

Isolated avulsion fractures of the lesser tuberosity are rarely encountered in younger and older populations. However, because the tendon of the subscapularis insertion is stronger in skeletally immature individuals, isolated tears to the tendon occur more commonly in adults than children and adolescents. Most studies have been limited to case reports that mainly describe traumatic subscapularis tears in adolescent athlete-patients. We present a 12-year-old male gymnast who reported to our clinic with pain and weakness in the right shoulder at 2 months after the initial injury. We performed open repair with suture anchor fixation for treatment of an isolated subscapularis tear. At 6 months postoperatively, the child felt no pain, regained full range of shoulder motion and strength, and returned to highly competitive physical activity. Isolation of the subscapularis insertion during physical examination can be essential to initial diagnosis, allowing for successful and early operative treatment.

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