.S. Natural Gas Industry: A Summing Up, Suedeen G. Kelly
Rehabilitation after Latarjet Procedure, Nathan Vigil
Rehabilitation of a Patient with West Nile Virus and Associated Sequelae, Vanessa Garcia
Rehabilitation of the Navahos, Dorothea C. Leighton
Rehabilitation of West Nile Virus and Associated Sequelae, Vanessa Garcia
Reid, A Law of Blood; The Primitive Law of the Cherokee Nation, D. Sabatini Joseph
Re-imagining the Role of the Health Sciences Librarian in the New Information Economy: an Informaticists Perspective', Philip J. Kroth
Re-imagining Your Professional Boundaries and Future Patrons: Are You Ready for Your Second Life?, Holly E. Phillips, Deborah K. LaPointe, Geoffrey Alexander, and Nathaniel Schneider
Re-inking Brazil: Race in Brazilian Graphic Novels, Karen de Melo
Reinstatement of Three Olympic Sports, UNM Faculty Senate
Reinterpreting Moche Warfare: Regionality and Multiple Ideologies in Moche Fineline Painting, Ethan Cole
Reintroducing the Mexican Wolf: Will the Public Share the Costs, or Will the Burden Be Borne by a Few, Joel M. Carson
Re-invigorating South Asia by deepening "Look East" policies, Pradumna Bickram Rana
Rejection, Joseph T. Mozley
Relacion del Conquistador Bernardino Vasquez de Tapia, John Hughton Allen
Relaciones entre profesionales de la salud y mujeres VIH +: un abordaje de género, J M. Aguiar and R Simões-Barbosa
Relações entre processos sociais, violência e qualidade de vida, M C. Minayo
Relações entre profissionais de saúde e mulheres HIV+: uma abordagem de gênero, J M. Aguiar and R Simões-Barbosa
Relational Characteristics of Transboundary Water Treaties: Lesotho's Water Transfer Treaty with the Republic of South Africa, Fred O. Boadu
Relationship Between Academic Achievement of College Graduates in Their Major Fields and of Graduates Out of Their Major Fields, John Cloyd Miller
Relationship Between Mineral Content of Breast Milk and Maternal Diet, Zachary Wilson
Relationship Between Structure and Functional Connectivity Within the Default Mode Network, Andrei A. Vakhtin
Relationships between health professionals and HIV+ women: A gender-based approach, J M. Aguiar and R Simões-Barbosa
Relationships Between Social Processes, Violence and Quality of Life, M C. Minayo
Relative deprivation and civil conflict in Nepal, Karen Macours
Relative Prices, Technical Change, and Environmental Preservation, V. Kerry Smith
Relativism in Language and Culture, Stanley Newman
Release, Irene Fisher
Relevância epidemiológica da desnutrição e da obesidade em distintas classes sociais: métodos de estudo e aplicação à população brasileira, L Mondini and C Monteiro
Relevancia epidemiológica de la desnutrición y de la obesidad en distintas clases sociales: métodos de estudio y aplicación a la población brasileña, L Mondini and C Monteiro
Relief, Thomas Bledsoe
Religion and Tradition in the Novels of George Eliot, Viva Fisk
Religiosidade, reprodução e saúde em famílias urbanas pobres, MT Couto
Religiosidade, reprodução e saúde em famílias urbanas pobres, MT Couto
Religiosidad, reproducción y salud en familias urbanas pobres, MT Couto
Religiosidad, reproducción y salud en familias urbanas pobres, MT Couto
Religiosity, reproduction and health among underprivileged urban families, MT Couto
Religiosity, reproduction and health among underprivileged urban families, MT Couto
Religious and Liberal Thoughts In Eça and Galdos, Nasario Garcia
Religious pluralism in contemporary Nepal: Nepali indigenous movements and recommendations to creating a ‘fully democratic’ Nepal, Pasang Yangjee Sherpa
Religious sites and practices as economic indicators: A consideration of the rural and urban Nepal, Charis Boke
Religious Spanish Folk-Drama in New Mexico, A. L. Campa
Religious Studies 2014 Academic Program Review, UNM Academic Program Review
Remarks of the Outgoing President of the American Bar Association, William G. Paul
Remarks on Modern Mexican Art, Joaquin Ortega
Remarks on Signing the CONCAUSA Agreement in Miami, Administration of William J. Clinton
Remediating Discrimination Against African American Females at the Intersection of Title IX and Title VI, Alfred Dennis Mathewson
Remembering Ruined Cities, Louis Ginsberg
Remembering What Hurts Us Most: A Critique of the American Indian Law Deskbook, New Mexico Law Review
Reminiscence, Robert Frederic Herter
Reminiscence of Childhood, Myron H. Broomell
Remittance, poverty and inequality: Micro-simulation for Nepal, Chakra Acharya and Roberto Leon-Gonzalez
Remittances and Financial Inclusion: Evidence from Nepal, Nayan Krishna Joshi, Sadichchha Shrestha, Shailie Rimal, Saurab Shrestha, and Bishnu Dev Pant
Remittances and their effects in Nepal: a microeconomic study, Mukti Upadhyay
Remittance to Nepal from foreign employment: Changes and implications, Udaya R. Wagle
Remodel Automotive Body Shop, Richard Yates Architects, Inc.
Remodeled Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Bremer, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Boehning & Boehning Architects and Engineer
Remodeling of the Centerline, Santa Fe, New Mexico, John P. Conron
Remodeling of the Centerline South, Sandoval, New Mexico, John P. Conron
Remodeling of the Meardon Residence, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Robert Plettenberg
Remodeling of the Skeen Furniture Store, Carlsbad, New Mexico, Britelle and Ginner Architects
Remodeling of the W.T. Tate Residence, Clovis, New Mexico, James A. Burran Jr.
Remote Handled Disposal Enhancement at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, Philip Theisen
Remote Sensing of Pinon-Juniper Communities in New Mexico, Will Brewer
Removing Remedies, Removing Rights; the Future of 1983 Claims for Violations of the IDEA in the Wake of Gonzaga v. Doe, Erin Toponce
Rendezvous 2014, Beverley Howell
Renewable Energy 2008 - Solar Energy, Energías Renovables
Renewable Energy Best Practices in Promotion and Use for Latin America and the Caribbean, Andrea Luecke
Renewable Energy in Guatemala, Ministerio de Energía y Minas
Renewable Energy in Mexico, SENER
Renewable Energy Sources in Latin America and the Caribbean: Situation and Policy Proposals, U.N. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean and the German Agency for Technical Cooperation
Renewable Energy Technologies to Improve Energy Access in Brazil, José Goldemberg, Emili Lebre La Rovere, Suani Teixeira Coelho, André Felipe Simoes, Patricia Guardabassi, Felipe Moreira Miranda, Centro Clima/COPPE/UFRJ, and CENBIO/USP
Renner, J. F. Powers
Renovations of Two Mayan-Style Buildings in Albuquerque, Edna E. Heatherington
Rent Seeking, Wealth Transfers and Water Rights: The Hawaii Case, Richard L. Bowen, James E. Moncur, and Richard L. Pollock
Repeat of q16-1-27.tif, the film shrank under the SEM beam, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Repensando a rede básica de saúde e o distrito sanitário., TS Maeda and AW Costa
Repensando de maneira holística o risco da vivência urbana precária para a saúde: uma análise a partir do enfoque da vulnerabilidade sociodemográfica, M Rojas, N Meichtry, M Ciuffolini, J Vázquez, and J Castillo
Repensando de manera holística el riesgo de la vivienda urbana precaria para la salud: un análisis desde el enfoque de la vulnerabilidad sociodemográfica, M Rojas, N Meichtry, M Ciuffolini, J Vázquez, and J Castillo
Repensando la red básica de salud y el distrito sanitario., TS Maeda and AW Costa
Repercusiones psicosociales del desempleo, M Fernández
Repercussões psicosociais do desemprego, M Fernández
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Cervical Dystonia: Effect of Site and Repetition in a Randomized Pilot Trial, Sarah Pirio Richardson, Sule Tinaz, and Robert Chen
Replicability of time-varying connectivity patterns of the human brain at rest, Anees Abrol
Report and Recommendations From the Scholarly Publishing Roundtable, Scholarly Publishing Roundtable and Association of American Universities
Report Concerning Completion of Transcript, Thomas R. Bartman, Bernalillo County New Mexico, and Sandia Mountain Coalition
Reported Crimes -- 2005, UNM Police Department
Reported Crimes -- 2006, UNM Police Department
Reported Crimes -- 2007, UNM Police Department
Report for NMDGF Permit: 1733, 2016, Barney R. Tamberlin
Report for NMDGF Permit: 1778, 2015, Jerry D. Johnson
Report for NMDGF Permit: 2018, 2006, Michael A. Bogan
Report for NMDGF Permit: 2906, 2015, Gail Gail
Report for NMDGF Permit: 2937, 2015, Steven Cox
Report for NMDGF Permit: 2968, 2013, Astrid Kodric-Brown
Report for NMDGF Permit: 2984, 2015, Steven W. Cardiff
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3057, 2015, Daniel S. Abram
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3087, 2016, James Wilber
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3094, 2016, Wally Murphy
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3145, 2015, Brian Archuleta
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3169, 2007, Frank D. Bryce
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3293, 2016, Stewart B. Jones
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3302, 2010 Email receipt for Eliza, Eliza Gilbert
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3302, 2016 Misc field notes, Jeff Sanchez
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3304, 2015, Laura L. McCann
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3308, 2015, S. David Moore
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3392, 2016, Laurie Wearne
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3402, 2013 notes, Dennis Miller
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3402, 2015, Dennis Miller
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3417, 2013, Douglas Tave
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3449, 2015, Bernard Ashley
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3455, 2015, Sherry Barrett
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3484, 2016, Jason Rector
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3491, 2015, John J. Kiseda
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3491, 2016, John J. Kiseda
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3518, 2013, Jeff Winstead
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3520, 2015, Claudette Horn
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3546, 2014, David Menicucci
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3546, 2015, David Menicucci
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3547, 2016, Laurie Wearne
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3550, 2016, Sarah K. Madigan
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3559, 2014, David J. Buys
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3573, 2015, Donald Cochrane
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3599, 2014, David J. Buys
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3604, 2015, Jennifer Macke
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3607, 2015, Amy Little
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3609, 2015, Mary Kershaw
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3609, 2016, Mary Kershaw
Report for NMDGF Permit: 3643, 2016, Joel E. Pagel
Report for NMDGF Permit: 5, Letter to Mr. Gaylord on exceeding the limit, Robert L. Griego
Report from the Chair, Robert C. Schenck, Jr.
