Water Resources Professional Project Reports
Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 1995
The quality and quantity of stormwater from urban areas is now recognized as an important element of pollution management and watershed health. A framework of federal, state and local regulations seeks to manage the impact of urban stormwater from the North Floodway Channel, Albuquerque, New Mexico, on the receiving waters of the Rio Grande. The July 1995, scheduled issuance of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for Albuquerque's stormwater discharge is placed in the context of New Mexico surface water quality regulation. Annual and event loadings are calculated for the contribution of three trace metals, including dissolved aluminum, dissolved copper and dissolved zinc. The relative trace metal contribution to the Rio Grande from the North Floodway Channel and from two wastewater treatment facilities is discussed.
Language (ISO)
stormwater, Rio Grande, North Floodway Channel, trace metal, watershed
Recommended Citation
Harwood, A. Kyle. "The Urban Stormwater Contribution of Dissolved Trace Metals from the North Floodway Channel, Albuquerque, NM to the Rio Grande." (1995). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/wr_sp/209