Psychology ETDs

Publication Date

Fall 11-3-2021


Identifying factors that contribute to activism may be helpful in increasing activism. This study investigated how experiences, personality characteristics, beliefs, attitudes, group membership (i.e., POC, women, LGBTQ, and disabled individuals), and intersectional group membership defined by social location related to reported engagement in racial justice activism. A sample of 155 undergraduate students completed measures of empathy, openness to diversity, authoritarianism, multicultural experiences, level of prejudice, motivation to respond without prejudice, allophilia, understanding of privilege, racial/ethnic identity, and social support. Results supported that engagement in activism differed based on group membership for gender, LGBTQ+, and primary race and based on social location. Results also supported that internal motivation to respond without prejudice and activism-specific social support were more relevant to engagement in activism than external motivation or general social support. Most factors contributed to a significant model for predicting activism, and correlations with activism differed based on social location.

Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name


First Committee Member (Chair)

Bruce Smith, Phd

Second Committee Member

Nancy López, Phd

Third Committee Member

Kamilla Venner, PhD

Fourth Committee Member

Steven Verney, PhD




activism, social justice, social location, group membership, race, ethnicity, street race

Document Type


Included in

Psychology Commons