Report from the Division of Physical Therapy, UNM Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Report from the Residency Director, Gehron Treme
Report of the Second Report on the Ninth Meeting of the AdHoc Open-Ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-Sharing, Convention on Biological Diversity
Report of the University of New Mexico, 1935-1947, University of New Mexico
Report on 120 Days of Listening Campaign, Robert G. Frank
Report on Sun Valley Meeting, John Conron
Report on the conference on Latino Students: Promoting Access and Success and the Pre-Conference on Latino Students and Culture, Teresa Marquez
Report on the Dakar Meeting of International River Commissions, Robert D. Hayton
Report on the Establishment of an Automated Information System for the Indian Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Secretary and J. Markowitz
Report on the UNM Department of Architecture, The New Mexico Architect
Report or Recommendation Necessary to Trigger EIS, Stephen D. Dillon
Report to Congress on the Indian Health Service with Regard to Health Status and Health Care Needs of American Indians in California, University of California, San Francisco, California.; E. Valencia; and R. Hough
Representaciones de los jóvenes en torno a la salud. Un estudio exploratorio de perfiles, LC Orellana and SI Weller
Representaciones del proceso de salud enfermedad y la valoración de la atención médica desde la mujer, M Schapira
Representaciones sociales de profesionales de la salud sobre la violencia sexual contra la mujer: Un estudio en tres maternidades públicas del municipio de Río de Janeiro, Brasil, L Fontenele, R Gomes, and M C. Minayo
Representações do processo saúde-doença e a valorização da atenção médica à mulher, M Schapira
Representações dos jovens em torno da saúde. Um estudo exploratório de perfis, LC Orellana and SI Weller
Representações sociais de profissionais de saúde sobre violência sexual contra a mulher: estudo em três maternidades públicas municipais do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, L Fontenele, R Gomes, and M C. Minayo
Representations of health and illness and womens judgement of medical care, M Schapira
Representative Availability to Discuss Form C at Faculty Senate Meetings, UNM Faculty Senate
Representing Outside the Box: Identity-based Constituencies and Surrogate Representation in U.S. State Legislatures, Julia Hellwege
Reprieve, Carey Holbrook
Reproach for the Critics, Alfred Carter
Reproductive Health Services: An Entry Point to Reach Labor Migrants and Their Wives for Providing HIV and STI Services in Nepal, Laxmi Bilas Acharya
Reproductive health services: An entry point to reach labor migrants and their wives for providing HIV and STI services in Nepal, Laxmi Bilas Acharya
Reptile Populations at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico (1989-1990), Howard Snell
Request to Lover, Carol Ely Harper
Requiem, Ken Wells
Requiem, Sarah Singer
Requiem for F. B. H., Robert H. Fetterly
Requiring a Live Client, In-House Clinical Course: A Report on the University of New Mexico Law School Experience, J. Michael Norwood
Requital, Alice Lee Sawyers
Resale of the Columbia River Treaty Downstream Power Benefits: One Road from Here to There, Jonathan A. Lesser
Research and Adoration, Jay C. Knode
Research (An Editorial), John D. Clark
Research Awards and Research Assistant, UNM Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Research Awards and Research Assistants, UNM Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Researchers grow hybrid poplar to produce biomass and transform it into energy, Ignacio Corvera
Research gone rogue? Research and the Final Rule, Ramsey Tate
Research in Central America, Mischa Titiev
Research Literacy: Understanding the Academic Publishing Environment, Karen R. McElfresh and Jacob L. Nash
Research Metrics, Chaouki Abdallah
Research on Bias in Judicial Sentencing, Jon'a Meyer and Paul Jesilow
Research on Comprehensive Planning of Water-Resource Systems, Maynard M. Hufschmidt
Research on Natural Resources: A Review and Commentary, Samuel H. Ordway Jr., Wallace D. Bowman, and John Milton
Research on participatory action: an unknown dimension, B Jiménez-Domínguez
Research on violence against women in Latin America: between blind empiricism and theory without data, R Castro and F Riquer
Reserved Water Rights and Our National Forests, Heidi Topp Brooks
Reservoir Management and the Water Scarcity Issue in the Upper Colorado River Basin, R. G. Cummings and J. W. McFarland
Residence Exterior Addition, Berry Langford
Residence of Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Leib, Deryl Dick and Don West
Residents Leading the Way to Improve Quality, James Heilman
Residuals - Environmental Quality Management: A Framework for Policy Analysis, Daniel P. Loucks
Residuals Management in the Pulp and Paper Industry, B. T. Bower, G. O. Lof, and W. M. Hearon
Resignation, Margaret Deming Lund
Resistance and Assimilation in Post-Annexation New Mexico: The Forgotten Works of Felipe M. Chacón, Debra Nieto
Resistance Training in the Elderly to Prevent Fall and Optimize Function, Tamara Hartenberger
Res Judicata: Will it Stop Instream Flows From Being the Wave of the Future?, Harold A. Ranquist
Resolución Extenta 1278, establece normas para la adecuada implementacion de la Ley No 20.257, National Energy Commission
Resolution 180256 - Amendment to Resolution 181782, El Ministerio de Minas y Energía, Colombia
Resolution 180919 - Rational Use of Energy, El Ministerio de Minas y Energía, Colombia
Resolution 182131 - Natural Gas, El Ministerio de Minas y Energía, Colombia
Resolution 341 - Allocation of funds to non-conventional renewable energy sources, Corporación de Fomento de la Producción, Chile
Resolution 367 - Regulation of Coverage for Loans to Finance Investment Projects in Non-conventional Renewable Energy, Corporación de Fomento de la Producción, Chile
Resolution 370 - Power Lines Subsidy, Corporación de Fomento de la Producción, Chile
Resolution 89 - Code for the Renewable Energy Center, Corporación de Fomento de la Producción, Chile
Resolution for the Method for Choosing Faculty Representation on the Presidential Search Committee, UNM Faculty Senate
Resolution in Support of Faculty Senate Approach to the Audit, UNM Faculty Senate
Resolution No. 111/2002 - National Environmental Monitoring System, Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente
Resolution No. 111/96 - Regulations on the Biological Diversity, Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente
Resolution No. 152 - Natural Gas, Secretaria de Estado de Industria y Comercio
Resolution No. 168/95 - Environmental Impact, Consejo del Estado
Resolution No. 235 - Biodiesel, Ministerio de Industria y Comercio, Paraguay
Resolution No. 25/98 - Authorization of the Practices Associated with the Use of Ionizing Radiation, Ministra de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente
Resolution No. 29 - Natural Gas Prices for the week of February 19-25, 2011, Ministerio de Industria y Comercio, República Dominicana
Resolution No. 30 - Geothermal Energy, Ministerio de Minería, Chile
Resolution No. 377 - Fuels, Ministerio de Industria y Comercio, Paraguay
Resolution No. 41 - Natural Gas, Ministerio de Industria y Comercio
Resolution No. 4/2005 - Creates the Environmental Regulation and Nuclear Safety Office, Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente
Resolution No. 77/99 - Regulations for the Evaluation Process of Environmental Impact, Ministra de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente
Resolution No. 818/009 - Wind Farm, Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Minas
Resolving Land-Use Disputes by Intimidation: Slapp Suits in New Mexico, Frederick M. Rowe and Leo M. Romero
Resource Allocation, Information Cost and the Form of Government Intervention, James E. Krier and W. David Montgomery
Resource Development and Environmental Issues: Opportunities and Constraints in the Hunter Region, NSW, Aynsley Kellow
Resource Development and the Public Interest - A Challenge for Research, Norman Wengert
Resource Location Patterns and State Severance Taxes: Some Empirical Evidence, James A. Richardson and Loren C. Scott
Resource Management at the Watershed Level: An Assessment of the Changing Federal Role in the Emerging Era of Community-Based Watershed Management, Douglas S. Kenney
Resource Nationalism and Energy Security in Latin America: Implication for Global Oil Supplies, David R. Mares
“Resource Rich and Income Poor”: Payment for Access to Protected Areas in Nepal, Michal J. Bardecki and J. Michelle Cook
Resources and Energy: An Economic Analysis, F. E. Banks, Ronda L. Smith
Resources for an Uncertain Future, Charles J. Hitch, Ed, Richard R. Baer Jr.
