A 6-year-old girl jumped from a swing and fell on her left arm, presenting to our clinic with a supracondylar fracture of the distal humerus. The child underwent closed reduction and percutaneous pinning. At 3-week follow-up, anterior interosseous nerve palsy was noted with concurrent manifestations in the median nerve distribution. Our patient was treated nonoperatively; at 8-week follow-up spontaneous resolution of cutaneous and motor symptoms was observed. Healthcare professionals should be aware that cutaneous lesions may develop after injury to the median nerve of the proximal forearm, which can result from supracondylar humerus fractures.
Recommended Citation
Quan, Dan M.; Kristin M. Loker; Lauren Mercer; David M. Bennett; and Deana M. Mercer. "Cutaneous Manifestations in the Fingertips After a Supracondylar Humerus Fracture in a 6-Year-Old Girl: A Case Report." UNM Orthopaedic Research Journal 7, 1 (2018). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/unm_jor/vol7/iss1/31