Spanish and Portuguese ETDs
Publication Date
The important problem at present, however, is the critical analysis of the lyrics found in Vicentine drama. This analysis is two-fold: that of the strophe patterns employed by the poet as well as that of the lyric content of the poems themselves. An analysis of the structure of the songs is of utmost importance since reiteration and rhythm are essential features of popular songs.
Degree Name
Spanish & Portuguese (PhD)
Level of Degree
Department Name
Spanish and Portuguese
First Committee Member (Chair)
Albert Richard Lopes
Second Committee Member
Ramón José Sender
Third Committee Member
Raymond Ralph MacCurdy
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Lunardini, Peter John. "The Poetic Technique of Gil Vicente." (1953). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/span_etds/114
Included in
European Languages and Societies Commons, Latin American Languages and Societies Commons