President Schmidly's Administration
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Today's discussion culminates a series of meetings held to both discuss and determine my goals and objectives for the coming year- the 4th year in my tenure at UNM. These meetings commenced on the 25th ofMay, the day of my formal evaluation; a second follow-up meeting was held on June 22nd; the goals and objectives were discussed with campus executives and leaders at an executive retreat on the 8th of July; and finally I met with Board President Sanchez on the 9th of July. All of the changes discussed in those dialogues have been included in the document contained in your notebook and that you are being asked to adopt this morning. Five over-riding issues dominated the development of these goals and objectives, and this morning I want to spend a few minutes highlighting those issues and some of the significant goals that are in my work plan with respect to them.
The University of New Mexico
Language (ISO)
The University of New Mexico
Recommended Citation
Schmidly, David. "The President's Goals and Objectives: President's Comments for August BOR Meeting." (2010).