Political Science ETDs
Publication Date
This dissertation examines whether the incorporation of labor rights provisions into trade agreements promotes labor rights enforcement in developing countries. It draws on the international relations literature on transnational advocacy as the starting point to ask how labors allies engage the trade mechanisms as potential tools for promoting labor rights in supranational arenas. Using original data, field observation, primary documents and interviews with key participants, I examine how transnational labor rights advocates have engaged these institutions through a research design that pairs quantitative analysis of the NAFTA labor side agreement, with qualitative examination of a number of the NAFTA cases and a set of labor violations cases in Puebla, Mexico. The empirical chapters discuss the ways that transnational labor rights advocates engage the labor rights enforcement mechanism as they attempt to secure a review of their petitions from the quasi-judicial bodies charged with investigating labor rights compliance. Transnational support has led to outcomes for labor that include firm-level redress of labor rights violations and institutional changes within Mexico. The implication for this work is that where labor clauses have had an effect on labor rights practices within states, it has been at the intersection of transnational civil society and international institutions. The research suggests that the process of engaging the petitions mechanism can persuade or coerce states into enforcing labor rights commitments, and emphasizes that transnational advocacy provides a crucial element to realizing labor rights enforcement where domestic efforts are weak.
Degree Name
Political Science
Level of Degree
Department Name
Political Science
First Committee Member (Chair)
Schrank, Andrew
Second Committee Member
Hochstetler, Kathryn
Project Sponsors
Mexico-North Research Network
Foreign trade and employment--Mexico, Employee rights--Mexico, Abuse of rights--Mexico, Free trade--Mexico, Labor policy--Mexico, Canada--Treaties, etc.--1992 Oct. 7
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Nolan Garcia, Kimberly. "Transnational Advocacy and Labor Rights Conditionality in the International Trading Order." (2010). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/pols_etds/23