Physics & Astronomy ETDs

Publication Date

Fall 11-13-2018


Quantum algorithms have the potential to provide exponential speedups over some of the best known classical algorithms. These speedups may enable quantum devices to solve currently intractable problems such as those in the fields of optimization, material science, chemistry, and biology. Thus, the realization of large-scale, reliable quantum-computers will likely have a significant impact on the world. For this reason, the focus of this dissertation is on the development of quantum-computing applications and robust, scalable quantum-architectures. I begin by presenting an overview of the language of quantum computation. I then, in joint work with Ojas Parekh, analyze the performance of the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) on a graph problem called Max Cut. Next, I present a new stabilizer simulation algorithm that gives improved runtime performance for topological stabilizer codes. After that, in joint work with Andrew Landahl, I present a new set of procedures for performing logical operations called "color-code lattice-surgery." Finally, I describe a software package I developed for studying, developing, and evaluating quantum error-correcting codes under realistic noise.

Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name

Physics & Astronomy

First Committee Member (Chair)

Andrew Landahl

Second Committee Member

Ivan Deutsch

Third Committee Member

Akimasa Miyake

Fourth Committee Member

Rolando Somma




quantum algorithms, quantum architecture, quantum error correction, quantum computation, QAOA, lattice surgery

Document Type

