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Natural Resource Sciences Scholarships Available through the National Science Foundation research project; Southwest Forest Firefighters Recruiting Women Firefighters; Zuni-German Student Exchange Program Enters 10th Year; Gambling Plays a Part in Zuni's Past; As The Hospital Turns... staff recognitions for the individuals on the medical staff; Paper and Pen with Native American self-expression; To the Zuni Community, a congratulating students for making the Triple 'A'; $1.8 million for Zuni Schools and funding for a new building at NMSU's College of Agriculture and Home Economics; Exercise Your Rights on Election Day, sample ballots have been circulating around Zuni; Field School Visits Jurassic Park as Part II of he continuing saga of the Twin Buttes Summer Environmental Field School; Nutrition Rules

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The Shiwi Messenger Staff


Zuni; Zuni Pueblo; Zuni News; Women Firefighters; Natural Resource Sciences Scholarships; Zuni agriculture; National Science Foundation; Zuni Conservation Project; Zuni Sustainable Agricultural Project; Zuni High School; A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center; Zuni Hospital; A:shiwi Publishing; Zuni School District; Dinosaur National Monument; Zuni Tribal Building; Zuni Police Department; St. Anthony's Mission; Halona Plaza

The Shiwi Messenger, Vol. 02, No. 22 (1996)