Resources for Complying with the NIH Public Access Policy, David Gilikin
Resources Scarcity and New Technology in U.S. Petroleum Development, Richard B. Norgaard
Resource Taxation, Tax Exportation and Regional Energy Poicies, Robert B. Shelton and William E. Morgan
Resource Use in the Regional Landscape, Robert H. Twiss and R. Burton Litton
Respectability, Dorothy Eargle Thomas
Respiration of Kidney Slices from Adrenalectomized Rats Treated with Adrenal Cortical Hormones, Miriam Landew
Respiration Studies of Rattus Rattus and Citellus Lateralis Brain Tissue Slices at 20 and 37 C, Sonja Hyduke
Response of the Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Land Management
Responses to Two Weight Training Protocols--One with Integrated High-Intensity Interval Training, Tony P. Nunez
Response to House Memorial 41 Requesting a Study of the Use of Natural Gas as a Transportation Fuel, Kevin Washburn, Kevin Boberg, and Jeffrey Kendall
Response to The Mescalero Apache Indians and Monitored Retrievable Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Study in Environmental Ethics, Wendell Chino
Responsibility of Architect to Owner, Harry M. Prince
Restaurant Andre, Patrick McClernon Architects/Planners, P.A.
Restoration Policy and Recent Books and Articles on the Topic: Humpty Dumpty and Restoration Policy, Peter Lavigne
Restoration Work at St Francis of Assisi, Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico Architecture
Restoring Nature: Perspectives from the Social Sciences and Humanities, edited by Paul H. Gobster & R. Bruce Hull, Richard A. Matthew
Restoring River and Lake Basin Ecosystems, Ludwik A. Teclaff and Eileen Teclaff
Restoring the CIRCLE (Community Involvement to Renew Commitment, Leadership and Effectiveness): a tool for intimate partner violence prevention., M Many Grey Horses
Restoring the Grand Jury, Kevin Washburn
Restoring the Humanitarian Character of U.S. Refugee Law: Lessons from the International Community, Jennifer Moore
Restoring The Oldest Water Right In Texas: Land Grant Suertes, Water Dulas, and Archimedes Screw Pumps, Jose A. Rivera
Restraint, Elinor Lennen
Restructuring the state in Nepal: The difficulty of a federal bargain, Andre Lecours
Results of a Pilot Walking School Bus Program to Prevent Obesity in Hispanic Elementary School Children, Nichole Burks, Christina Conklin, Alberta Kong, Carlos Roldan, Betty Skipper, and Susan Scott
"Retainer" bureaucracy: an impediment to the process of democratic governance in Nepal, Sucheta Pyakuryal
"Retainer" Bureaucracy: An Impediment to the Process of Democratic Governance in Nepal, Sucheta Pyakuryal
Rethinking Cervantes, Joaquin Ortega
Rethinking Holistically the Risk of the Urban Home on Health: An Analysis from the Focus of the Socio-Demographic Vulnerability, M Rojas, N Meichtry, M Ciuffolini, J Vázquez, and J Castillo
Rethinking Martín Chambi, Michele M. Penhall
Rethinking the basic health network and healthcare district, TS Maeda and AW Costa
Rethinking Water Governance: Moving Beyond Water-Centric Perspectives in a Connected and Changing World, Rob C. de Loë and James J. Patterson
Reticent Revolution: Prospects for Damage Suits under the New Mexico Bill of Rights, Paul R. Owen
Reticulated and smooth filament overview, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Reticulated filament, D. Northup, M. Spilde, and L. Melim
Reticulated filament, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Reticulated filament and film, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Reticulated filament and film bridging crystals, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Reticulated filament and film bridging openings, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filament and film on crystals, Michael Spilde
Reticulated filament and large film channel, D. Northup and Leslie Melim
Reticulated filament at edge of low relief area, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Reticulated filament bridging crystals, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filament bridging gap, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Reticulated filament bridging gap, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Reticulated filament bridging substrate, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filament coming out of hole, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Reticulated filament crossing image, D. Northup, M. Splide, L. Melim, R. Liescheidt, and A. Kooser
Reticulated filament draped over etched crystals, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Reticulated filament emerging and going into crystals, D. Northup, M. Spilde, and L. Melim
Reticulated filament emerging from substrate, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filament emerging from tube, D. Northup, M. Splide, L. Melim, R. Liescheidt, and A. Kooser
Reticulated filament emerging from tube in crystals, M. Spilde and Leslie Melim
Reticulated filament entering clay at both ends, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filament entering hole, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filament entering substrate, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filament filament and bridging film, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filament going from flat on rock to tube crossing bridge and then back to flat, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Reticulated filament going into clay, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filament going under substrate, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filament in channel, M. Spilde and Leslie Melim
Reticulated filament in crevasse, M. Spilde and Leslie Melim
Reticulated filament in crystals, D. Northup, M. Spilde, and L. Melim
Reticulated filament in etched, M. Spilde and L. Melim
Reticulated filament in hollow crust, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filament in pit, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filament in tube, M. Spilde and Leslie Melim
Reticulated filament in tube, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filament in valley, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Reticulated filament next to round body, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filament next to round body, close up, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filament on crystals, M. Spilde and Leslie Melim
Reticulated filament, poorly perserved, M. Spilde, D. Northup, L. Melim, and R. Liescheidt
Reticulated filaments, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Reticulated filaments, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Reticulated filaments, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Reticulated filaments and film, D. Northup and Leslie Melim
Reticulated filaments and film, D. Northup and Leslie Melim
Reticulated filaments bridging crystals, M. Spilde and L. Melim
Reticulated filaments, collapsed tubes, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Reticulated filaments entering substrate with film, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filaments going into film, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Reticulated filaments in clay, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filaments in spar, M. Spilde, L. Melim, S. Herpin, and J.M. Queen
Reticulated filaments in spar, M. Spilde and Leslie Melim
Reticulated filament spanning crystals, D. Northup, M. Spilde, and L. Melim
Reticulated filament that appears to bend, D. Northup, M. Splide, L. Melim, R. Liescheidt, and A. Kooser
Reticulated filament that goes from textured to smooth, D. Northup, M. Splide, L. Melim, R. Liescheidt, and A. Kooser
Reticulated filament with a tear, D. Northup and Leslie Melim
Reticulated filament with clays and film, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Reticulated filament with end covered in film, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filament with flattened tube, D. Northup and Leslie Melim
Reticulated filament with good cross-section, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated filament with nice tube shape, M. Spilde and Leslie Melim
Reticulated filament with other filaments, M. Spilde
Reticulated filament with ropy filament, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Reticulated on etched crystal, M. Spilde
Retratos Mestizaje a Photographic Survey of the Indo-Hispano Traditions of the Rio Grande Corridor, Miguel Gandert
Retreat from Glory, Max Knepper
Retroactive Application of Treasury Rules and Regulations, David W. Ball
Return, Marina Wister
Return in the Rain, Irma Wassal
Return Trip, Clifford Wood
Return Voyage, Jorge Carrera Andrade
Return with Thanks, Clara Brussel
Revanant, Ethel B. Cheney
Revealed Preference Approaches to Valuing Outdoor Recreation, Robert Mendelsohn and Gardner M. Brown Jr.
