Water Resources Professional Project Reports
Submissions from 2025
Ground-arthropod Assemblage Response to Groundwater as a Metric of Flooding in the Middle Rio Grande, Wesley J. Noe
Submissions from 2024
Heat Mitigation Impacts of Agriculture, Greenspace, and Riparian Forest in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Brennan Davis
Formalizing the Santa Fe Water Bank, Walker Williamson
Submissions from 2023
Motivations and Barriers to Participation in Community Outreach and Engagement among Environmental and Water Resources Students and Postdocs, Sydney Donohue
Capacity and Communication: Addressing Barriers to Agricultural Innovations in the Middle Rio Grande Basin, Corina Michelle Gomez
Irrigation and Innovation: Understanding Barriers to Innovative Actions to Manage Drought on Middle Rio Grande Farms, Eleanor C. Hasenbeck
Rural Water Manager Challenges in New Mexico, Amy "AJ" Jones
The Role of Citizen Science in Ecosystem Management: A Case Study of the Middle Rio Grande Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program, Hannah Miller
City of Santa Fe's Offset Program: A Comprehensive Demand Analysis and Program Review, Francesca Shirley
Groundwater Budgeting and Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of Water Supply at Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, Maximiliano Trujillo
Performance of the Mineral Recovery Enhanced Desalination Pilot Water Treatment Plant, Samantha Valentine
Securing Environmental Flows for the Rio Grande Silvery Minnow, Ashley Veihl
Dynamic Fallowing in the Middle Rio Grande: A Look at The Environmental Water Leasing Program, Jared Wood
Submissions from 2022
When High-Water-Use Neighbors Move In: Farming Pecans in Valencia County, New Mexico, Tylee M. Griego
NM Stat § 7-36-20: Disconnected Land and Water Policy in a Climate-Altered Peri-Urban Fringe, Annalise Porter
Diatom Response to Different Hydrologic Sources in Alpine Streams: A Teton Range Case Study, Shannon Weld
Submissions from 2021
How Do Dairy Feedlot Size and Land Use Practices Affect Groundwater Quality Over Time? A Preliminary Study in New Mexico, Nancy J. McDuffie
Submissions from 2020
Measuring Variability of a Moderate Snowpack Across a Forest Stand Boundary in the Sandia Mountains, Adrian Marziliano
Horton Complex Stormwater Analysis and Management Plan, Bradley D. Meyer
Examining Transmission Loss Availability for Basin Aquifer Recharge from Perennial Streams in the Chuska Mountains on the Navajo Nation, Griffin Nuzzo
Factors Affecting a Riparian Cottonwood Stand Die-off Along the Rio Grande Pueblo of Santa Ana New Mexico, USA, Hannah A. Varani
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of Navajo Nation Water Resources in the San Juan River Basin, NM: Utilizing Traditional Navajo Ecological Knowledge, Kirena Elana Yanibaa Tsosie
Submissions from 2019
Quantifying the Extent of Wildfire Impacted Streams in the Western United States, Grady Ball
Irrigation Forbearance in the Middle Rio Grande: Using Remote Sensing to Improve Investments, Trevor Birt
Preservation Protocols for Maintaining Species Stability of Arsenic, Chromium, and Selenium in Water Samples, Contessa Lowery
Save Money, Save Water; Developing a Risk Model for Leak Detection and Pipe Replacement Using Spatial Analysis, Angelique Desiree Maldonado
Water Security and Wildfire in Municipal Source Watersheds of the Western United States, Matthew V. Segura
Submissions from 2018
Opportunities to Enhance Environmental Flows on the Rio Chama, Anjali Bean
An Update and Analysis of the Corrales Bosque Preserve Vegetation Map, Brett Feldhahn
How a Brownfield Redevelopment Planning Effort in Gallup Resulted in A New Regulation for Vapor Intrusion in New Mexico, Michelle G. Hunter
To Rebate or Not To Rebate: The Influences and Deterrents for Residential Customers to Participate in Water Authority Rebates, Meagan Virginia Oldham
Providing Water for a Forgotten People: A Waterline Assessment of the Former Bennett Freeze Area, Nikki Rae Tulley
Bank Erosion Control: Rio Pueblo de Taos, Noelani Eba-jah-mi Villa
Submissions from 2017
Mapping the Albuquerque Aquifer’s Potentiometric Surface in 2016, Lucas Curry
Diatom community response to an acidic, ambient temperature, geothermal gradient, April Fox
The Cost of Direct and Indirect Potable Water Reuse in a Medium Sized Inland Community, Jason Glenn Herman
Diatom communities of travertine-precipitating springs on a gradient of anthropogenic disturbance in the Sandia Mountains, New Mexico, Kathryn E. Mendoza
Analyzing the Rio Chama Flow Project’s Capacity to Implement Adaptive Management, Avery Olshefski
Investigation of physical and chemical characteristics of soils from high, moderate, low and unburned severity areas following the 2011 Las Conchas fire, Amanda A. Otieno
Middle Rio Grande Surface and Well Water Quality and the Health Implications to Humans, Juan Carlos Peña-Philippides
Feasibility of Rainwater Catchment in the Taos Mesa Community in Northern New Mexico, Miranda Rivera
Remotely-measured Evapotranspiration of a Restoration Landscape at Bosque del Apache NWR, William Lazar Tintor
Submissions from 2016
Sensitivity of one-dimensional hydrologic model simulations: A model study of Lemes Canyon, New Mexico, Christopher W. Babis
