Physics & Astronomy ETDs
Publication Date
The energy spectra of neutrons from the fission of U235, U233, and Pu239 have been studied with seven high-energy activation detectors covering the range 0.6 to 16 Mev. Interpretation is in terms of the Maxwellian spectral function E1/2 exp(-E/T). By means of a unique cavity arrangement within a moderator to obtain pure thermal-neutron-induced fission neutrons, the average energies of the three spectra are found to be in the ratios
U235: U233: Pu239= (1): (1.016+or-0.003): (1.039+or-0.003).
Differences between the normalized spectra are most pronounced at high energies as exemplified by the relative Pu239:U235 flux ratios 1.17+or-0.013 for 611 Mev.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Physics & Astronomy
First Committee Member (Chair)
Christopher Pratt Leavitt
Second Committee Member
Victor H. Regener
Third Committee Member
John Root Green
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Grundl, James A.. "Study of Fission Neutron Spectra With High-Energy Activation Detectors." (1963). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/phyc_etds/193