"Revealing Reality": Four Asian Filmmakers Visualize the Transnational Imaginary, Stephen Edward Spence
Revealing Silences: The Representation of Black Identity in Afro-Caribbean Literature from the 19th to the 21st century, Bryn Campbell
Revelando contradicciones en la gestión local de salud, A Alfonso and C Sarduy Sánchez
Revelando contradições na gestão local de saúde, A Alfonso and C Sarduy Sánchez
Reverdy, Jessamyn West
Reverie, Heather R. Wishik
Review and Recollection, Related to Resource Economics: Selected Works of Orris C. Herfindahl, David Brooks, Ed., Mason Gaffney
Reviewers, University of New Mexico Press
Reviewing Reservoir Operations: Can Federal Water Projects Adapt to Change?, Reed D. Benson
Review of Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Project Feasibility Study Report, Kaehne Consulting Ltd
Review of American's Future in Toxic Waste Management: Lessons from Europe, Allen V. Kneese
Review of Some Current Poetry, Alan Swallow
Review of the Physical Aspects of Osmotic Pressure, Joseph F. Goffaux
Review of Treaties on Consumptive Utilization of Waters of Lake Victoria and Nile Drainage System, C. O. Okidi
Reviews, University of New Mexico Press
Reviews, University of New Mexico Press
Reviews, University of New Mexico Press
Reviews, University of New Mexico Press
Reviews, University of New Mexico Press
Reviews, University of New Mexico Press
Reviews, University of New Mexico Press
Reviews, University of New Mexico Press
Reviews, University of New Mexico Press
Reviews, University of New Mexico Press
Reviews, University of New Mexico Press
Reviews, University of New Mexico Press
Reviews, University of New Mexico Press
Reviews, University of New Mexico Press
Reviews of Some Current Poetry, Lincoln Fitzell
Review Week, UNM Faculty Senate
Revisando "la cuestión democrática en el área de la salud": casi 30 años después, S Fleury
Revised 10-10-2017 HSC Committee Notice of Meeting, Patrice Martin
Revised Faculty Workload Resolution, UNM Faculty Senate
Revision of Curricula Committee Charge Resolution, UNM Faculty Senate
Revisitando "a questäo democrática na área da saúde": quase 30 anos depois, S Fleury
Revisiting an old paradigm in Chile: epidemics and deterioration in economic and social conditions, F Cabello
Revisiting Merrion v. Jicarilla Apache Tribe: Robert Nordhaus and Sovereign Indian Control over Natural Resources on Reservations, Robert J. Nordhaus, G. Emlen Hall, and Anne Alise Rudio
Revisiting "The Question of Democracy in the Area of Health" : Almost 30 Years Later, S Fleury
Revisiting the Waste Land: What the Thunder Is Saying, Walter Coppedge
Revival Meeting or Call to Action, Buford Pickens
Revolt, John W. Wilson
Revolutionary New Products Department, New Mexico Architecture
Reynolds Aluminum Prize, The New Mexico Architect
Rhetorical and Semantic Tensions in Research Ethics, M Kottow
Rhetoric for Rhetoricians, Carl H. Grabo
Rhode Island Imposes Strict Liability for Contamination of Water by Percolation of Pollutants from Illegal Dump Site, Edward L. Hand
Rhyme on a Wintry Morning, E. W. Tedlock Jr.
Rhythmic Methods of Teaching Motor Skills, Jeannette Pruyn Reed
Rhythm Sunset, George Meyer
Ribbed filament with odd feature next to it, with high carbon signal, M. Spilde and Leslie Melim
Ribbon-like filaments emerging from calcite, M. Spilde and D. Northup
Ribbon of reticulated filament, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Ricardo and Jose Manuel Gonzales: Freighting Brothers on the Santa Fe Trail, Doyle Davies
Rice v. Cayetano: The Supreme Court Declines to Extend Federal Indian Law Principles to Native Hawaiians Sovereign Rights, Jeanette Wolfley
Richard Peck - Biography, William E. Davis
Richardson, Elmo R., The Politics of Conservation: Crusades and Controversies, 1897-1913, Ernest A. Engelbert
Richardson, Forestry in Communist China, John A. Zivnuska
Richard the Third, Ethel Barnett de Vito
Riddle's New Mexico, Texas and Mexico 1984 Catalog, B. Riddle
Ride Through the Jemez Mountains, Jewell Bothwell Tull
Ridge showing spheroids and debris with film, M. Spilde
Rights of New Mexico Municipalities regarding the Siting and Operation of Privately Owned Landfills, Richard S. Glassman
Rights of Surviving Spouse in New Mexico in Property Acquired by Decedent Spouse While Domiciled Elsewhere, Robert J. Werner
Rights to Health, Basic Medical Attention and Conditional Transfers of Cash in Latin America, A M. Fonseca and A Ávila
Right to Free Speech and Assembly, UNM Faculty Senate
Right to Review Strategic Plan, UNM Faculty Senate
Right to Trial by Jury in an Action for Civil Penalties and Injunctive Relief under the Clean Water Act, Barbara L. Lah
Rimbaud in Africa, Joseph Cherwinski
Ring like structure on cracked film, M. Medina and D. Northup
Ringstaff's Idaho 1993 Catalog, Jeremiah Ringstaff
Rio Bravo State Park and Bosque Nature Preserve, New Mexico Architecture
Rio Grande Deathwatch: The Story of a Dying River, Arthur W. Hamilton
Rio Grande Nature Center and Preserve, New Mexico Architecture
Rio Grande Pueblo Ceremonial Patterns, Edward P. Dozier
Rio Grande River Sonde Data from Bernalillo County, New Mexico (2006-2007), David Van Horn and Clifford Dahm
Rio Grande Water Chemistry Data from Bernalillo County, New Mexico (2006-2007), David Van Horn and Clifford Dahm
Rio Grande Zoological Park Bandshell and Lake, Van H. Gilbert
Riparian Evapotranspiration (ET) Study (SEON) along the Middle Rio Grande Bosque, New Mexico (1999-2011 ), Clifford Dahm and Jim Thibault
Riparian Evapotranspiration (ET) Study (SEON) from the Middle Rio Grande River Bosque, New Mexico (1999-2011 ): CO2 Concentration and Flux data, Clifford Dahm and Jim Thibault
Riparian Evapotranspiration (ET) Study (SEON) from the Middle Rio Grande River Bosque, New Mexico (1999-2011): Energy Balance Data, Clifford Dahm and Jim Thibault
Riparian Evapotranspiration (ET) Study (SEON) from the Middle Rio Grande River Bosque, New Mexico (1999-2011): Micrometeorological Data, Jim Thibault and Clifford Dahm
Riparian Evapotranspiration (ET) Study (SEON) from the Middle Rio Grande River Bosque, New Mexico (1999-2011 ): Soil Thermal Flux, Temperature and Moisture Data, Clifford Dahm and Jim Thibault
Riparian Evapotranspiration (ET) Study (SEON) from the Middle Rio Grande River Bosque, New Mexico (1999-2011 ): Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) Data, Clifford Dahm and Jim Thibault
Riparian Rights Revisited: Legal Basis for Federal Instream Flow Rights, Walter Jr. Kiechel and Martin Green
Rip in film, showing spheroids underneeth, D. Northup
Rip in film with hairy filaments and spheroids, M. Spilde
Ripped film in clay, exposing dimpled spheroids and filaments, M. Spilde
Risk: Accounting for an Uncertain Future, H. Stuart Burness
Risk Assessment and Environmental Benefits Analysis, Carlisle Ford Runge
Risk Perception in International River Basin Managemnt: The Plata Basin Example, Jorge O. Trevin and J. C. Day
Riverine Ecosystems in International Law, Iris M. Korhonen
Rivers as Legal Structures: The Examples of the Jordan and the Nile, Joseph W. Dellapenna
R. M. Schindler in New Mexico - 1915, New Mexico Architecture
Roadway, Robert L. Dark Jr.
Robert Frost, A Ortiz-Vargas, Catherine de Oritz-Vargas
Robison Jeffers, Frank Ankenbrand Jr.
Robust Text Activity Detection from Videos of Computer Monitors, Krithika Saravanan
Roche's New Mexico 1993 Catalog, M. I. Roche
Rodent Parasite Data for the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico (1990-1998), Don Duszyinski
Rodents prenatally exposed to alcohol display sex-dependent differences in spatial extinction learning, Christy Magcalas
Roderick Mead, Albert Reese
Rod on top of smaller rods knit together with web of filaments, M. Spilde
Rods and some spheroids under film, M. Medina
Rods and spheroid, M. Spilde, D. Northup, L. Melim, and R. Liescheidt
Rods and star shapes on corroded calcite, M. Spilde and D. Northup
Rods between tissue paper film mounds, M. Medina
Rods embedded in corroded crystal, M. Spilde, D. Northup, P. Boston, and L. Mallory
Rod shaped formations on clay, M. Spilde and D. Northup
Rod shaped mineral and debris on artificial substrate, M. Spilde
Role of Science in Valuing Natural Resources after State of Ohio v. Department of Interior, 880 F.2d 432 (D.C. Cir. 1989), Ellen Louderbough
Role of State Agencies in Protecting Aquatic Ecosystems, Duane L. Shroufe
Role or Spatial Relationships in Assessing the Social and Economic Impacts of Large-Scale Construction Projects, James A. Chalmers
Rollin' on a River: The Inland Waterways of Latin America, Wendy Pedersen, Suzanne M. Schadl, and Tarah Johnson
Rondel in Winter, Alfred Carter
Roofing Careers in Albuquerque: An Analysis of Legal and Undocumented Labor, Gary Lemons
Room for the Living, Joseph Leonard Grucci
Roots in the Earth, Richard L. Boke
Root with large spheroid and filaments, M. Spilde
Ropy filament, M. Spilde and Leslie Melim
Ropy filament, M. Spilde and Leslie Melim
Ropy filament attaching to film, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Ropy filament or film and group of hairy spheroids, M. Spilde
Ropy filament with finer filaments, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Ropy film, M. Spilde, L. Melim, and D. Northup
Ropy film, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Ropy film and possible smooth filaments, D. Northup, M. Splide, L. Melim, R. Liescheidt, and A. Kooser
Ropy film attaching to crystals, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Ropy film bridging substrate, D. Northup and L. Melim
Ropy film filaments and clay, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Ropy film on crystals, M. Spilde, L. Melim, and D. Northup
Rory O'Moore, Daniel Skillin
Rosette and star shapes on calcite, M. Spilde and D. Northup
Rosette of tablets in FMD, M. Spilde
Ross Calvin Interprets the Southwest, Roland Dickey
Roster: American Institute of Interior Designers, New Mexico Architecture
Roster: American Institute of Interior Designers, New Mexico Architecture
Roster: American Institute of Interior Designers, New Mexico Architecture
Roster: American Institute of Interior Designers, New Mexico Architecture
Roster: American Society of Interior Designers, New Mexico Architecture
Roster: American Society of Interior Designers, New Mexico Architecture
Roster New Mexico Chapter American Institute of Interior Designers, New Mexico Architecture
Roster, New Mexico Society of Architects, New Mexico Architecture
Roster of Firms, New Mexico Chapter American Institute of Architects
Roster of the New Mexico Society of Architects, New Mexico Architecture
Roster of The New Mexico Society of Architects, New Mexico Architecture
Roster of The New Mexico Society of Architects, New Mexico Architecture
Roster The New Mexico Society of Architects, New Mexico Architecture
Roster: The New Mexico Society of Architects, New Mexico Architecture
Roster: The New Mexico Society of Architects, New Mexico Architecture
Roster: The New Mexico Society of Architects, New Mexico Architecture
Roster: The New Mexico Society of Architects, New Mexico Architecture
Roster: The New Mexico Society of Architects, New Mexico Architecture
Roster: The New Mexico Society of Architects, New Mexico Architecture
Roster: The New Mexico Society of Architects, New Mexico Architecture
Round body, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Round body, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Round body overview, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Round cluster of filaments with threads, bridging filaments and film, D. Northup
Rounded plates of hydromagnesite, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Round feature where two fingers meet, M. Spilde, L. Melim, and D. Northup
Round holes with possible biofilm, M. Spilde, D. Northup, L. Melim, and R. Liescheidt
Roundup, Barbara Rogers Stinson
Routes and Roadblocks: State Controls on Hazardous Waste Imports, Jonathan T. Cain
Rowe's New Mexico 1994 Catalog, Sarah Rowe
Royalty Management in the New Minerals Management Service: A Reply to Sant, Haspel, and Boldt, Russell Davis, James E. Wilen, and Rosemarie Jergovic
Royalty Valuation: Should Royalty Obligations Be Determined Intrinsically, Theoretically, or Realistically - Part 1, Owen L. Anderson
