Public Administration ETDs

Publication Date



Subsidized housing services for the low-income elderly of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County are uneven in their distribution and inadequate in supply because federal guidelines and regulations and New Mexico legislation which govern local public housing activity are restrictive; data upon which local housing planning is based are inaccurate; and because the Bernalillo County Housing Authority has not developed its adminstrative structure and procedures to adequately deliver housing services to its needy elderly residents. An evaluation of the guidelines and regulations of locally implemented federal housing programs for the elderly results in the conclusion that elderly housing interests are not being well served in several instances. An examination of local demographic data yields estimates of housing assistance needs in contradiction to those reflected in the Housing Assistance Plans for Albuquerque and Bernalillo County. These documents reveal underestimates of need for the area's low-income elderly residents. The structural organization of and the administrative procedures used by the Bernalillo County Housing Authority as well as certain New Mexico legal restrictions and HUD regulations further impede the delivery of subsidized housing services to the low-income elderly of the unincorporated areas of Bernalillo County.

Based on evaluations of the above, recommendations with regard to altering the basis upon which elderly housing planning is made are set forth; changes in HUD housing policies as they apply to the participation of elderly people in federal housing programs are offered; and finally, it is suggested that the administrative procedures of the Bernalillo County Housing Authority, particularly the planning process, be altered to bring subsidized housing more effectively to needy elderly persons of the area.

Degree Name

Public Administration

Level of Degree


Department Name

School of Public Administration

First Committee Member (Chair)

Leonard Arnold Stitelman

Second Committee Member

Ferrel Heady

Third Committee Member

Alan Barry Reed



Document Type

