Public Administration ETDs

Publication Date



Research evaluating the effectiveness of health promotion interventions that aim to increase mammography utilization and or awareness among women with disabilities is extremely limited. The purpose of this thesis was to systematically review the literature that does exist, and examine the effectiveness and methodological rigor of various health promotion interventions, that aim to increase mammography utilization among women with disabilities. This thesis followed a five-step systematic review process: framing of the research question, identification of relevant work, extraction of relevant data on outcomes and quality, summarization of evidence, and interpretation of evidence. The sample consisted of eight articles that were evaluated and examined with the use of three tools: comparative matrix tool, quality assessment tool, and level of evidence pyramid. The results of the review revealed various health promotion intervention formats, among women with either a mobility impairment, intellectual disability, or learning disability.

Degree Name

Public Administration

Level of Degree


Department Name

School of Public Administration

First Committee Member (Chair)

Desai, Uday

Second Committee Member

Huang, Kun




Evaluation of Mammography Screening and Awareness Health Promotion Interventions Targeting Women with Disabilities: A Systematic Literature Review

Document Type

