"Rural, Cultural & Global Health: As Seen Through the Eyes of Doctoral " by Priscella Correa, Kimberly Hartson et al.



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Publication Date

Summer 2016


When our early UNM College of Nursing PhD students wrote Volumes 1-3 of this compilation a decade ago, our program was new and growing, and most of the students lived here in New Mexico or in neighboring states. Much has changed since the initial volumes emerged from our course entitled Rural and Cultural Health (Nursing 611), a graduate elective. The world has embraced enormous linkages through technology. Refugee and migration patterns the world over have more people displaced and seeking a permanent home than ever before. International, national, regional and local contexts, conflicts, politics, health-related policies, economic struggles, racial/ethnic diversity, other kinds of human diversity, and all dimensions of health care have undergone tremendous change and continue to do so at a rapid pace. Students from our own and other universities now take this course online and contribute their insights and experience. Nursing 611 has evolved into an 8-week summer elective offered in even-numbered years, focused on three components of health care: global health, cultural health, and rural health. The students, who represent diversity in heritage, geographic location, and clinical/research interests, were asked to produce 3 briefs, or short papers (each 3-4 pages long), on the three components (global, cultural, and rural health). They were encouraged to write in an engaging style, even resembling the tone of a Ted Talk, to interest readers. This collection represents their focused writing in the three areas.

We believe that the state of New Mexico holds unique cultures, characteristics, and problems, yet the health disparities, inequities, population trends, migration patterns, and general state of rural/cultural health the world over are more similar than different. Whatever your own disciplinary connections, we invite you to explore the critical issues presented in the following collection of short essays. In this class, we have defined both culture and rurality broadly and in multiple contexts. Much remains to be done, both locally and globally, to improve the health status of our varied populations and communities. Please join us in the analysis and resolution of the health challenges, inequities, and unresolved needs that characterize many rural and cultural settings.


University of New Mexico College of Nursing




Rural Health, Global Health, Cultural Care, Health Disparities, Health Inequity

Rural, Cultural & Global Health: As Seen Through the Eyes of Doctoral Students at the University of New Mexico
