Optical Science and Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
This dissertation centers on broadband terahertz spectroscopy and is arranged in four main sections. In the first section, we describe terahertz generation from a two-color laser air breakdown plasma. This is modeled with a plasma current that includes plasma density and dispersion in propagation. The terahertz spatial profile has a ring-like structure with a frequency dependent radius. Parameters for optimal terahertz generation are also presented. The next two sections discuss broadband terahertz detection techniques: optically biased coherent detection and electro-absorption in a semiconductor. The subject of the fourth section is terahertz imaging with electroabsorption. Optically biased coherent detection is distinguished from air-breakdown coherent detection by replacing the electrical bias for an optical field. The importance of phase control in this technique is demonstrated. In addition, we found the terahertz-induced second harmonic to be spectrally delay-dependent. This is due to the phase matching condition and is discussed in detail. Terahertz-induced electro-absorption is performed in GaAs/AlGaAs multiple double quantum wells and an AlGaAs bulk semiconductor. To the best of the author's knowledge, this is the first demonstration of large modulation induced by a single cycle terahertz pulse in such structures. The underlying mechanism is identified as the Franz-Keldysh effect that has been successfully modeled in both the temporal and spectral regimes. Terahertz imaging of the plasma profile is accomplished with electro-absorption in these structures. The observed ring pattern is reproduced with the model described in the first section of this dissertation. Terahertz raster scan imaging of a large object is also presented.
Degree Name
Optical Science and Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Optical Science and Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Malloy, Kevin
Second Committee Member
Hayat, Majeed
Third Committee Member
Jeffrey, Cederberg
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Li, Chia-Yeh. "Ultrafast Broadband Terahertz Spectroscopy." (2016). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ose_etds/16