Tribal Law Journal: International Legal Journal for Indigenous and Tribal Law | Vol 18 | Iss 1

Editorial Board & Staff

Editor-in-Chief/Faculty Advisor

Christine Zuni-Cruz (Pueblo of Isleta/Ohkay Owingeh)

Student Editors-In-Chief

Lauren Dixon
Austin Megli (Spring 2018)
Jannette Mondragon (Fall 2017)

Managing Editor

Margaret Kennedy

Citations Editor

Garrett Adcock

Submissions Editors

Sean Distor
Liisa Rettedal

Tribal Court Handbook Editor

Anne Rothrock

Citations Editor

Garrett Adcock

Symposium Co-Editors

Brittany Edwards
Carl Neill

Journal Staff

Ernestine Chaco
Savanna Duran
Kaythee Hlaing
Lyman Paul
Verenice Peregrino-Pompa
Roshanna Toya

Law School Support Staff

Mitzi Vigil


Tribal Profile