Physics & Astronomy ETDs

Publication Date



Development of a simple technique for the measurement of the gross electrical conductivity of a shock compressed liquid is attempted. A cell containing the sample is constructed from glass cylinders and aluminum foil. The foil is sandwiched between two cylinders of the same diameter to form a two compartment cylinder. The cylinder is mounted on a metal target plate. With both chambers of the system full of liquid, only insignificant reflections can arise from the sample-foil interface. A voltage is placed across the cell between the foil and the target plate, and the change in voltage as the shock front traverses the system is recorded. The change in voltage is related to the cell's change in resistance which in turn can be used to obtain a gross elec­trical conductivity for the liquid.

Readable signals have been recorded, but their proper evaluation is unclear. If valid, the interpretation of the signals obtained to date indicates that the measured electrical conductivity is not directly proportional to cross section and inversely proportional to length of the conducting column.

Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name

Physics & Astronomy

First Committee Member (Chair)

Christopher Pratt Leavitt

Second Committee Member

Christopher Dean

Third Committee Member

Richard D. Dick

Document Type

