Editorial Board & Staff
Barbara Creel (Pueblo of Jemez) Margaret Montoya
Managing Editor
Selesia Winston (Navajo Nation)
Professional Articles Editors
Renee Ashley (Navajo Nation) Jonathan Polloni Veronique Richardson (Pueblo of Laguna)
Student Articles Editors
Emily Luke (Northern Cheyenne) Heidi Macdonald (Assiniboine Sioux)
Senior Staff
Margarita Araiza
Journal Staff
Morgan Currey (Osage)Natasha Cuylear (Jicarilla Apache Nation)Kelly Dennis (Shinnecock Nation)Consuelo GarciaBilly JimenezPreston Sanchez (Navajo Nation/Pueblo of Jemez)Daniel SnyderJoEtta Toppah (Navajo Nation/Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma)Jonathan TurnerMoses Winston
Law School Support Staff
Mitzi Vigil
Australian Aboriginality and Sociobiology
Allan Ardill
Symposium and Roundtable
Cultivating Native Intellect and Philosophy: A Community Symposium
Tribal Law Journal