Physics & Astronomy ETDs
Publication Date
Data from the University of New Mexico High Energy Neutron Detector flown on NASA satellite OSO-VI arc analyzed with the aim of detecting neutrons from the sun. The detector is a proton recoil telescope capable of directional discrimination and responsive to neutrons of energies between 20 and 200 MeV with an effective average efficiency for this analysis of 10-4 and an effective area of 80cm2. The detector was located in a wheel compartment of OSO-VI and scanned the sun once per revolution of the wheel at a rate of 30 rpm. The satellite was launched on August 9, 1969 into a circular orbit with an inclination to the equator of 33° and an altitude of 300 nautical miles.
The data, which included pulse height information from the scintillation counters in the telescope and orientation information for each event, were recorded continuously and played back to ground stations to provide nearly complete coverage. The analysis in the present work covers the period from August 14, 1969 to December 31, 1969.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Physics & Astronomy
First Committee Member (Chair)
Christoper Pratt Levitt
Second Committee Member
Howard Carl Bryant
Third Committee Member
Derek B. Swinson
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Ro, Pyung Syk. "Measurement of the Average Solar Neutron Flux and its Correlation with Solar Activity." (1971). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/phyc_etds/218