

Acute gluteus medius and minimus tears are an infrequent and possibly underdiagnosed cause of lateral hip pain. When reported, they most commonly occur at the distal tendinous attachment at the insertion on the greater trochanter or at the musculotendinous junction. It is rare for muscle belly or proximal muscle tears to occur. They are more prevalent in the setting of degenerative joint disease, but cases have also been described in previously healthy athletes without preexisting joint or muscle disease. We describe a 59-year-old man who developed considerable pain and swelling on the left side of the hip during a halfmarathon race. We subsequently diagnosed acute intramuscular tears of the gluteus medius and minimus muscles. Acute tears of the gluteus medius and minimus are rare, and to our knowledge this is the first reported acute intramuscular rupture with an intact tendinous attachment.

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