Philosophy ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 5-24-1950
I propose to discuss the imaginative mode of thought in terms of its two most significant aspects: first, as a vital seeking for completeness and, secondly, as providing a sense of deepened dimensions to renditions of human acts.
I shall be concerned with the imaginative mode of thought in minds directed to the expression of moral acts. This will be called "the moral imagination" and is conceived as having two major attributes: First, it dissents from views of moral acts which end in the acceptance of them as completed and reducible. Secondly, it affirms further that there is a flow, irregular and irreducible, to a moral life, and that man is more various and more viable than mere systems admit.
The moral imagination is considered as receiving its most significant expression within the humanist tradition generally and within humanist ethics particularly.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Hubert G. Alexander
Second Committee Member
Archie J. Bahm
Third Committee Member
Ramon J. Sander
Humanism, Renaissance Humanism, Morals, Ethics, Giordano Bruno, William Blake, Peter Blume, Henri Bergson, Aesthetics
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Garoffolo, Vincent N.. "Aspects of the Moral Imagination." (1950). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/phil_etds/20