Royalty Valuation: Should Royalty Obligations Be Determined Intrinsically, Theoretically, or Realistically - Part 2, Owen L. Anderson
Royer's New Mexico 1995 Catalog, D. L. Royer
Roy Rosen Photographs New Mexico, University of New Mexico Press
RPM 1.1: Responsibilities of the Board of Regents, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 1.2: Structure of the Board of Regents, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 1.3: Public Notice of Regents' Meetings, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 1.4: Appointment of the President of the University, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 1.5: Appeals to the Board of Regents, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 1.6: Special Recognition and Awards, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 1.7: Advisors to the Board of Regents, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 1.8: Regent Code of Conduct and Conflicts of Interest Policy, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.01: Free Expression and Advocacy, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.02: Speakers from Off Campus, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.03: Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action for Employees & Students, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.04: Diversity and Campus Climate, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.05: Sexual Harassment, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.06: Drug Free Environment, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.07: Use of the University's Name and Symbols, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.08: Visitors to the University, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.09: University Archives and Records, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.10.0: Architectural Style of Campus Buildings and Campus Master Plan, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.10.1: Historic Preservation, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.11.0: Naming University Facilities, Spaces, Endowments and Programs, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.11.1: Building Plaques, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.12: Advertising, Sales, and Solicitations on Campus, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.13.0: Health Sciences Center and Services (Moved to RPM 3.4), Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.13.1: Health Sciences Center Quality of Care (Rescinded), Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.13.2: Health Sciences Center Medical Staff (Rescinded), Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.13.3: Health Sciences Center Compliance Policy (Moved to RPM 3.4), Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.13.4: University HIPAA Compliance Policy (Moved To RPM 3.7), Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.14: Branch Colleges and Off-Campus Education Centers, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.15: Science and Technology Corporation at UNM, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.16: University Counsel, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.17: Public Access to University Records, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 2.18: Guiding Principles, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 3.1: Responsibilities of the President, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 3.2: Authority in an Emergency, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 3.3: Appointment and Termination of Key Administrators, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 3.4: Health Sciences Center and Services, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 3.5: UNM Health Sciences Center Committee, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 3.6: UNM Hospital Board of Trustees, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 3.7: Health Sciences Center Institutional Compliance Program, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 3.9: Benefits of the University President, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 4.1: Student Government, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 4.2: Student Code of Conduct, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 4.3: Student Grievances, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 4.4: Student Records, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 4.5: Student Publications, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 4.6: Chartered Student Organizations, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 4.7: Tuition and Fees, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 4.8: Academic Dishonesty, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 4.9: Intercollegiate Athletics, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 5.01: The Faculty's Role in the University's Academic Mission, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 5.02: Academic Freedom and Tenure; Appointments and Promotions, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 5.03: Employment of UNM Graduates, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 5.04: Leaves of Absence, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 5.05: Outside Employment, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 5.06: Extra Compensation Paid by the University, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 5.07: Confidentiality of Faculty Records, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 5.08: Intellectual Property, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 5.09: Sponsored Research, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 5.10: Conflicts of Interest in Research, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 5.11: Classified Research, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 5.12: Overseas Research, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 5.13: Research Fraud, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 5.14: Human Beings as Subjects in Research, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 5.15: Use of Animals in Education and Research, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 5.16: Post-Tenure Review, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 5.17: Conflict of Interest Waiver Policy for Technology Transfer, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 5.18: Endowed Faculty Chairs, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 6.01: Performance Management, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 6.02: Hiring, Promotion and Transfer, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 6.03: Privileges and Benefits, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 6.04: Employee Code of Conduct and Conflicts of Interest Policy, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 6.05: Political Activity by Employees, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 6.06: Labor Management Relations, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 6.07: Disclosure of Information About Candidates for Employment, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 6.08: Disclosure of Information About Employees, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 6.09: Employment Contracts, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 6.10: Dispute Resolution and Employee Grievances, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 6.11: Dependent Educational Benefits, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 6.12: University of New Mexico Staff Council, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.01: Accounting and Reporting of Funds to the Governor, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.02: Internal Auditing and Compliance, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.03: Audit and Compliance Committee, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.04: Purchasing, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.05: Small Business Program, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.06: University Enterprise Business Activities, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.07: Travel Reimbursement and Per Diem, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.08: Signature Authority for Contracts, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.09: Property Management, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.10: Borrowing and Bonding Authority, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.11: Selection of Architects for UNM Projects, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.12.0: Approval of Construction Projects, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.12.1: Selection of Contractors for UNM Construction Projects, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.13: Receipt and Investment of Gifts to the University, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.14: Risk Management and Insurance, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.15: Official Social Functions, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.16: Financial Exigency, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.17: University-Affiliated 501(c) Organizations, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.18: Joint Powers Agreements, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.19: Regents' Endowment Fund, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.20: Budgets and Fund Balances, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 7.21: Investment of Operational Funds and Bond Proceeds, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 8.1: Special Use of University Facilities, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 8.2: Law Enforcement on Campus, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 8.3: Parking and Vehicles on Campus, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 8.4: The New Mexico Union, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 8.5: Museums, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 8.6: KNME-TV, Regents of the University of New Mexico
RPM 8.7: KUNM Radio, Regents of the University of New Mexico
Ruben Dario: Poet of the Western World, George N. MacDonell
R/UDAT Carlsbad, New Mexico Architecture
R/UDAT Comes to New Mexico and Albuquerque, New Mexico Architecture
Rudd, Robert L., Pesticides and the Living Landscape, Roland C. Clement
Ruedas's Malaysia, Laos, Thailand, India, French Indochina, Phillipines, and Borneo 1901-1965 Catalog, Luis Ruedas
Ruedas's New Guinea 1998 Field Notes, Luis Ruedas
Rules and Values in Virtual Optimization of California Hydropower, Sonya F. P. Ziaja
Run, Papphos, Richard C. Day
Runyan's New Mexico and Mexico 1992 Catalog, Natalie Runyan
Runyan's New Mexico and Mexico 1992 Field Notes, Natalie Runyan
Rural, Cultural & Global Health: As Seen Through the Eyes of Doctoral Students at the University of New Mexico, Priscella Correa, Kimberly Hartson, Jennifer L. Heck, Elizabeth Holguin, Jenny Landen, Angela Ortiz, Michael Palacio, Keri Roden, and Krista Scorsone
Rural Development Considerations for Growth Management, Anita P. Miller
Rural Land Use Control in Great Britain, Michael Carroll
Rural Poverty Analysis: A case study of a district of Nepal, Uddhab Bhandary
Rural poverty analysis: A case study of Kaski District of Nepal, Uddhab Bhandary
Rural Vulnerability and Tea Plantation Migration in Eastern Nepal and Darjeeling, Sarah Besky
Rural vulnerability and tea plantation migration in eastern Nepal and Darjeeling, Sarah Besky
Russell Kirk and the New Conservatism, Page Smith
Sabbatical Leave Policy Resolution, UNM Faculty Senate
Saber, agir e educar: o ensino-aprendizagem em serviços de saúde, MA Amorin García
Saber en Salud. La construcción del conocimiento, Mario Testa
Saber, hacer y educar: la enseñanza-aprendizaje en los servicios de salud, MA Amorin García
Saber popular e autocuidado no aleitamento materno., Martha Villaseñor Farías
Saber popular y autoatención en la lactancia materna, Martha Villaseñor Farías
Sacramento 92. Native American Journey: Circles of Wellness., Unknown
Sacramento - San Joaquin River Basin Study, Sue McClurg
