Psychology ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 4-30-1943
This study of Japanese war-time propaganda, beamed toward the United States and disseminated by the medium of international short wave radio, was inspired by these considerations. War-time restrictions on the press, local broadcasting, and landline facilities close the channels to which Japan could get the desired propaganda material into a neutral country, she would have no assurance that the material would reach the ultimate objective in unadulterated form. These obvious barriers to Japan's propaganda machine raise the question: Is there any channel or communication through which Japan may direct biased information straight to the recipient, and delivered uncensored? The answer is yes. By the use of short wave transmission, Japan can and does propagate information designed for American consumption. What are the characteristics of propaganda determined by short wave radio intended for foreign enemy? How does Japan, now a nation at war with America, employ this new propaganda device in the effort to further her war aims? A study leading in the investigation of these questions, the writer feels, affords an opportunity to do worth-while and original work in the field of applied psychology.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Benjamin Franklin Haught
Second Committee Member
George Maxwell Peterson
Third Committee Member
Frank Herman Jonas
World War II, Propaganda, Short-Wave Radio, Applied Psychology, Japan, United States of America
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Smoll, Leonard A.. "A Study of Japanese International Short Wave Radio Propaganda." (1943). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/psy_etds/231