Organization, Information and Learning Sciences ETDs
Publication Date
Teacher-implementing scaffolding is fundamental in teaching that was disrupted by the sudden move to emergency remote teaching during the pandemic. A review of research found trends based on grade and subject and that teacher’s responsiveness was the main contingent processes reported. Based on this a survey was developed and an exploratory factor analysis was completed. An analysis of the survey results found differences in teacher agency, self-efficacy, and the supports used when comparing in-person and online teacher-implemented scaffolding. Qualitative results further support findings and describe teachers’ perspective on the change to the environment, adaptations made, and hinderances noted while supporting student learning while online.
Degree Name
Organization, Information and Learning Sciences
Level of Degree
Department Name
Organization, Information & Learning Sciences
First Committee Member (Chair)
Vanessa Svihla
Second Committee Member
Victor Law
Third Committee Member
Mark Emmons
Fourth Committee Member
Carolyn Hushman
Teacher agency, Self-efficacy, Emergency remote teaching, pandemic, In-service teachers
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Dominguez, Sara and Vanessa Svihla. "TEACHER-IMPLEMENTED SCAFFOLDING." (2026). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/oils_etds/71