Spanish and Portuguese ETDs
Publication Date
Summing up the discussion will be the main conclusions reached about the art of Castro as a dramatist. These conclusions can be briefly expressed as follows: (1) the basic structure of the plays, and Castro's ideals and motivations, had their inception in the Valencian theater of his youth; (2) the main contribution of the Lopean comedia was to teach him the techniques for attaining greater unity of action and to instruct him in the uses of humor; (3) Castro's greatest inspiration came from popular sources such as the romancero, rather than from learned works; (4) his work is exceedingly subjective; and (5) his greatest achievement lie in the area of the re-creation of legendary material, of characterization, and of the building of scenes of great emotional intensity.
Degree Name
Spanish & Portuguese (PhD)
Level of Degree
Department Name
Spanish and Portuguese
First Committee Member (Chair)
Raymond Ralph MacCurdy
Second Committee Member
Albert Richard Lopes
Third Committee Member
William F. DeJongh
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Powers, Dorothea Thompson. "The Dramatic Art of Guillén De Castro." (1958). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/span_etds/117
Included in
European Languages and Societies Commons, Latin American Languages and Societies Commons