Optical Science and Engineering ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 8-1-2023


This dissertation explores the development and application of diamond color centers, specifically the silicon-vacancy (SiV) and nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers, in super-resolution microscopy and magnetic imaging techniques. It demonstrates the potential of SiV centers as photostable fluorophores in stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy, with a resolution of approximately 90 nm. The research also presents a method for nanoscale magnetic microscopy using NV centers by combining charge state depletion (CSD) microscopy with optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) to image magnetic fields produced by 30 nm iron-oxide nanoparticles. The individual magnetic feature width reaches ~100 nm while resolving magnetic field patterns from nanoparticles spaced as close as ~190 nm. Despite some limitations, these findings highlight the versatility and potential of diamond color centers in advancing super-resolution microscopy and nanoscale magnetic imaging.

Degree Name

Optical Science and Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Optical Science and Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Victor Acosta

Second Committee Member

Keith Lidke

Third Committee Member

Francisco Elohim Becerra

Fourth Committee Member

Terefe Habteyes


Super-Resolution, Diamond, Nitrogen-vacancy, Silicon-vacancy

Document Type



