"Near- and Far- Field Optical Response of Ensembles of Nanostructures" by Lauren Zundel

Physics & Astronomy ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 8-1-2023


The ability of metallic nanostructures to support collective oscillations of their conduction electrons, known as surface plasmons, makes them attractive candidates for a wide range of applications in areas as diverse as cancer therapy, biosensing, and solar energy harvesting. These applications are especially promising for periodic arrays of nanostructures, which can support collective modes known as lattice resonances, and for nanostructures with extreme aspect ratios that give rise to enhanced light-matter interaction. In this Thesis, we employ a coupled dipole model to theoretically explore the lattice resonances supported by complex arrays of nanoparticles containing multiple nanoparticles per unit cell. We also study the excitation of these modes by localized dipole sources and light beams of finite width. To complete our analysis, we investigate the optical response of single thin metallic nanodisks under different excitation conditions.

Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name

Physics & Astronomy

First Committee Member (Chair)

Alejandro Manjavacas

Second Committee Member

Tara Drake

Third Committee Member

David Dunlap

Fourth Committee Member

Tito Busani




nanophotonics, surface plasmon, plasmonics, lattice resonance, periodic arrays, nanoparticle arrays

Document Type

