This case study and evidence-based analysis aims to determine if pressure garment therapy (PGT) is more effective than no pressure or other modalities for the treatment of hypertrophic scars in burned patients. PGT has been a first-line conservative therapy for hypertrophic scarring since the early 1970s, however the research presents conflicting results and lacks consistency with study characteristics. With a myriad of possible side effects and limitations ,research on PGT needs to be reanalyzed and its true potential determined.
Recommended Citation
Davis, Hayley. "Pressure Garment Therapy and Hypertrophic Burn Scars: A Case Study and Evidence-Based Analysis." UNM Orthopaedic Research Journal 2, 1 (2013). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/unm_jor/vol2/iss1/14