Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series
Chamisa: A Journal of Literary, Performance, and Visual Arts of the Greater Southwest
Published annually by the University of New Mexico, Chamisa: A Journal of Literary, Performance, and Visual Arts of the Greater Southwest is an online, peer-reviewed, open access journal that showcases cultural production in the greater Southwest. The journal foregrounds multidisciplinary creative works of well-known and lesser-known artists and writers with connections to historical and contemporary communities in this region of the country. The journal’s main objective is to enrich our understanding of the value of the creative arts in the region by featuring the diverse views and experiences that shape the full range of esthetic expression. Additionally, the journal highlights creative community partnerships that produce arts to promote a greater awareness of the cultural and intellectual richness that characterizes life in the Southwestern states. Chamisa provides a space where academics, creatives, community members, and others with ties to this region of the country can showcase their ideas, originality, and artistry. Chamisa: A Journal of Literary, Performance, and Visual Arts of the Greater Southwest.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Colonial Latin American Historical Review
ISSN 1063-5769
The Colonial Latin American Historical Review (CLAHR), was a quarterly journal published between 1992 and 2014. Dedicated to the colonial era in Luso-Hispano America, CLAHR is owned and published by the Spanish Colonial Research Center at the University of New Mexico. The Spanish Colonial Research Center was originally established in 1986 as a joint project of the University of New Mexico and the National Park Service. CLAHR disclaims responsibility for views expressed by contributors. Questions about CLAHR may be addressed to the Center for Southwest Research at the University of New Mexico.Indexes to journal content are available:
Index for Volumes 1 through 10 (1992-2001)
Index for Volumes 11 through 17 (2002-2008)
Digitization by Stephen Mandrgoc, Spanish Colonial Research Center Fellow, 2016-2018

Development Journal of the South
Development Journal of the South (DJS) is an open-access peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal published by the Nepal Study Center at the University of New Mexico. The journal intends to spur critical debate on issues faced by nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, collectively known as the Global South. DJS invites innovative papers grounded on theoretical and empirical work addressing sustainable economic, social and political issues of a nation or subnational units. The Journal emphasizes the integration of quantitative and qualitative information from natural, social and behavioral sciences. Insightful reviews of comparative development between two or more regions, between the North and the South, or between South and South are welcome. The goal of the Journal is to inform development debate from public policy and social welfare perspectives.Hemisphere: Visual Cultures of the Americas
ISSN 1945-1482
Hemisphere is an annual publication produced by graduate students affiliated with the Department of Art at the University of New Mexico (UNM). Hemisphere provides a forum for graduate students to present scholarship pertaining to all aspects and time periods of the visual and material cultures of North, Central, and South America, and related world contexts. Through the production of Hemisphere students promote their educational and professional interests as they gain first-hand experience in academic publishing.

Intersections: Critical Issues in Education
Intersections: Critical Issues in Education, sponsored by the University of New Mexico’s Department of Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies, is an online, peer-reviewed, open access academic journal. We seek to deepen understanding of how race, class, gender, sexuality, exceptionalities, power, well-being, and other subjectivities play out in educational settings as a means of advancing social justice for all people. Intersections serves as a forum for diverse voices and perspectives reflecting a variety of disciplines, focusing on work that interrogates, disrupts and challenges oppression.
Banner photo: Mesa Vista Hall (Men’s residence hall); University of New Mexico Bulletin (Volume 75, No. 6), May 1962, p. 75

La Crónica de Nuevo México
La Crónica de Nuevo México, the publication of the Historical Society of New Mexico (HSNM), is dedicated to increasing the knowledge of New Mexico history, disseminating information on New Mexico history, and encouraging the preservation of historic objects and property.
Medical Muse
ISSN 2638-3867
Medical Muse is a literary journal devoted to the inquiries, experiences, and meditations of the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center community.

Natural Resources Journal (Law Journals)
ISSN 0028-0739
About Natural Resources Journal
The NRJ is published by the University of New Mexico School of Law and is an international, interdisciplinary forum devoted to the study of natural and environmental resources. The Journal is policy oriented, and seeks to overcome the isolation of scholars in various disciplines who are concerned with natural and environmental resources.
Interdisciplinary collaboration in solving resource-related problems was a formative principle in the creation of the Journal and, for 50 years, the Journal has been guided by that principle. The NRJ's contributors come from various disciplines, represent many countries, and provide many approaches to the complex issues raised by the need to balance resource development and environmental concerns.
Indexed in HeinOnline, Westlaw, LexisNexis, Ebsco, JSTOR.

Neutrosophic Sets and Systems
ISSN 2331-608X
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems (NSS) is an academic journal, published bimonthly online and in print, that has been created for publications of advanced studies in neutrosophy, neutrosophic set, neutrosophic logic, neutrosophic probability, neutrosophic statistics etc. and their applications in any field.
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems is indexed/listed in Web of Science, Scopus, and Clarivate Analytics Emerging Sources Citation index.
Papers submitted to Neutrosophic Sets and Systems should be in two formats: Word or LaTeX, and PDF.
To submit a paper:
For more information or assistance, please contact the NSS.

