Document Type
Annual Report
Publication Date
The year 1965 has been one of significant events for The University of New Mexico. Once again, the accelerating growth of the student body has required expansion of facilities at all levels. At the same time, the so-called "knowledge explosion" and resulting social and economic shifts have continued to increase pressures for broadening and revising academic programs and for strengthening resources for graduate education. Enrollment of the University reached 12,186 for the fall semester, representing an increase of 1,461 students and a growth of 13.6 per cent over the past year. Graduate school enrollment, which had stood at 789 only ten years ago, reached 2,050-a gain of 159 per cent in the decade. These factors, combined with changing needs of education, made 1965 a year in which building of the faculty, of the physical plant and of academic programs occupied much of the attention of the administration and influenced virtually all developments at the University. This report will deal primarily with these building programs, with the progress that has been made, and with the problems which still lie ahead. Respectfully submitted, Tom L. Popejoy, PRESIDENT
University of New Mexico
University of New Mexico Press
Recommended Citation
University of New Mexico. "Annual Report of the University, 1964-1965." (1965).
UNM Annual Reports, 1964-1965