"A Study of the Relation Between Intelligence and Accomplishment as Sho" by Cora Nelle Freeman

Psychology ETDs

Publication Date



The literature upon the subject of Standardized tests has dealt almost entirely with either city schools or rural school surveys. The Devil did not make the little towns, but they are made up of our great middle classes and are deserving of all that science discovers. Many teachers come from this class. They have received their public school education in the small town schools and are now teaching there. Give the children of these places the best and as our future leaders they will give their best to society.

This study is made with the idea of benefiting not only the community studied, but of helping the thousands of similar communities. In order that the fathers and mothers, the grade and high school teachers who are not experts in educational measurements, may appreciate the uses to which standardized tests may be put, the discussion is as non-technical as it is compatible with clearness and scientific accuracy.

It is the purpose of this study to show some definite facts in regard to the relation between intelligence and achievement in school work as revealed by the use of group intelligence scales and standardized accomplishment scales. It is further proposed to show that the use of these standardized tests is practical in relatively small communities as well as in larger towns and cities.

Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name


First Committee Member (Chair)

Not given

Second Committee Member

Not given

Third Committee Member

Not given



Document Type



Cora Nelle Freeman was the first woman to earn a MA from the University of New Mexico. She is the only student conferred the MA in 1925, and only the third person to earn an MA from UNM. Her major was Psychology and her minor, Education.

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