New Mexico Anthropologist (Anthropology)
First published in 1937, the New Mexico Anthropologist was the first version of the Journal of Anthropological Research, followed by the Southwestern Journal of Anthropology.
New Mexico Architecture (Architecture and Planning)
ISSN 0545-3151
New Mexico Architecture was published bi-monthly between 1959 and 1991. It served as the official publication of the New Mexico Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. The magazine was intended to be a communications medium for members, and also a vehicle to establish a close relationship between the Architects of New Mexico and the public.
© Copyright New Mexico AIA, All Rights Reserved. Use of this journal is permitted for research and educational purposes. Please direct all requests for re-publication or reproduction of New Mexico Architecture to:

New Mexico Conference United Methodist Historical Journal
This journal documents the history of the United Methodist Church and its members and their impact upon the culture of the Southwest.
The New Mexico Conference United Methodist Historical Journal is sponsored by the New Mexico Conference Historical Society. Published semi-annually, subscription to this journal is included with a $10 annual paid membership in the Society.
Readers are invited to submit articles and stories of general historical interest, approximately 1200 words in length, for consideration. These may concern a moment in the life of the United Methodist Church, or a person and their impact, or a topic. Inclusion is at the complete discretion of the editor. Pictures, if included, as well as text, must be free of any copyright restrictions.
Excerpts from primary and secondary sources may be reprinted here in order to call attention to their source and available resources. Authors may submit short excerpts from their work for consideration.
As an historical journal, commentary on current topics will not usually be considered, except those concerning the work of the New Mexico Conference Historical Society.
Unless otherwise indicated, permission to reproduce anything in these pages must be obtained in writing from the NM Conference Historical Society, through the editor of this journal.
Willard L. Steinsiek, Editor
11816 Lomas Boulevard NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112

New Mexico Historical Review
ISSN 0028-6206
Welcome to the new online home of the New Mexico Historical Review.
Please direct all questions to
Founded in 1926 by the Historical Society of New Mexico, the New Mexico Historical Review is one of the oldest and most distinguished historical journals in the country. Publishing high-quality research on New Mexico and the Southwest, including Northern Mexico, each issue is filled with scholarly articles, book reviews and notes on new publications, news and current events.
The New Mexico Historical Review is available by subscription in both print and electronic formats. Please click the "Subscribe" button to purchase subscriptions and back issues via the UNM Marketplace.

New Mexico Law Review (Law Journals)
ISSN 0028-6214
About New Mexico Law Review
When it began publication in 1971, the mission of the New Mexico Law Review, as the only general legal journal in the state, was to serve as a crucible for scholarly discussion of legal issues unique to New Mexico. Over the past four decades, the New Mexico Law Review has fulfilled that mission by serving as the major outlet for professional and student scholarship on important developments in New Mexico law.
With the globalization of the law in recent years, the New Mexico Law Review has broadened its coverage to include scholarship of national and international significance. Today, the New Mexico Law Review contributes a voice to the national dialogue on developments in various fields of the law, while still maintaining its mission to serve as the primary source for legal scholarship on legal issues affecting the great state of New Mexico.
The New Mexico Law Review is student-edited and published two times a year. The Editorial Board is comprised of third-year law students, who are solely responsible for all organizational and editorial decisions. Authors from across the country contribute to the journal and include law professors, attorneys, judges, and second-year UNM law review staff members.
Indexed in HeinOnline, Westlaw, LexisNexis, Ebsco.

New Mexico Musician
ISSN 0742-8278
The New Mexico Musician is the official publication of The New Mexico Music Educators Association, published three times per year. The New Mexico Music Educators Association is a federated state association of the National Association for Music Education and part of the Southwestern Division of NAIME. UNM Digital Repository hosts the volumes from Fall 1953 to Spring 2016.

New Mexico Quarterly (University of New Mexico Press)
A publication of the faculty and students at the University of New Mexico between 1931 and 1968.Regeneración: A Xicanacimiento Studies Journal
ISSN 2995-3421
Mission Statement
Regeneración: A Xicanacimiento Studies Journal is committed to depicting the intellectual, cultural, and historic experiences pertinent to Chicanas, Chicanos, and Chicanxs and the field of Chicana/o/x Studies. The journal promotes collective knowledge as disseminated in multilingual, and multimedia formats. As an open-access e-journal, Regeneración: A Xicanacimiento Studies Journal has the ability to widely disseminate perspectives on cultural, intellectual, and historic themes.
We envision Xicanacimiento Studies as a regenerating force of collective knowledges that affirms life giving and intergenerational relational practices or solidarities. The journal promotes the applications of diverse methods and interdisciplinary perspectives in the study of the present and past to imagine radical interpretations of the future. This means critically examining Chicana/o/x history, philosophy and culture, as well as the historic and social implications of colonialism, racism, capitalism, sexism, and heteronormativity on and within Chicana/o/x communities. In line with this mission, the journal will provide a forum for dialogue on autonomy, dignity, liberation, and self-determination.
The journal promotes the work being done by students, educators, academics, community members, activists, poets, and creative culture producers. In this way, Regeneración: A Xicanacimiento Studies Journal will center diverse perspectives on knowledge creation and experiences grounded in the ancestral and communal knowledge systems of the Americas.