Sacred Forests, Secular Forest Policies and People's Actions, M. G. Chandrakanth and Jeff Romm
Sacred Sites and Federal Land Management: An Analysis of the Proposed Native American Free Exercise of Religion Act of 1993, Jody Neal-Post
Sailors en Route to San Pedro, Jessamyn West
Saint, Rosamund Dargan Thomson
Saints and New Mexico, Roland F. Dickey
Salami for Sunday, Lawrence Sturhahn
Salazar-Bravo's Mongolia 1999 Catalog, Jorge Salazar-Bravo
Salazar-Bravo's New Mexico 1996 Catalog, Jorge Salazar-Bravo
Salinity Aspects of the Colorado River Agreement, H. E. Dregne
Salinity in the Colorado: An Interpretation of the Mexican-American Treaty of 1944, Alejandro Sobarzo
Salinity Management Alternatives for Oil Shale Water Supplies, George E. Radosevich, Gaylord V. Skogerboe, David B. McWhorter, and Wynn R. Walker
Salt Problem in the Colorado River, Norman A. Evans
Salud Colectiva: historia de una idea y de un concepto, E Nunes
Salud colectiva, nueva genética y la eugenesia de mercado, L Castiel and MCA Cardoso
Salud colectiva, nueva genética y la eugenesia de mercado, MCA Cardoso and L Castiel
Salud Colectiva y Psicoanálisis: entrecruzando conceptos en busca de políticas públicas potentes, R Onocko, A Massuda, I Valle, G Castaño, and O Pellegrini
Salud como negación de la negación: una perspectiva dialéctica, F Lefevre and A Lefevre
Salud, Desarrollo y Globalización, E Gallo, J De Castro, J Costa, V Studart, and S Wilecke
Salud, ecología y política, JC Escudero
Salud: globalización de la vida y de la solidaridad, E Granda
Salud materno-infantil en Pelotas, Río Grande do Sul, Brasil: principales conclusiones de la comparación de los estudios de las cohortes de 1982 y 1993, C Víctora, E Tomasi, P Vangham, M Garcia, F Menezes, J Costa, C Post, M Olinto, R Halpern, A Menezes, B Horta, F Barros, and J Cesar
Salud, medicina y clases sociales, Uribe Vasco
Salud mental colectiva: la construcción en Río Grande do Sul, S Fagundes
"Salud mental" y subjetividad como aspectos sustantivos de la salud colectiva, E Guinsberg
Salud pública e ideología: a propósito de las relaciones entre pandemias de tuberculosis y del Sida, F Cabello
Salud pública: sector estatal, ciencia aplicada o ideología de lo posible, Eduardo Menéndez
Salud pública y atención primaria de salud: una evaluación crítica., Mario Testa
Salud pública y salud colectiva: campo o núcleo de saberes y prácticas, GWS Campos
Salud social ecosistémica: enfrentando la emergencia y complejidad de las enfermedades infecciosas, C De Alburquerque Posas
Salud social ecosistémica: enfrentando la emergencia y complejidad de las enfermedades infecciosas, C De Alburquerque Posas
"Salud urbana: "la ciudad es una extraña señora, que hoy te sonríe y mañana te devora", W Caiffa, F Ferreira, A Ferreira, C Oliveira, V Camargos, and F Proietti
Salud y democracia en Brasil: valor público y capital institucional en el Sistema Único de Salud, S Fleury
Salud y medio ambiente en la periferia de la metrópoli, ZAM Lanni
Salud y pueblos indígenas en Chile: una mirada desde la Medicina Social, J Neira
Salud y sociedad, María C. Donnangelo
Salvaged Water: The Failed Critical Assumption Underlying the Pecos River Compact, R. Bruce Frederick
Sample 4, XRD Fancy Report, William Chavez
San Augustin de la Isleta, Bainbridge Bunting
Sanctuaries in the Ancient Pueblo of Chetro Ketl, Alice Leinau
Sanctuary, Alice Lee Sawyers
Sanders, Ralph, Project Plowshare, Luke J. Vortman
Sandia, Ina Sizer Cassidy
Sandia High School, Albuquerque, N.M., William Burk Jr.
Sandia Notice of Intent, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stormwater Program, Sandia Corporation and U.S. Department of Energy
Sandia Plaza Branch of The First National Bank, Antoine Predock
Sand Sculpture, Bernard Epps
San Francisco Chronicle Interviews Joshua Kastenberg About President Trump's Missle Strike on Syrian Airfield (Experts see Trump strike as illegal unless U.S. under threat or U.N. authorizes), Joshua E. Kastenberg
Sangre de Cristo, Ina Sizer Cassidy
Sangre de Cristo, Scott Green
Sanitária brasileira após 20 anos do SUS: reflexões, A Cohn
San Jose, 1946: A Study in Urbanization, Frank C. Moore
San Luis Rey Settlement Agreement Implementation Act of 2016, United States 114th Congress
San Pedro Branch Library, New Mexico Architecture
Santa Fe and the Tourist, John C. Neff
Santa Fe: A Study in Integrity, Philip Stevenson
Santa Fe Imaging Center, Holmes Sabatini Eeds Architects
Santa Fe's Westside/Guadalupe Historic District: Hispanic Vernacular Versus Pueblo Revival, Beverley Spears
Santa Fe Trail, Maud E. Uschold
Santa Rita, Mill Everingham
Santa Rosa de Lima de Abiquiu, J. Richard Salazar
Santayana at Harvard, Fr. Richard Butler, O.P.
Sappho's Leap, Howard Baker
Sara Teasdale: Her Life and Work, Virginia McKnight
Saturday Night on Village Square, Aaron Kastin
Saúde Coletiva e Psicoanálise: entrecruzando conceitos em busca de políticas públicas potentes, R Onocko, O Pellegrini, A Massuda, Valle I, and Castaño G
Saúde coletiva: história de uma idéia e de um conceito, E Nunes
Saúde coletiva, nova genética e a eugenia de mercado, L Castiel and MCA Cardoso
Saúde coletiva, nova genética e a eugenia de mercado, MCA Cardoso and L Castiel
Saúde como negação da negação: uma perspectiva dialética, F Lefevre and A Lefevre
Saúde, Desenvolvimento e Globalização, E Gallo, J De Castro, J Costa, V Studart, and S Wilecke
Saúde, ecologia e política, JC Escudero
Saúde e democracia no Brasil: valor público e capital institucional no Sistema Único de Saúde, S Fleury
Saúde e médio ambiente na periferia da metrópole, ZAM Lanni
Saúde e povos indígenas no Chile: um olhar a partir da Medicina Social, J Neira
Saúde e sociedade, María C. Donnangelo
Saúde: globalização da vida e da solidariedade, E Granda
Saúde materno-infantil em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: principais conclusões da comparação dos estudos das coortes de 1982 e 1993., C Víctora, E Tomasi, P Vangham, M Garcia, F Menezes, J Costa, C Post, M Olinto, R Halpern, A Menezes, B Horta, F Barros, and J Cesar
Saúde, medicina e clases sociais, Uribe Vasco
Saúde mental: a construção no Rio Grande do Sul, S Fagundes
Saúde mental e subjetividade como aspectos fundamentais da saúde coletiva, E Guinsberg
Saúde pública e atenção primária a saúde: uma avaliação crítica, Mario Testa
Saúde pública e ideologia: a propósito das relações entre as pandemias de tuberculose e da Aids, F Cabello
Saúde pública e saúde coletiva: campo ou núcleo de saberes e práticas, GWS Campos
Saúde pública: setor estatal, ciência aplicada ou ideologia do possíve, Eduardo Menéndez
Saúde social ecossistêmica: enfrentando a emergência e a complexidade das doenças infecciosas, C De Alburquerque Posas
Saúde social ecossistêmica: enfrentando a emergência e a complexidade das doenças infecciosas, C De Alburquerque Posas
Saved by Scarcity?, V.B. Price
Saving Salmon with Fishwheels: A Bioeconomic Analysis, William K. Jaeger
Saving Stare Decisis: Preclusion, Precedent, and Procedural Due Process, Max J. Minzner
Saving the Ilfeld Warehouse, Kevin S. Munroe
Saw-Teeth, James Franklin Lewis
Sax—Defending the Environment: A Strategy for Citizen Action, Frank P. Grad
Says Doctor Peabody, Christopher Waters
Scale from moth wing, M. Medina
Scarce Water and Institutional Change, K. D. Frederick, ed., Susan Christopher Nunn
Scattered and Dissonant: The Clean Air Act, Greenhouse Gases, and Implications for the Oil and Gas Industry, Alex Ritchie
Schedule, Fall 2007, Taos Registrar
Schedule of Recommending Fees, New Mexico Architecture
Schedule, Spring 2008, Taos Registrar
Scheduling Order and Notices of Hearing, Re: Implementation of Nez Perce Settlement Agreement, In Re SRBA Case No. 39576, Fifth Judicial District of the State of Idaho in and for the County of Twin Falls
Schizophrene, Norman Kraeft
Schneidewind v. ANR Pipeline 485 U.S. 293 (1988), Peter Wirth
Scholarly Communications Journal Club Syllabus, Jacob L. Nash, Ingrid C. Hendrix, Laura Hall, Lori Sloane, Robyn Gleasner, and Steve Stockdale
Scholarly Communication Toolkit: Everything you need to know from copyright to advocacy, Philip J. Kroth and Holly E. Phillips
School-based healthy weight intervention for high school students, Kevin Vlahovich, Richard Brucker, Sylvia Negrete, Julie Lords, Heidi Roeber Rice, and Alberta Kong
Schooling infrastructure and educational outcomes in Nepal, Vinish Shrestha and Animesh Giri
School of Law Annual Report 1949-1951, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1951-1953, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1953-1954, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1954-1955, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1955-1956, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1956-1957, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1957-1958, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1958-1959, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1959-1960, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1960-1961, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1961-1962, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1962-1963, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1963-1964, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1964-1965, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1965-1966, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1966-1967, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1967-1968, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1968-1969, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1969-1970, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1970-1971, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1971-1972, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1972-1973, Frederick M. Hart
School of Law Annual Report 1979-1980, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1981-1982, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1982-1983, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1985-1986, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1986-1987, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1987-1988, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1988-1989, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1991-1992, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1992-1993, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1993-1994, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1994-1995, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1995-1996, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1996-1997, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1997-1998, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1998-1999, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 1999-2000, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 2000-2001, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 2001-2002, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 2004-2005, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 2005-2006, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 2006-2007, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 2007-2008, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 2008-2009, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 2009-2010, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 2010-2011, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 2011-2012, School of Law Dean
School of Law Annual Report 2012-2013, School of Law Dean
School of Law Dean Thomas W. Christopher, University of New Mexico School of Law
School of Public Administration Fall 2009 Academic Program Review, UNM Academic Program Review
School Revenue from the Oil Industry of Lea County, Jesse B. Harwell
School Trust Land and Federal Condemnation for Defense Purposes: Federal Laws in Conflict, Janice D. Paster
Schultz, Economic Growth and Agriculture, Ralph d'Arge
Science and Environmental Decision Making: The Potential Role of Environmental Impact Assessment in the Pursuit of Appropriate Information, Joseph F. DiMento and Helen Ingram
Science and public policies in health: dangerous relationships, GWS Campos and OR Campos
Science and Technology for Development Vol. II, Natural Resources, Eldon Raymond Dodge
Science and the Extra-Somatic Continuum, Paul Walker Jr.