Predictions of Ponderosa Pine Resiliency to Climate Change in the Cebolla Canyon Watershed, New Mexico, Breana N. Chavez
Where's the water? Using geospatial tools to facilitate water wheeling for the Central Arizona Project, Sara M. Gerlitz
Managing the risks to groundwater resources during coalbed methane development in a rural community., Kathryn Q. Gilen
Measuring the Effect of Urban Development on Runoff Volumes in Albuquerque, NM, Rachel Hertzman
Linking forests to faucets: Investigating alternative approaches for securing long-term funding for watershed restoration in New Mexico., Edward Neil McCorkindale IV
Effects of the ground heat flux on snowpack ablation in a semi-arid mountain climate, Chad Mickschl
Student preconceptions of arid, urban watershed management and how experiential learning might contribute to conceptual change., Rachel Aliyah Thomas
Submissions from 2015
Route 66 Open Space: Environmental Inventory and Restoration Plan, Joseph A. Affinati
Geochemical analysis and modeling for an artificial aquifer recharge study in the shallow zone squifer near Pojoaque, New Mexico., Edward-James (E.J.) Anderson
Chemical interactions and mobility of uranium near abandoned mine wastes at Rio Paguate, Laguna New Mexico, Cherie L. De Vore
Evaluation of the Geochemical Stability of the Sandia Canyon Wetland, Brian M. Iacona
Assessing nitrate levels in the private well water of the Albuquerque and Espanola Basins, Meredith Porter
Connecting stakeholders to water information : an assessment of New Mexico's leading water resources websites, Kathryn Cydne Schulte
Understanding Trends in the New Mexico Dairy Industry, and Accounting for Direct and Indirect Water Use in Dairy Productions, Schuyler Smith
Submissions from 2014
Examining the Rights-of-Way Process for Indian Allotment Lands Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project, Bernadette Benally Fontenelle
Estimation of Suspended-sediment Concentration Using Instream Turbidity as a Surrogate in the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico, Jeb E. Brown
Analysis of EPA Radionuclide Data from Water Samples on the Navajo Nation, Helenes Henderson
Use of Incentive-Based Pricing: Cataloguing Current Water Rate Structures and Analyzing Community Adopter Characteristics for Select Municipalities in New Mexico, Ashley M. Hooper
Past, Present, Future: The Evolution of a Wetland Treatment System in Dutchman Canyon on Vermejo Park Ranch, Zoe Isaacson
The Domestic Well Exemption in the West: A Case Study of Santa Fe's Municipal Ordinance, Maxine N. Paul
The Pueblo of Santa Clara (Kha P'o Owinge) resilience project : maintaining identity while preparing for an uncertain future, Matthew J. Piccarello
Modeling acequia water use in the Rio Hondo Watershed, Sandeep Sabu
Inundation Patterns and Their Effect on the Physical and Hydraulic Properties of Floodplain Soils in the Middle Rio Grande Floodplain, Sophie J. Stauffer
Evidence of ground water contamination by on-site wastewater systems, Miriam Wamsley
Comparison of Electrofishing Fish Surveys and Angler Observation on Three Reaches of the Upper Rio Grande, Barry Weinstock
Submissions from 2013
Challenges, constraints and opportunities associated with development of a watershed-based stormwater permit in the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico, Molly Blumhoefer
Evaluating the potential for establishment of two aquatic invasive plants in New Mexico, Constance Jones
An investigation of groundwater age at the Shiprock, NM UMTRCA site, Bryan Lawlis
Assessing change and resilience in a northern New Mexico acequia irrigation community, Amy R. Miller
Revegetation guidelines for stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) closure in central New Mexico, Jennifer Payne-Ross
Groundwater, economic, and legal analysis of a proposed diversion from the San Agustin Basin of New Mexico, David J. Reese
Salinity of the lower middle Rio Grande, Socorro County, New Mexico, Belle T. Rehder
Multi-year measurement of wholestream metabolism in a snowmelt-dominated montane ecosystem, Betsy Shafer
Sources and controls of arsenic in the Santa Fe embayment, Santa Fe County, New Mexico, Karen Torres
Interpolation of rainfall for the Albuquerque area : a comparison to the Primary Local Climatological Data Site, Christopher N. Wolff
Interpretation of the potentiometric surface along the Rio Grande at selected locations in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jeffrey Worthington
Submissions from 2012
Soil radionuclide concentrations and preliminary stormwater model assessment at Material Disposal Area G, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Marquis B. Childs
Impacts of Potential Development on Groundwater Resources in the Community of Cutter, New Mexico., Chance Coats
Development of a water conservation plan for the Town of Buena Vista, Colorado, Rachel Friedman
Estimating phreatophyte evapotranspiration from Diel groundwater fluctuations in the middle Rio Grande Bosque, Christian Gunning
Wetland and riparian management plan, Alcalde/Velarde Valley, Upper Rio Grande, New Mexico, Jessica C. Johnston
Distribution of uranium and other trace constituents in drainages downstream from reclaimed uranium mines in Cove wash, Arizona, Terri Lynn Lameman Austin
Sustainable water supply for the Village of Kpandu Dafor, Volta Region, Ghana, Amy Louise