Physics & Astronomy ETDs
Publication Date
Properties of the University of New Mexico’s solar neutron instrument for use on the NASA 0S0-C satellite were investigated. A sensor model was developed by use of two computer codes. First, the total efficiency of the converters was calculated by a simulation code with a resulting total efficiency at 100 Mev of approximately two per cent of which four-fifths was carbon recoil contribution.
Second, geometry properties of the instrument were provided by a Monte Carlo program, with maximum geometry efficiency equaling about fourteen per cent. These were combined to give a total response profile for the instrument which was expressed in matrix form. This matrix and others representing restricted energy and angular configurations were used to predict the instrument Is response to various environments. Ten proton flares from the last solar cycle were analyzed. The instrument response to the normal background neutron albedo was analyzed also. This method was established as a highly computer compatible means of data reduction.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Physics & Astronomy
First Committee Member (Chair)
Christopher Pratt Leavitt
Second Committee Member
Derek B. Swinson
Third Committee Member
John Root Green
Project Sponsors
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Conklin, John Coalmer. "Response Prediction For The Oso-G Satellite Solar Neutron Instrument By Matrix Methods.." (1968).