The Tamarind Papers: Technical, Critical and Historical Studies on the Art of the Lithograph
ISSN 0276-3397
The Tamarind Papers includes historical, critical, and technical articles on fine art lithography. The journal was published by Tamarind Institute from 1974 through 1992; subsequently by Tamarind in cooperation with the University of New Mexico Press.
The Tamarind Papers index can be used to search historical, critical, and technical articles on fine art lithography.
Additional questions on the content of these papers may be directed to

Tribal Law Journal (Law Journals)
Welcome to Tribal Law Journal
Let Our Voices Be Heard, Let Our Stories Be Told.
Founded in 1998, the Tribal Law Journal is an international legal journal for indigenous and tribal law. TLJ promotes indigenous self-determination by providing native peoples, practitioners, and law students an opportunity to contribute their work to the discussion of internal indigenous law. Presenting in a strictly on-line forum, TLJ can accepts a variety of media to best capture indigenous thought and expression.
Please visit the Tribal Law Journal Blog for additional case notes and commentary.
View our archive of events, Tribal Voices, or review all our Tribal Law Profiles in one place.

United States - Mexico Law Journal (1993-2005) (Law Journals)
ISSN 1089+8948
United States-Mexico Journal was a legal journal published from 1993 to 2005 by the United-States Mexico Law Institute Inc. and New Mexico Law Review at The University of New Mexico School of Law in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This site is an online archive of the print journal.
Journal History
The idea for this journal began in 1990 when a group of Mexican and United States lawyers met at the conclusion of an American Bar Association International Legal Exchange program in Mexico. With the goal of continuing the quality of the education program they just experienced, they discussed bringing together U.S. and Mexican attorneys and legal scholars to continue to educate attorneys from both countries. Because of its strategic location, New Mexico was chosen as the site for the annual conference. A not-for-profit corporation, The United States-Mexico Law Institute, Inc., was organized in 1992 in New Mexico. The long-range goals of the founders were: promotion of research on and analysis of legal problems common to the United States and Mexico; the study of the administration of justice in both countries; the provision of a regular forum for attorneys, judges, government officials, and legal scholars to meet and share opinions with their counterparts from the other country; and the annual publication of the papers presented at the conference through the United States-Mexico Law Journal.
Searching This Journal
Use the search tools to the right to browse by volume, or search for key terms.
UNM CIR Journal of Quality Improvement in Healthcare
The UNM Committee of Interns and Residents have created the Journal of Quality Improvement in Healthcare to coordinate collaboration among residents interested in quality improvement, showcase resident projects, and assist residents with obtaining the resources and education they need to make a positive systems-level change during their residency at the University of New Mexico.
UNM Orthopaedic Research Journal (Orthopedics)
ISSN 2167-4760
The purpose of the UNM Orthopaedic Research Journal is to highlight the research done in orthopaedics by physicians and alumni associated with the University of New Mexico Department of Orthopaedics. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Wagon Tracks
ISSN 1547-7703
Wagon Tracks is the official publication of the Santa Fe Trail Association. Published quarterly, Wagon Tracks is the communication link of the SFTA. Each issue comes filled with information about current activities taking place along the Santa Fe Trail and research articles about the Santa Fe Trail. In addition, you will find book reviews of newly published books related to the era of the Trail and information from the SFTA’s Chapters, as well as other items of interest to SFTA members. Access to the most current issue of Wagon Tracks, as well as an annual subscription are benefits received by members of the SFTA. However all past issues of the publication are available on this site as a public service. Annual subscriptions are obtained through membership in SFTA. For more information about membership in the Santa Fe Trail Association, please visit the organization's Official Website.
Water Matters! (The Utton Transboundary Resources Center)
Water Matters! is a hallmark publication of the Utton Center that provides authoritative and independent information on water policy and legal issues for New Mexico. This publication, which was last updated in 2015, was historically prepared for the New Mexico Legislature and is widely used by policymakers, educators and student, and the public. Topics covered include water legislation, administration, adjudications, planning, and water quality. Please direct your questions about this publication to the Utton Transboundary Resource Center.

Western Journal of Orthopaedics (Orthopedics)
ISSN 2687-7406
Editors: | Deana Mercer MD, The University of New Mexico |
Dustin Richter MD, The University of New Mexico | |
Western Journal of Orthopaedics (WJO), formerly known as The University of New Mexico Orthopaedics Research Journal, is a peer-reviewed publication of UNM Department of Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation. The Journal highlights original research relevant to orthopaedic-focused surgery and engineering, with the goal of MEDLINE indexing.
WJO 2025 Submission Deadline: November 15, 2024, at midnight MST.