Antennas for Fast Satellite Communication
Start Date
8-11-2017 1:30 PM
End Date
8-11-2017 5:30 PM
This project explores the feasibility of establishing satellite communication at 70-90 GHz frequencies. These frequencies of communication will allow at least four times faster data rates than what is available now in both satellite to earth communication, or terrestrial communication. The weather's effect on communicating at these frequencies is studied in the WTLE experiment (W/V-band Terrestrial Link Experiment). Rain and snow are found to be main factors in attenuating the power level, and in depolarizing the wave which makes it harder to establish communication at these frequencies. Another aspect of this project is the design of high gain, circularly polarized antennas operating at 80 GHz. Both planar and three dimensional antennas are fabricated. New, innovative and cheap techniques to polarize the wave are used. These new techniques are easy to fabricate when the dimensions are small. These new antennas are excellent candidates to be used in the satellite communication link and they provide solutions for making the quality of communication better.
Antennas for Fast Satellite Communication
This project explores the feasibility of establishing satellite communication at 70-90 GHz frequencies. These frequencies of communication will allow at least four times faster data rates than what is available now in both satellite to earth communication, or terrestrial communication. The weather's effect on communicating at these frequencies is studied in the WTLE experiment (W/V-band Terrestrial Link Experiment). Rain and snow are found to be main factors in attenuating the power level, and in depolarizing the wave which makes it harder to establish communication at these frequencies. Another aspect of this project is the design of high gain, circularly polarized antennas operating at 80 GHz. Both planar and three dimensional antennas are fabricated. New, innovative and cheap techniques to polarize the wave are used. These new techniques are easy to fabricate when the dimensions are small. These new antennas are excellent candidates to be used in the satellite communication link and they provide solutions for making the quality of communication better.