Lois Goldfarb Oral History Interview
Streaming Media
Lois Goldfarb joined the Albuquerque Federation of Teachers (AFT NM) in 1964. Goldfarb explains that the teaching conditions in many of the Albuquerque schools were challenging, and teachers needed an organized voice to solve classroom problems. Citing the difficulties with attaining Union recognition and legitimacy, Goldfarb also provides a history of the early days of the teachers' Union. Besides advocating for Union membership, Goldfarb also worked as the Union Representative at the Albuquerque United Way. In this position, she worked with Air Traffic Controllers who lost jobs and, in turn, medical coverage, after the mass firings in 1981.
Publication Date
Albuquerque Federation of Teachers AFT, American Federation of Teachers AFT NM, Teachers' rights, organized voice, Labor staff United Way, National Education Act, EEOC, free public education, the “new math”, National Educators Association NEA.
Labor History
Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communication, University Libraries, University of New Mexico
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Pinkey, Diane and Lois Goldfarb. "Lois Goldfarb Oral History Interview." (2019). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/wphnm/64
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