Spanish and Portuguese ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 4-16-2018


This study examines phonological and morphological features involved in the release of plural marking –s in nominal phrases of Spanish as a second language (L2). The linguistic variety belongs to Spanish spoken by members of the Ngäbe pueblo of Panama.

Despite the preference of final /s/ deletion in Panamanian Spanish, morphology seems to activate the production of plural marking –s in certain nominal phrases. Meanwhile, other circumstances stimulating the application of alternative strategies for plural marks are detected.

This study also includes questions about the influence of the first language (L1), particularly by comparing Ngäbere and Spanish nominal phrases. It searches to find the origins of plural –s deletion in the substratum of L1 or in the particular scenario of phonological /s/ deletion in Caribbean Spanish.

Degree Name

Spanish (MA)

Level of Degree


Department Name

Spanish and Portuguese

First Committee Member (Chair)

Rosa Vallejos

Second Committee Member

Naomi Shin

Third Committee Member

Richard File-Muriel




bilingual, phonology, determiner, morphology, noun, plural

Document Type



This is a study dedicated to explore the field of Spanish as a Second Language in Panamanian bilingual population.
