Philosophy ETDs
Publication Date
This project is centrally concerned with the connection of Schellings philosophy of education to his broader philosophical commitments, from his identity-philosophy period to his middle period philosophy of freedom. I argue that, while there are some essential threads of continuity from Schelling's earlier views to his middle period philosophy that should not be ignored, there are some basic problems inhering in the identity-philosophy system that motivate some radical transformations in his views by 1809. I argue that these transformations must result in a rethinking of his earlier views on university education, as expressed in his 1802-1803 lectures On University Studies. I begin with an exposition of Schelling's absolute idealism, specifically as it is presented in his 1802 Bruno dialogue. This lays the ground for the discussion of Schelling's philosophy of education in his 1802 Lectures on the Method of University Studies. In an analysis of those Lectures, I show the direct implications of his identity-philosophy for his plan for a reformation of the university. I then trace the developments and transformations of his idealism in his 1809 essay Of Human Freedom. In my explication of this later text, I show that certain basic features of Schelling's earlier educational program would have to be abandoned in light of these later developments in his philosophical project. This project is one of historical scholarship. I aim to bring into clearer light the nature of Schelling's philosophy of education in particular, and his philosophy in general as it developed over the course of the early 1800's. The research presented here, while valuable in its own right, also lays the groundwork for future studies of Schelling's relationship to other major historical figures of philosophy, such as Heidegger, enriching our understanding of each through the other.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Kalar, Brent
Second Committee Member
Thomson, Iain
Third Committee Member
Lysaker, John
Schelling, German Idealism, University Studies, Philosophy of Education, Identity Philosophy, Freedom
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Simcox, Kristian. "Idealism and Education: Continuities and Transformations in Schelling's Philosophy and Its Implications for a Philosophy of Education." (2014). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/phil_etds/4