Public Administration ETDs

Publication Date



Environmental problems do not stop at national frontiers, or political boundaries. The global environment concerns all nations regardless of national, ideological, or racial differences, because all nations may be affected by how any one of them treats its air, water, and land. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that, due to the global nature of pollution, the ultimate method of managing the world's environmental problems must also be international in scope. It is completely beyond the limitations, or the intent, of this study to predict the political methodology or feasibility of organizing an international administrative body equipped to establish and manage international norms regarding environmental pollution and resource management.

The methodology of this paper consists of a systematic effort to discover what actually has occurred, based on existing literature, and to report the findings in a manner which enables the reader to examine the evidence for the conclusions, and to test the findings. In the literature search, all the areas considered relevant to the prominent features of the topic were sought, and then organized into

a coherent and orderly scheme to present a complete picture of international environmental administration. This project is designed in such a way as to: (1) provide an overview of the problem of international pollution; (2) describe past international action that has been taken to curb environmental deterioration of the earth; (3) relate current action that is being taken by international agencies, emphasizing scientific organizations; (4) disclose the unique situation of the less developed countries; and (5) reveal the potential of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment to be held in June, 1972, which may set forth guidelines for the remainder of the decade. The analysis of these areas leads to the emergence of five interrelated conclusions, recommendations, and implications for international administration.

1. The field of international environmental administration is a major area in which the gap between the scientist and the policy maker is narrowed.

2. Due to the global nature of pollution, an increase in responsibility is shifted from national to international organizations.

3. The whole area of environmental administration provides the two superpowers, and most likely three by 1980, a new field on which to base cooperation, especially in programs and assistance regarding less developed countries.

4. The world must take an ecological approach to development.

5. It is essential that the world have more and improved observation, research, and analysis about the processes of the environment so that man is able to better understand what is happening naturally, what is "safe" to do, and how to plan for specific large-scale actions.

All five conclusions and recommendations accentuate the need for internationalism as the nucleus for an effective remedy to environmental degradation.

Degree Name

Public Administration

Level of Degree


Department Name

School of Public Administration

First Committee Member (Chair)

Nicholas Llewellyn Henry

Second Committee Member

David R. Jones

Third Committee Member

Albert H. Rosenthal



Document Type

