In this article, the author discusses the origin of the Navajo Nation's blood requirement. Mr. Spruhan examines the intended purpose of the quarter-blood quantum definition and the role of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. He reviews the current status, regulation, and recent attempts to change the quarter-blood quantum requirement. He discusses the future of the quarter-blood quantum requirement with respect to the Navajo Nation Council's 2002 resolution known as the "Fundamental Laws of the Diné," a resolution mandating the application of traditional law, customary law, natural law, and common law to the Navajo Nation Government and its entities. In this regard, Mr. Spruhan inquires as to the impact the "Fundamental Laws of the Diné" will have on the quarter-blood quantum requirement and future membership requirements.
Recommended Citation
Spruhan, Paul. "The Origins, Current Status, and Future Prospects of Blood Quantum as the Definition of Membership in The Navajo Nation." Tribal Law Journal 8, 1 (2008). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tlj/vol8/iss1/1