Science Curriculum Standards by NM Board of Education, UNM Faculty Senate
Science, Politics, and U.S. Forest Service Law: The Battle over the Forest Service Planning Rule, George Hoberg
Science vs. the Grass Roots: Representation in the Bureau of Land Management, Dorotha M. Bradley and Helen M. Ingram
Scientific Aspects of the Nutrition Problem in New Mexico, Carrie Ann Elkin
Scientific production in the social sciences and in health: preliminary notes, L Madel
Sconsett, Charles Tomlinson
Scope of the Problem of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Among American Indian and Alaska Native Communities, American Indian Health Care Association
Scorekeeper, Ray B. West Jr.
Scotland's Water - Safe Clean Affordable Public, Sarah Hendry
Scottish River Purification Boards, Fred H. Hubbard
Scrap Tire Disposal: Three Principles for Policy Choice, Kelly M. Brown, Ronald Cummings, Janusz R. Mrozek, and Peter Terrebonne
Scripting Trainer Role Play for use in SP Case Training, Maclean Zehler
Sculpture by Henry Moore in the open air, Kenneth A. Lohf
Sculpture for Play, New Mexico Architecture
Sea and water imagery in Byron's Childe Harold's pilgrimage and Don Juan., Albert E. Scott
Seabirds in the Gulf of California: A Vulnerable, International Resource, Daniel W. Anderson, Jorge E. Mendoza, and James O. Keith
Seagulls Across the Praire, Edna Davis Romig
Search, Gilean Douglas
Search and Seizure - Aerial Surveillance - Administrative Inspections - Dow Chemical v. United States, Dennis Ritschel
Search and Seizure - Automobile Inventory Search Exception to the Fourth Amendment Expanded by State v. Williams, Roberta Beyer
Search and Seizure Law: State v. Cardenas-Alvarez: The Jurisdictional Reach of State Constitutions - Applying State Search and Seizure Standards to Federal Agents, Rebecca N. Turner
Search and Seizure - Police Searches on Public School Campuses in New Mexico - State v. Tywayne H., Michael Doyle
Search and Seizure - Search Warrants - Probable Cause - Reliability of Confidential and Anonymous Informants - State v. Brown, Annette Nathanson DeBois
Search and Seizure: The Automobile Exception to the Fourth Amendment Warrant Requirement - A Further Exception to the Fourth: State v. Capps, Julie N. Altwies
Search and Seizure - The Exigent Circumstances Exception to the Fourth Amendment Warrant Requirement for Home Arrests: The Key to the Castle: State v. Chavez, Kelly Hooper Burnham
Search and Seizure - The New Mexico Announcement Cases, Carol A. Baca
Search for Aircraft in Winter Scene, Bink Noll
Search for New Physics Processes with Heavy Quark Signatures in the ATLAS Experiment, Aaron Taylor
Search of analytical tools for health technologies: information and day-to-day service, Questioning and managing health care work, Emerson E. Merhy and Mauricio Chakkour
Sea Rocks, Rose Graubart
Season of War, Helen Scales
Second Affidavit in Duluth v. Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Kevin Washburn
Second Annual A.I.A. Conference, The New Mexico Architect
Second Annual Conference: The Ugliness Around Us, The New Mexico Architect
Second national roundtable on Native American elders., Unknown
Second Person Address in New Mexican Spanish, June A. Jaramillo
Second Session, The New Mexico Architect
Second Thoughts on the First Amendment, Robert M. O'Neil
Secrecy and Innovation in Tort Law and Regulation, Mary L. Lyndon
Section 119 of the Clean Air Act and Phelps Dodge Reduction Works: A Case Study of EPA Inaction, Thomas U. White
Secure, Lloyd Frankenberg
Secured Transactions History: The Fradulent Myth, George Lee Flint Jr.
Securing Ecological Investments on Other People's Land: A Transaction-Costs Perspective, Christopher S. Elmendorf
Securities Law, Barry H. Barnett
Securities: Private Placements in New Mexico, Julie Allecta
Securities Regulation - Sale of Business Doctrine: Landreth Timber Company v. Landreth, James E. Burke
Securities - The Paper Trail to Jail, Curtis Huff
Security Bank and Trust, New Mexico Architecture
Sedimentary Petrogenesis of the Yeso-Glorieta San Andres Transition, Joyita Hills, Socorro County, New Mexico, James R. Huber
Sedimentological Analysis of the Stoneman Lake, AZ, Core: Implications for Long-Term Quaternary Climate Change in the Southwest, Spencer Staley
Sediment transport parameters, Rio Puerco near Bernardo, New Mexico., Carl F. Nordin Jr.
Seeds of Freedom: Liberating Education in Guatemala by Clark Taylor, Magdalena Vásquez Dathe
Seeing Things Whole: The Essential John Wesley Powell, edited by William deBuys, Pam L. Cox
Seeking an Operational Definition of Dieting: A Daily Diary Study, Elizabeth Anne McLaughlin
Seeking Solutions: Exploring the Applicability of ADR for Resolving Water Issues in the West, Gail Bingham
Seen on the SFTA Facebook Page, Wagon Tracks Staff
See the Funny People, Keen Rafferty
Segmented filament and film, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Segmented filament bridging substrate, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
Segmented filaments, M. Spilde
Segmented filaments and film, M. Spilde and Leslie Melim
Segmented filaments and pilated cocci under ledge, D. Northup and E. Davis
Segmented filaments and spheroids on tissue-paper, A. Dichosa
Segmented filaments bridging crystals, M. Spilde and Leslie Melim
Segmented filaments bridging tissue-paper, A. Dichosa
Segmented filaments emerging from film, M. Spilde
Segmented filaments of different sizes and lengths, M. Spilde
Segmented filaments on spiky crystals, M. Spilde
Segmented filaments on top of film with rods, M. Spilde
Segmented filament standing up from crystal, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Segmented filaments with spheroids in pit, M. Spilde
Segmented hairy filament and beads on a string on corroded crystal, M. Spilde, D. Northup, P. Boston, and L. Mallory
Segmented pilated filaments, D. Northup and E. Davis
Segregated Proms in 2003, Alfred Mathewson
Selected Musical Works from 2013 - 2016, Christian M. Newman
Selected Water Issues in Latin American Agriculture, by P. Crossen, R. Cummings and K. Frederick, Eds., Albert E. Utton
Selected Welfare Implications of Rapid Energy-Related Development Impact, Muelen Allen Vander Jr. and Orman H. Paananen
Selecting Alternatives in Water Resources Planning and the Politics of Agendas, M. Gordon Wolman
Selecting an Analogous State Limitations Statute in Reconstruction Civil Rights Acts Claims: The Tenth Circuit's Resolution, Mark D. Jarmie
Selecting a Trust Situs in the 21st Century, Sergio Pareja and John A. Warnick
Self-Analysis, Ernest Krenek
Self-Directed Learning and the Out-of-House Placement, Janet Motley
Self-Encountered, Hope Stoddard
Self-Help Repossession under the Uniform Commercial Code: The Constitutionality of Article 9, Section 503, Steven Kurt Sanders
Self in Retrospect, Robert L. Dark Jr.
