"UAA Report and Findings" by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS) and Department of Energy (DOE)

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Between 2018 and 2023 NTESS and DOE conducted a UAA for the Rio Grande to Four Hills Reach of Tijeras Arroyo (AU NM-9000.A_070). The UAA was conducted to formally evaluate whether the Rio Grande to Four Hills Bridge reach of Tijeras Arroyo exhibits characteristics of an ephemeral water body under NMAC. Based on the information presented in the UAA, the Rio Grande to Four Hills Bridge reach of Tijeras Arroyo (AU NM-9000.A_070) exhibits characteristics of an ephemeral water body. NTESS and DOE intend to petition the New Mexico Water Quality Control Commission for an amendment of the reach’s classification based on its highest attainable use through the standard rulemaking process for entities other than NMED in accordance with NMAC.
