Public Administration ETDs

Publication Date



There are increasing demands on local, state and federal government to enhance the eonomic well being of individuals and groups, as well as providing many social services for society. In order to do this effectively, it is imperative that improved research and development methods be used to provide the necessary information for policy-makers, planners and other interested groups or individuals.

The assumption made in this study was that by combining scientific research methods with the property tax system and property record information, an improved methods of gathering and retrieving social information could be developed.

The study was conducted by: a) an examination of the literature for the purpose of finding out what use might be made such a theoretical system, b) analysis of the present laws and organizational arrangements in administration of the property tax in New Mexico, and c) research into the current computer technology available in the State of New Mexico. In exploring the possible uses of the property tax and information system, it was found that much information currently exists and much more information could be obtained. Data becomes available about people, land and economics through the constant contact with the population. Through such data, alternatives could be presented for uses in resource allocation, planning and establishment of public policy.

In examining why the property tax system and information are not used for research information gathering, it was found that the administration of the system is fragmented due mostly to archic state constitutional requirements. Fragmentations also have been caused by lack of financial, human and technological resources and by political boundary separation, at the local level.

In analyzing the data, it was determined that it is highly feasible for the property tax and information system to be used for social planning.

In conclusion, some constitutional amendments and legislative enact­ments are recommended which would place complete responsibility of the property tax administration at the state level where the financial, human and technological resources are available. These proposals would result in the upgrading of the property tax system, both to improve its main function and for use in social information gathering and planning.

Degree Name

Public Administration

Level of Degree


Department Name

School of Public Administration

First Committee Member (Chair)

John M. Hunger

Second Committee Member

Frank Steggert

Third Committee Member

Nicholas Henry



Document Type