Self Reproach, Carol Ely Harper
Selling the Federal Forests, Adrien E. Gamache, Ed., Dennis D. Muraoka
Semester's End, J. R. Squires
Semillas de la Memoria: Experiencia de la Red de Cabildos Indígenas Universitarios de Colombia., Nataly Domico Murillo
Sem mágicas soluções: a prevenção e o cuidado em HIV/AIDS e o processo de emancipação psicosocial, V Paiva
SEM of crust, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
SEM photo 29-04B_72-a.jpg, George Braybrook, Leslie Melim, and Brian Jones
SEM photo PF2P-25.TIF, Michael Spilde and Leslie Melim
SEM photo QM8-17.TIF, Michael Spilde
Senate Appropriations Bill Funding Request, 2013, ASUNM
Senate Select Committee on National Water Resources: An Ethical and Rational Criticism, The, Roy Hamilton
Senator Bursum and the Pueblo Indian Lands Act of 1924, Anton V. Long
Sensitivity of bone mineral density measurements to axial rotations and scan analysis in dual energy x-ray absorptiometry of the lateral distal femur, Jodie Gomez, Rachel Tufaro, Ashkan Pourkand, David Grow, and Christina Salas
Sensory Processing Deficits in Children That Have Experienced Trauma or Neglect, Anjuli R. Sears, Jackolyn Apodaca, and Heidi Sanders
Sentimental Elements in the Writings of Henry Fielding, Edna G. Roberts
Sentry-Hut, Gladys Seidelhuber
Separation, Ann Darr
Separation of Powers and the Judicial Rule-Making Power in New Mexico: The Need for Prudential Constraints, Michael B. Browde and M. E. Occhialino
Separation of Powers Doctrine in New Mexico, Thomas A. Garrity
Septated filaments on calcite and over debris, M. Spilde and D. Northup
September 11, 2009 Finance & Facilities (F&F) Committee Meeting, EVP for Administration
September 1, 2010 Finance & Facilities (F&F) Committee Meeting, EVP for Administration
September 1, 2011 Finance & Facilities (F&F) Committee Meeting, EVP for Administration
September 6, 2012 Finance & Facilities (F&F) Committee Meeting, EVP for Administration
September 6, 2013 Finance & Facilities (F&F) Committee Meeting, EVP for Administration
September 6, 2016 Finance & Facilities (F&F) Committee Meeting, EVP for Administration
September 8, 2008 Finance & Facilities (F&F) Committee Meeting, EVP for Administration
September 8, 2015 Finance & Facilities (F&F) Committee Meeting, EVP for Administration
September 9, 2014 Finance & Facilities (F&F) Committee Meeting, EVP for Administration
September Afternoon, Siddie Joe Johnson
Sequential Work Analysis, Tania Vázquez V.
Serrano v. Prient: Is Public Law 874 Constitutional?, Robert W. Harris
Serrano v. Priest and Its Impact on New Mexico, William Frazzer Carr
Service decentralization in Cordoba, Argentina: Democratic reliability and neoliberal development, I Ase
Services of the Architect, New Mexico Architecture
Servo-stabilization of drift in wide-band D-C amplifiers., Joel M. Simmons Jr.
Sestina for a Familiar Lobster, Edsel Ford
Set-Asides of Local Government Contracts for Minority Owned Businesses: Constitutional and State Law Issues, M. Victoria Wilson
Sete teses sobre a educação sanitária para a participação comunitária., R Briceño-León
Set Theory, Norman Nathan
Setting the Environmental Policy Agenda: The Case of Ecosystem Management, Richard Haeuber
Settlement and Community Patterns at Sayil, Yucatan, Mexico: The 1984 Season, Jeremy A. Sabloff, Gair Tourtellot, Bernd Fahmel Beyer, Patricia A. McAnany, Diana Christensen, Sylviane Boucher, and Thomas R. Killion
Settlement of Indian Reserved Water Rights Claims, Michael J. Clinton
Settlement of Public International Disputes on Shared Resources: Elements of a Comparative Study of International Instruments, Dominique Alheritiere
Settler Social Order: The Violence of Policing in New Mexico, Elisabeth R. Ehlert Perkal
Seven-Star Admiral, Elizabeth Willis DeHuff
Seven theses concerning health education, on behalf of community participation, R Briceño-León
Several bridging film, M. Spilde, D. Northup, L. Melim, and R. Liescheidt
Several filaments bridging tissue-paper, A. Dichosa
Several filaments of different size, some divided, M. Spilde, D. Northup, and L. Melim
Several fuzzy filaments, on crystals, M. Spilde and Leslie Melim
Several holes with possible biofilm, M. Spilde, D. Northup, L. Melim, and R. Liescheidt
Severance Taxes and Market Failure, David A. Gulley
Sevilleta LTER Vegetation Sample Catalog- Ground Samples for Chemical Analysis (2000-present), Douglas I. Moore and Stephanie Baker
Sex and Cultural Differences on the New Mexico Statewide Test of Academic Achievement, Claude C. McDougal
Sex Ed to Go- An Analysis of Comprehensive Sexual Education Mobile Phone Applications, Kerstin M. Kalke
Sex for sale: an investigation into the status of Nepali women as a root cause of sex trafficking, Michelle Kaufman and Mary Crawford
Sex Offender Registration in Indian Country, Kevin Washburn and Virginia Davis
Sex trafficking in Nepal: survivor characteristics and long-term outcomes, Mary Crawford and Michelle Kaufman
Sexual Dimorphism of Thecapitate Using 3D Data, Jana Valesca Meyer
Sexual Equality, the Era and the Court - A Tale of Two Failures, Phyllis A. Dow
Sexualidad de mujeres que conviven con HIV/SIDA en San Pablo, R Lacerda, Enhancing Care Initiative-Brasil, N Gravato, V Paiva, and MDR Latorre
Sexualidade e corpo, o olhar do sujeito através das imagens em vídeo, VF Siqueira and EP Vargas
Sexualidade feminina: De qual corpo estamos falando?, A Ravelo
Sexualidad femenina: De qué cuerpo estamos hablando?, A Ravelo
Sexualidad y cuerpo la mirada del sujeto a través de las imágenes en video, VF Siqueira and EP Vargas
Sexuality and the body: The subject as viewed through video images, VF Siqueira and EP Vargas
Sexual Orientation and the Law: A Research Bibliography Selectively Annotating Legal Literature through 2005, Steven K. Homer
Shadow, William Peterson
Shadow, Ann Stanford
Shadow Memories, Eleanor Nichols
Shadow of Turning, Warren Beck
Shadows, Byron Herbert Reece
Shadows on the Sandias, Harvena Conrad Richter
Shake It, Dont Break It: Whole-Body Vibration as an Intervention for Bone Loss in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury', Melissa Gaethje
Shakespeare and the Genteel Tradition in America, Lawrence Willson
Shape Factors for Conduction of Heat, Harry J. Otway
Shaping the hospital s mission as facilitator of organizational change: limits and possibilities, LCO Cecilio
Shaping US Military Law: Governing a Constitutional Military, Joshua E. Kastenberg
Share and Share Alike - Natural Resources and Hazardous Waste under the Commerce Clause, Matthew C. Urie
Shared development as a health education strategy for workers in the public schools of the state of Río de Janeiro, N Yasuda, B Rozemberg, M Sharapin, KR Souza, and A Kelly-Santos
Shared Natural Resources in the European Economic Community Legislation, Stefano Burchi
Shared Resources, Common Future: Sustainable Management of Canada-United States Border Waters, Barry Sadler
Sharing Educational Knowledge, Sarah Knox Morley, Ingrid C. Hendrix, and Jacob L. Nash
Sharp Night, Maud E. Uschold
Shattered City, Irene Bruce
Shear Strength of Simply Supported Prestressed Concrete Beams Having Web Enforcement, Randolph E. Holt
Sheepherder, Carol Ely Harper
She Is Lost, John Dillon Husband
Shelley's Ideas of Immortality, James Lewis Lacour
Shellfish-Harvesting Strategies on the North Coast: Evidence from Labouchere Bay, Southeast Alaska, Mark Williams
Shell Games: Vicarious Liability of State and Local Governments for Insufficiently Protective Regulations under the ESA, Valerie J.M. Brader
She Moos, We Play, Lysander Kemp
Shifts in the relative importance of competition and mutualism for communities and ecosystems, Lukas P. Bell-Dereske
Shining Coal Industry Is Dirty Business for Workers Environment, NotiSur
Shipley's California 1995 Field Notes, Kurt Shipley
Shipley's New Mexico 1990 Catalog, Kurt Shipley
Shock-Tube Determination of Dissociation Rates of Oxygen, John P. Rink
Short Breaths, Donald Hall
Shorter filaments on crystals, M. Medina and D. Northup
Short filaments and spheroid clump, D. Northup
Short filaments and threads, D. Northup
Short filaments coming through film, D. Northup