Nanoscience and Microsystems ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 11-15-2021


High Voltage Contactless Electrodes (HVE) non-evasively modulates silica sol-gel reactions by redistributing charge in solution. HVE induces formation of local neutral band (LNB) strata (pseudo interfacial surfaces) where the gradient of potential is zero βˆ‡πœ“πœ“=0. HVE LNB shape corresponds to solubility and ultimately sol-gel form. HVE silica sol-gel control works by localizing pH and creating conditions where silanol polymerization is biform; condensation by protonation (cathodic), or by deprotonation (anodic). Steric modified Poisson-Boltzmann equation is used to develop a theory on HVE control of silica sol-gel formation and a nucleate potential functional of potential πœ“πœ“. Technologies developed during this research are protected by provisional patents with University of New Mexico Rainforest Innovations technology transfer office and have broad commercial applicability. HVE sol-gel technology enables new methods for silica sol-gel synthesis and chemical process modulation, e.g., rapid nanorod array growth, enhanced surfactant templating, chemical patterning, non-evasive mixing, and Janus particle synthesis.


Silica, sol-gel, contactless electrodes, electric field control, nanorod array, mesoporous silica, surfactant templating, local neutral bulk, biform, solubility, Janus particles

Document Type




Degree Name

Nanoscience and Microsystems

Level of Degree


Department Name

Nanoscience and Microsystems

First Committee Member (Chair)

Dimiter N. Petsev

Second Committee Member

C. Jeffery Brinker

Third Committee Member

Nick J. Carroll

Fourth Committee Member

Christos Christodoulou

Fifth Committee Member

Achraf Noureddine
