Optical Science and Engineering ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 7-13-2024


Fano resonances result from the interference between a broad background and a narrow state, producing asymmetric scattering profiles. Under specific conditions, destructive interference collapses the Fano resonance width, leading to bound states in the continuum (BICs) that localize light within a nanostructure while maintaining an infinitely high-quality factor (Q-factor).

This dissertation explores the design of nanostructures with multilayer hybrid plasmonic-dielectric metasurfaces using full-wave numerical simulations, facilitating multiple Fano resonances and BICs. By adjusting nanoantenna dimensions, multiple modes are excited at plasmonic-dielectric interfaces, leading to strong interactions and hybridization of energy levels, manifested as Rabi splitting.

These findings enable advancements in photonics, including tunable devices, high-Q-factor resonators, and optical filters. Additionally, the study designs nanostructures to enhance plasmonic hot electron generation from gold nanoelectrodes, optimizing lattice periods for maximum field enhancement and electron injection into water, offering guidelines for designing plasmonic nanostructures for hot electron applications.

Degree Name

Optical Science and Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Optical Science and Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Dr. Viktoriia E. Babicheva

Second Committee Member

Dr. Christos Christodoulou

Third Committee Member

Dr. Emil Enache-Pommer

Fourth Committee Member

Dr. Terefe Habteyes


Fano resonances, Rabi splitting, bound states in the continuum, plasmonic hot electron generation.

Document Type



