Physics & Astronomy ETDs
Publication Date
An experimental program has been undertaken at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory to study delayed neutron effects. As a part of this program, experiments were conducted with thin disks of various fissionable materials to measure the delayed neutron response to a pulse of high-energy neutrons. In support of the experiments, calculations were made with a computer program which solves the Boltzmann transport equation by finite difference methods. Difficulties with the calculations led to an analysis showing that correct treatment of neutrons moving parallel to the faces of the disk was vital to the success of the calculation. As an extension of this analysis, expressions are derived for neutron escape probabilities from thin infinite slabs under various conditions and from a thin disk under special conditions. The original conclusion regarding neutrons moving parallel to the disk faces is confirmed. It was decided to adapt an existing Monte Carlo program which does neutron transport calculations to include delayed neutron effects. The Monte Carlo neutron program treats all scattering directions equally well and simulates a general three-dimensional system. A description is given of the Monte Carlo techniques used in neutron transport problems, and of the calculation which gives the expected number of neutrons reaching a detector. The original Monte Carlo program, which treated prompt neutron effects only in fission calculations, was extended to do delayed neutron calculations. The delayed neutron data used in the new program is tabulated and discussed. The method of including delayed neutrons in the sample population and of obtaining delayed neutron statistics is described. Many delayed neutron calculations were made using the Monte Carlo program, the results agreeing with experiment within estimated errors. An example of one problem investigated using the program is given, and the computer output resulting from four different cases is presented. A discussion of the computer results illustrates the correspondence between the calculation and the actual experiment.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Physics & Astronomy
First Committee Member (Chair)
Christopher Pratt Leavitt
Second Committee Member
George I. Bell
Third Committee Member
Derek Bertram Swinson
Fourth Committee Member
James Daniel Finley III
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Turner, Garland David. "The Monte Carlo Method Applied to an Estimation of Delayed Neutron Response." (1969). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/phyc_etds/314