Nursing ETDs
Publication Date
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the health beliefs of migrant farm worker parents in their own words. The concepts of health beliefs were explored using the qualitative research design of ethnography. A purposive sample consisted of twenty migrant farm worker parents ranging in age from 19 to 50 working in Weld County in north central Colorado. Data collection took place over a 2 month period during growing season. Data were generated using the following techniques: interviews, field notes, and journaling. Ethnographic analysis yielded themes and sub-themes from the data. The overarching theme is the migrant farm worker parents pride in having healthy children. Four dominant themes were derived from the data using ethnographic analysis: (1) kinship (2) respect, (3) a matter of convenience, and (4) inhibition/suppression. The major findings were: (1) the emergence of a nonstereotypical image of migrant farm worker parents; (2) the identification of a community within a community; and (3) the importance of respect over cultural or spiritual considerations.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
College of Nursing
First Committee Member (Chair)
Shuster, Geoff
Second Committee Member
Salt, Rebekah
Third Committee Member
DeRoche, Andy
Parental Health Beliefs, Ethnography
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Newton, Alexis Marie. "An Ethnographic Exploration of Parental Beliefs of Migrant Farm Worker Parents." (2010). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nurs_etds/32