Public Administration ETDs

Publication Date



This is a study of the Emergency Medical Services in the City of Albuquerque. That the present services leave a lot to be desired has been demonstrated through the public uproar and irritations that have been evident in daily newspaper articles. The taxpayer has been further irritated by the fact that the city and county governments are subsidizing an ambulance company which doesn't even meet local standards as outlined through city ambulance ordinances, let alone national standards! How many persons have died in the Albuquerque area because emergency medical services either were too little or too late cannot be documented, yet it is suspected that there have been dozens. The citizens of Albuquerque get the kind of service they pay for - inadequate! The city subsidizes emergency medical services at a per capita rate of 14¢. In contrast, cities with first class emergency services and programs spend at a per capita rate of between $1.00 and $2.00 and more. Two past study groups - the Community Protection Task Force and the defunct Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council - have recommended a two-tier system to reduce response time now taken for help to reach a medical emergency. While that won't answer all the shortcomings of the present system, the plan should help more people survive accidents and other medical emergencies. This study was undertaken in the belief that the complex problem of emergency ambulance services in the City of Albuquerque can and must be solved! The main goal of this study is to evaluate the present services and make recommendations that will be beneficial to the public at large and to the thousands who will be in need of the efficient and competent life saving services that must be offered from a properly manned and equipped ambulance and rescue service.

Degree Name

Public Administration

Level of Degree


Department Name

School of Public Administration

First Committee Member (Chair)

Donald Winston Smithburg

Second Committee Member

Gerald Joseph Boyle

Third Committee Member

Albert H. Rosenthal



Document Type

