Physics & Astronomy ETDs
Publication Date
We have measured the H photodetachment cross section in the photon energy range from 1.5 to 10.5 eV, using a colliding beam method. The H beam with an energy of 800 MeV, at Los Alamos Linear Accelerator, was intersected by a nitrogen laser beam with a photon energy of 3 .678 eV in the lab frame. We changed the energy of the pho"ton in the H rest frame, through the Doppler effect, by varying the angle between the laser and the H beams. The magnitude of the Doppler shift was enough to cover the entire range from 1.5 to 10.5 eV with a single photon energy.
We have normalized our relative continuum cross section with the results of Smith and Burch which in turn were put on an absolute basis by S. Geltman. We have also compared our results with the theoretical calculations of Armstrong and of Broad and Reinhardt and found good agreement.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Physics & Astronomy
First Committee Member (Chair)
Howard Carnes Bryant
Second Committee Member
Christopher Dean
Third Committee Member
Christopher Pratt Leavitt
Fourth Committee Member
Joe B. Donahue
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Sharifian-Attar, Mohammad Hassan. "Measurement of the H- Photodetachment cross Section in the Continuum Region from 1.5 to 10.5 eV." (1977). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/phyc_etds/220