Public Administration ETDs

Publication Date



Air pollution is increasing and advancing to such a degree as to interfere with various aspects of our total environment. It cannot be considered as a separate problem, but must be treated as a part of the interactions of a varied and complex ecological system.

The problem of air pollution control involves numerous factors such as technical, political, fiscal, social and cultural. This study concerns itself with the problem of air quality control regionalization and some of the factors involved.

Air pollution control on a regional basis was initiated in 1963 when the ''Clean Air Act of 1963" was adopted. This approach was further improved by passage of the "Air Quality Control Act of 1967." The purpose of the 1967 Legislation was to encourage and assist the development and operation of regional air pollution control programs. The emphasis of regionalization on a total comprehensive or regional approach was the goal.

Analysis based upon a study of the Albuquerque Mid-Rio Grande Air Quality Control Region and other air quality control regions throughout the Nation shows that regionalization as proposed by the "Air Quality Control Act of 1967" did not fully achieve its goal.

Degree Name

Public Administration

Level of Degree


Department Name

School of Public Administration

First Committee Member (Chair)

Albert H. Rosenthal

Second Committee Member

Donald W. Smithburg

Third Committee Member

Leonard Stitelman



Document Type

