Public Administration ETDs
Publication Date
This study seeks to learn how New Mexico State government contributes to the increased use of scientific and technological knowledge in the private and public sectors of its economy and to learn how it takes action to help alleviate some of the problems that appear in consequence of technological change or lack thereof. Since it is much too broad for my study to cover the spectrum of problems raised by science in the social order I have, therefore, confined myself to discussing the following aspects:
- Describing existing governmental mechanisms and policies for technological innovation in New Mexico;
- Identifying and appraising factors influencing the structure and innovative capacities of the state’s economic institutions;
- Appraising from the state's point of view the programs and processes of relevant federal agencies and their linkages to the state government on items concerning science and technology; and
- Identifying various means by which public and private organizations with technological information and activities are linked.
While the study was to include advisory groups to the New Mexico State Legislature, I found it difficult to identify much progress or effort by this ranch of state government to use advice on science and technology to solve any massive or complex problems of our society. The study reveals that the New Mexico State Legislature, as well as most other legislatures, has long been troubled by the problem of need and availability of unbiased scientific advice, so that its laws can take into account the effects of science and technology upon society. In particular, the investigation is intended to identify conditions that will aid towards the fostering of successful policies for public and private innovation in New Mexico state government. In all of this, I feel that the institutions of higher learning should be the leaders. Generally, they are not. More projects such as the University of New Mexico's current Program for Advanced Study of Public Science Policy and Administration, and other similar programs of this nature, in the areas of Science and Technology should be undertaken, but unfortunately they are not. It behooves me to encourage our colleges and universities to turn their faces outward toward the community of the people they serve. The traditional academic attitude -- the ivory-tower approach -- must be changed to permit greater interest in and the dedication of more resources to the problem-solving demands of society. More of our academic scientists, both physical and social, must devote attention and talent to the “outside world'' and they must take their students with them in this venture.
Degree Name
Public Administration
Level of Degree
Department Name
School of Public Administration
First Committee Member (Chair)
Albert H. Rosenthal
Second Committee Member
Gerald Joseph Boyle
Third Committee Member
Donald Winston Smithburg
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Romero, Jose Gilbert. "Patterns of Scientific Advice in New Mexico State Government." (1973). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/padm_etds/112