Psychology ETDs

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Four groups of 8 hooded rats were conditioned to avoid shock by turning a wheel in the presence of either a single or compound warning signal, and with or without an exteroceptive feedback stimulus contingent upon each response. Group L received a single light CS and no feedback stimulus; group L + C, a compound CS composed of lights and click, and no FS; group L + FS, a light CS and a FS; and group L + C + FS, a light and click CS and a FS. A response contingent exteroceptive feedback stimulus significantly improved level of avoidance performance, whereas no significant effects of CS complexity were found. The feedback stimulus effect was interpreted both within the context of previous avoidance studies of this variable, and within the context of the concept of "feedback” as it has been used within psychology. It is suggested that the facilitative effect of exteroceptive feedback stimulation in the avoidance conditioning task differs little from the effects generally attributable to "feedback" in a wide variety of learning situations.

Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name


First Committee Member (Chair)

Frank Anderson Logan

Second Committee Member

G. Robert Grice

Third Committee Member

Douglas Peter Ferraro



Document Type


Included in

Psychology Commons
